Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #include <rpc/server.h>
7 #include <addrman.h>
8 #include <addrman_impl.h>
9 #include <banman.h>
10 #include <chainparams.h>
11 #include <clientversion.h>
12 #include <core_io.h>
13 #include <net_permissions.h>
14 #include <net_processing.h>
15 #include <net_types.h> // For banmap_t
16 #include <netbase.h>
17 #include <node/context.h>
18 #include <node/protocol_version.h>
19 #include <policy/settings.h>
20 #include <protocol.h>
21 #include <rpc/blockchain.h>
22 #include <rpc/protocol.h>
23 #include <rpc/server_util.h>
24 #include <rpc/util.h>
25 #include <sync.h>
26 #include <timedata.h>
27 #include <util/chaintype.h>
28 #include <util/strencodings.h>
29 #include <util/string.h>
30 #include <util/time.h>
31 #include <util/translation.h>
32 #include <validation.h>
33 #include <warnings.h>
35 #include <optional>
37 #include <univalue.h>
39 using node::NodeContext;
41 const std::vector<std::string> CONNECTION_TYPE_DOC{
42  "outbound-full-relay (default automatic connections)",
43  "block-relay-only (does not relay transactions or addresses)",
44  "inbound (initiated by the peer)",
45  "manual (added via addnode RPC or -addnode/-connect configuration options)",
46  "addr-fetch (short-lived automatic connection for soliciting addresses)",
47  "feeler (short-lived automatic connection for testing addresses)"
48 };
50 const std::vector<std::string> TRANSPORT_TYPE_DOC{
51  "detecting (peer could be v1 or v2)",
52  "v1 (plaintext transport protocol)",
53  "v2 (BIP324 encrypted transport protocol)"
54 };
57 {
58  return RPCHelpMan{"getconnectioncount",
59  "\nReturns the number of connections to other nodes.\n",
60  {},
61  RPCResult{
62  RPCResult::Type::NUM, "", "The connection count"
63  },
65  HelpExampleCli("getconnectioncount", "")
66  + HelpExampleRpc("getconnectioncount", "")
67  },
68  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
69 {
70  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
71  const CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
74 },
75  };
76 }
78 static RPCHelpMan ping()
79 {
80  return RPCHelpMan{"ping",
81  "\nRequests that a ping be sent to all other nodes, to measure ping time.\n"
82  "Results provided in getpeerinfo, pingtime and pingwait fields are decimal seconds.\n"
83  "Ping command is handled in queue with all other commands, so it measures processing backlog, not just network ping.\n",
84  {},
87  HelpExampleCli("ping", "")
88  + HelpExampleRpc("ping", "")
89  },
90  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
91 {
92  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
93  PeerManager& peerman = EnsurePeerman(node);
95  // Request that each node send a ping during next message processing pass
96  peerman.SendPings();
97  return UniValue::VNULL;
98 },
99  };
100 }
104 {
105  UniValue servicesNames(UniValue::VARR);
107  for (const auto& flag : serviceFlagsToStr(services)) {
108  servicesNames.push_back(flag);
109  }
111  return servicesNames;
112 }
115 {
116  return RPCHelpMan{
117  "getpeerinfo",
118  "Returns data about each connected network peer as a json array of objects.",
119  {},
120  RPCResult{
121  RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "",
122  {
123  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
124  {
125  {
126  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "id", "Peer index"},
127  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "addr", "(host:port) The IP address and port of the peer"},
128  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "addrbind", /*optional=*/true, "(ip:port) Bind address of the connection to the peer"},
129  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "addrlocal", /*optional=*/true, "(ip:port) Local address as reported by the peer"},
130  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "network", "Network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(/*append_unroutable=*/true), ", ") + ")"},
131  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "mapped_as", /*optional=*/true, "The AS in the BGP route to the peer used for diversifying\n"
132  "peer selection (only available if the asmap config flag is set)"},
133  {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "services", "The services offered"},
134  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "servicesnames", "the services offered, in human-readable form",
135  {
136  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "SERVICE_NAME", "the service name if it is recognised"}
137  }},
138  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "relaytxes", "Whether we relay transactions to this peer"},
139  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "lastsend", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last send"},
140  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "lastrecv", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last receive"},
141  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "last_transaction", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last valid transaction received from this peer"},
142  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "last_block", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the last block received from this peer"},
143  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "bytessent", "The total bytes sent"},
144  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "bytesrecv", "The total bytes received"},
145  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "conntime", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " of the connection"},
146  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "timeoffset", "The time offset in seconds"},
147  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "pingtime", /*optional=*/true, "The last ping time in milliseconds (ms), if any"},
148  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "minping", /*optional=*/true, "The minimum observed ping time in milliseconds (ms), if any"},
149  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "pingwait", /*optional=*/true, "The duration in milliseconds (ms) of an outstanding ping (if non-zero)"},
150  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "version", "The peer version, such as 70001"},
151  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "subver", "The string version"},
152  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "inbound", "Inbound (true) or Outbound (false)"},
153  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "bip152_hb_to", "Whether we selected peer as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer"},
154  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "bip152_hb_from", "Whether peer selected us as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer"},
155  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "startingheight", "The starting height (block) of the peer"},
156  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "presynced_headers", "The current height of header pre-synchronization with this peer, or -1 if no low-work sync is in progress"},
157  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "synced_headers", "The last header we have in common with this peer"},
158  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "synced_blocks", "The last block we have in common with this peer"},
159  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "inflight", "",
160  {
161  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "n", "The heights of blocks we're currently asking from this peer"},
162  }},
163  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "addr_relay_enabled", "Whether we participate in address relay with this peer"},
164  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "addr_processed", "The total number of addresses processed, excluding those dropped due to rate limiting"},
165  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "addr_rate_limited", "The total number of addresses dropped due to rate limiting"},
166  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "permissions", "Any special permissions that have been granted to this peer",
167  {
168  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "permission_type", Join(NET_PERMISSIONS_DOC, ",\n") + ".\n"},
169  }},
170  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "minfeefilter", "The minimum fee rate for transactions this peer accepts"},
171  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "bytessent_per_msg", "",
172  {
173  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "msg", "The total bytes sent aggregated by message type\n"
174  "When a message type is not listed in this json object, the bytes sent are 0.\n"
175  "Only known message types can appear as keys in the object."}
176  }},
177  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "bytesrecv_per_msg", "",
178  {
179  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "msg", "The total bytes received aggregated by message type\n"
180  "When a message type is not listed in this json object, the bytes received are 0.\n"
181  "Only known message types can appear as keys in the object and all bytes received\n"
182  "of unknown message types are listed under '"+NET_MESSAGE_TYPE_OTHER+"'."}
183  }},
184  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "connection_type", "Type of connection: \n" + Join(CONNECTION_TYPE_DOC, ",\n") + ".\n"
185  "Please note this output is unlikely to be stable in upcoming releases as we iterate to\n"
186  "best capture connection behaviors."},
187  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "transport_protocol_type", "Type of transport protocol: \n" + Join(TRANSPORT_TYPE_DOC, ",\n") + ".\n"},
188  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "session_id", "The session ID for this connection, or \"\" if there is none (\"v2\" transport protocol only).\n"},
189  }},
190  }},
191  },
192  RPCExamples{
193  HelpExampleCli("getpeerinfo", "")
194  + HelpExampleRpc("getpeerinfo", "")
195  },
196  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
197 {
198  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
199  const CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
200  const PeerManager& peerman = EnsurePeerman(node);
202  std::vector<CNodeStats> vstats;
203  connman.GetNodeStats(vstats);
207  for (const CNodeStats& stats : vstats) {
209  CNodeStateStats statestats;
210  bool fStateStats = peerman.GetNodeStateStats(stats.nodeid, statestats);
211  // GetNodeStateStats() requires the existence of a CNodeState and a Peer object
212  // to succeed for this peer. These are created at connection initialisation and
213  // exist for the duration of the connection - except if there is a race where the
214  // peer got disconnected in between the GetNodeStats() and the GetNodeStateStats()
215  // calls. In this case, the peer doesn't need to be reported here.
216  if (!fStateStats) {
217  continue;
218  }
219  obj.pushKV("id", stats.nodeid);
220  obj.pushKV("addr", stats.m_addr_name);
221  if (stats.addrBind.IsValid()) {
222  obj.pushKV("addrbind", stats.addrBind.ToStringAddrPort());
223  }
224  if (!(stats.addrLocal.empty())) {
225  obj.pushKV("addrlocal", stats.addrLocal);
226  }
227  obj.pushKV("network", GetNetworkName(stats.m_network));
228  if (stats.m_mapped_as != 0) {
229  obj.pushKV("mapped_as", uint64_t(stats.m_mapped_as));
230  }
231  ServiceFlags services{statestats.their_services};
232  obj.pushKV("services", strprintf("%016x", services));
233  obj.pushKV("servicesnames", GetServicesNames(services));
234  obj.pushKV("relaytxes", statestats.m_relay_txs);
235  obj.pushKV("lastsend", count_seconds(stats.m_last_send));
236  obj.pushKV("lastrecv", count_seconds(stats.m_last_recv));
237  obj.pushKV("last_transaction", count_seconds(stats.m_last_tx_time));
238  obj.pushKV("last_block", count_seconds(stats.m_last_block_time));
239  obj.pushKV("bytessent", stats.nSendBytes);
240  obj.pushKV("bytesrecv", stats.nRecvBytes);
241  obj.pushKV("conntime", count_seconds(stats.m_connected));
242  obj.pushKV("timeoffset", stats.nTimeOffset);
243  if (stats.m_last_ping_time > 0us) {
244  obj.pushKV("pingtime", Ticks<SecondsDouble>(stats.m_last_ping_time));
245  }
246  if (stats.m_min_ping_time < std::chrono::microseconds::max()) {
247  obj.pushKV("minping", Ticks<SecondsDouble>(stats.m_min_ping_time));
248  }
249  if (statestats.m_ping_wait > 0s) {
250  obj.pushKV("pingwait", Ticks<SecondsDouble>(statestats.m_ping_wait));
251  }
252  obj.pushKV("version", stats.nVersion);
253  // Use the sanitized form of subver here, to avoid tricksy remote peers from
254  // corrupting or modifying the JSON output by putting special characters in
255  // their ver message.
256  obj.pushKV("subver", stats.cleanSubVer);
257  obj.pushKV("inbound", stats.fInbound);
258  obj.pushKV("bip152_hb_to", stats.m_bip152_highbandwidth_to);
259  obj.pushKV("bip152_hb_from", stats.m_bip152_highbandwidth_from);
260  obj.pushKV("startingheight", statestats.m_starting_height);
261  obj.pushKV("presynced_headers", statestats.presync_height);
262  obj.pushKV("synced_headers", statestats.nSyncHeight);
263  obj.pushKV("synced_blocks", statestats.nCommonHeight);
264  UniValue heights(UniValue::VARR);
265  for (const int height : statestats.vHeightInFlight) {
266  heights.push_back(height);
267  }
268  obj.pushKV("inflight", heights);
269  obj.pushKV("addr_relay_enabled", statestats.m_addr_relay_enabled);
270  obj.pushKV("addr_processed", statestats.m_addr_processed);
271  obj.pushKV("addr_rate_limited", statestats.m_addr_rate_limited);
272  UniValue permissions(UniValue::VARR);
273  for (const auto& permission : NetPermissions::ToStrings(stats.m_permission_flags)) {
274  permissions.push_back(permission);
275  }
276  obj.pushKV("permissions", permissions);
277  obj.pushKV("minfeefilter", ValueFromAmount(statestats.m_fee_filter_received));
279  UniValue sendPerMsgType(UniValue::VOBJ);
280  for (const auto& i : stats.mapSendBytesPerMsgType) {
281  if (i.second > 0)
282  sendPerMsgType.pushKV(i.first, i.second);
283  }
284  obj.pushKV("bytessent_per_msg", sendPerMsgType);
286  UniValue recvPerMsgType(UniValue::VOBJ);
287  for (const auto& i : stats.mapRecvBytesPerMsgType) {
288  if (i.second > 0)
289  recvPerMsgType.pushKV(i.first, i.second);
290  }
291  obj.pushKV("bytesrecv_per_msg", recvPerMsgType);
292  obj.pushKV("connection_type", ConnectionTypeAsString(stats.m_conn_type));
293  obj.pushKV("transport_protocol_type", TransportTypeAsString(stats.m_transport_type));
294  obj.pushKV("session_id", stats.m_session_id);
296  ret.push_back(obj);
297  }
299  return ret;
300 },
301  };
302 }
305 {
306  return RPCHelpMan{"addnode",
307  "\nAttempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list.\n"
308  "Or try a connection to a node once.\n"
309  "Nodes added using addnode (or -connect) are protected from DoS disconnection and are not required to be\n"
310  "full nodes/support SegWit as other outbound peers are (though such peers will not be synced from).\n" +
311  strprintf("Addnode connections are limited to %u at a time", MAX_ADDNODE_CONNECTIONS) +
312  " and are counted separately from the -maxconnections limit.\n",
313  {
314  {"node", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The address of the peer to connect to"},
315  {"command", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "'add' to add a node to the list, 'remove' to remove a node from the list, 'onetry' to try a connection to the node once"},
316  {"v2transport", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, RPCArg::DefaultHint{"set by -v2transport"}, "Attempt to connect using BIP324 v2 transport protocol (ignored for 'remove' command)"},
317  },
319  RPCExamples{
320  HelpExampleCli("addnode", "\"\" \"onetry\" true")
321  + HelpExampleRpc("addnode", "\"\", \"onetry\" true")
322  },
323  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
324 {
325  const std::string command{request.params[1].get_str()};
326  if (command != "onetry" && command != "add" && command != "remove") {
327  throw std::runtime_error(
328  self.ToString());
329  }
331  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
332  CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
334  const std::string node_arg{request.params[0].get_str()};
335  bool node_v2transport = connman.GetLocalServices() & NODE_P2P_V2;
336  bool use_v2transport = self.MaybeArg<bool>(2).value_or(node_v2transport);
338  if (use_v2transport && !node_v2transport) {
339  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Error: v2transport requested but not enabled (see -v2transport)");
340  }
342  if (command == "onetry")
343  {
344  CAddress addr;
345  connman.OpenNetworkConnection(addr, /*fCountFailure=*/false, /*grant_outbound=*/{}, node_arg.c_str(), ConnectionType::MANUAL, use_v2transport);
346  return UniValue::VNULL;
347  }
349  if (command == "add")
350  {
351  if (!connman.AddNode({node_arg, use_v2transport})) {
352  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_ALREADY_ADDED, "Error: Node already added");
353  }
354  }
355  else if (command == "remove")
356  {
357  if (!connman.RemoveAddedNode(node_arg)) {
358  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_NOT_ADDED, "Error: Node could not be removed. It has not been added previously.");
359  }
360  }
362  return UniValue::VNULL;
363 },
364  };
365 }
368 {
369  return RPCHelpMan{"addconnection",
370  "\nOpen an outbound connection to a specified node. This RPC is for testing only.\n",
371  {
372  {"address", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The IP address and port to attempt connecting to."},
373  {"connection_type", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "Type of connection to open (\"outbound-full-relay\", \"block-relay-only\", \"addr-fetch\" or \"feeler\")."},
374  {"v2transport", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "Attempt to connect using BIP324 v2 transport protocol"},
375  },
376  RPCResult{
377  RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
378  {
379  { RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "Address of newly added connection." },
380  { RPCResult::Type::STR, "connection_type", "Type of connection opened." },
381  }},
382  RPCExamples{
383  HelpExampleCli("addconnection", "\"\" \"outbound-full-relay\" true")
384  + HelpExampleRpc("addconnection", "\"\" \"outbound-full-relay\" true")
385  },
386  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
387 {
389  throw std::runtime_error("addconnection is for regression testing (-regtest mode) only.");
390  }
392  const std::string address = request.params[0].get_str();
393  const std::string conn_type_in{TrimString(request.params[1].get_str())};
394  ConnectionType conn_type{};
395  if (conn_type_in == "outbound-full-relay") {
397  } else if (conn_type_in == "block-relay-only") {
398  conn_type = ConnectionType::BLOCK_RELAY;
399  } else if (conn_type_in == "addr-fetch") {
400  conn_type = ConnectionType::ADDR_FETCH;
401  } else if (conn_type_in == "feeler") {
402  conn_type = ConnectionType::FEELER;
403  } else {
405  }
406  bool use_v2transport = self.Arg<bool>(2);
408  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
409  CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
411  if (use_v2transport && !(connman.GetLocalServices() & NODE_P2P_V2)) {
412  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Error: Adding v2transport connections requires -v2transport init flag to be set.");
413  }
415  const bool success = connman.AddConnection(address, conn_type, use_v2transport);
416  if (!success) {
417  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_CAPACITY_REACHED, "Error: Already at capacity for specified connection type.");
418  }
420  UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ);
421  info.pushKV("address", address);
422  info.pushKV("connection_type", conn_type_in);
424  return info;
425 },
426  };
427 }
430 {
431  return RPCHelpMan{"disconnectnode",
432  "\nImmediately disconnects from the specified peer node.\n"
433  "\nStrictly one out of 'address' and 'nodeid' can be provided to identify the node.\n"
434  "\nTo disconnect by nodeid, either set 'address' to the empty string, or call using the named 'nodeid' argument only.\n",
435  {
436  {"address", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::DefaultHint{"fallback to nodeid"}, "The IP address/port of the node"},
437  {"nodeid", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::DefaultHint{"fallback to address"}, "The node ID (see getpeerinfo for node IDs)"},
438  },
440  RPCExamples{
441  HelpExampleCli("disconnectnode", "\"\"")
442  + HelpExampleCli("disconnectnode", "\"\" 1")
443  + HelpExampleRpc("disconnectnode", "\"\"")
444  + HelpExampleRpc("disconnectnode", "\"\", 1")
445  },
446  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
447 {
448  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
449  CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
451  bool success;
452  const UniValue &address_arg = request.params[0];
453  const UniValue &id_arg = request.params[1];
455  if (!address_arg.isNull() && id_arg.isNull()) {
456  /* handle disconnect-by-address */
457  success = connman.DisconnectNode(address_arg.get_str());
458  } else if (!id_arg.isNull() && (address_arg.isNull() || (address_arg.isStr() && address_arg.get_str().empty()))) {
459  /* handle disconnect-by-id */
460  NodeId nodeid = (NodeId) id_arg.getInt<int64_t>();
461  success = connman.DisconnectNode(nodeid);
462  } else {
463  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS, "Only one of address and nodeid should be provided.");
464  }
466  if (!success) {
467  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_NOT_CONNECTED, "Node not found in connected nodes");
468  }
470  return UniValue::VNULL;
471 },
472  };
473 }
476 {
477  return RPCHelpMan{"getaddednodeinfo",
478  "\nReturns information about the given added node, or all added nodes\n"
479  "(note that onetry addnodes are not listed here)\n",
480  {
481  {"node", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::DefaultHint{"all nodes"}, "If provided, return information about this specific node, otherwise all nodes are returned."},
482  },
483  RPCResult{
484  RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "",
485  {
486  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
487  {
488  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "addednode", "The node IP address or name (as provided to addnode)"},
489  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "connected", "If connected"},
490  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "addresses", "Only when connected = true",
491  {
492  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
493  {
494  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "The bitcoin server IP and port we're connected to"},
495  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "connected", "connection, inbound or outbound"},
496  }},
497  }},
498  }},
499  }
500  },
501  RPCExamples{
502  HelpExampleCli("getaddednodeinfo", "\"\"")
503  + HelpExampleRpc("getaddednodeinfo", "\"\"")
504  },
505  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
506 {
507  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
508  const CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
510  std::vector<AddedNodeInfo> vInfo = connman.GetAddedNodeInfo(/*include_connected=*/true);
512  if (!request.params[0].isNull()) {
513  bool found = false;
514  for (const AddedNodeInfo& info : vInfo) {
515  if (info.m_params.m_added_node == request.params[0].get_str()) {
516  vInfo.assign(1, info);
517  found = true;
518  break;
519  }
520  }
521  if (!found) {
522  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_NOT_ADDED, "Error: Node has not been added.");
523  }
524  }
528  for (const AddedNodeInfo& info : vInfo) {
530  obj.pushKV("addednode", info.m_params.m_added_node);
531  obj.pushKV("connected", info.fConnected);
532  UniValue addresses(UniValue::VARR);
533  if (info.fConnected) {
534  UniValue address(UniValue::VOBJ);
535  address.pushKV("address", info.resolvedAddress.ToStringAddrPort());
536  address.pushKV("connected", info.fInbound ? "inbound" : "outbound");
537  addresses.push_back(address);
538  }
539  obj.pushKV("addresses", addresses);
540  ret.push_back(obj);
541  }
543  return ret;
544 },
545  };
546 }
549 {
550  return RPCHelpMan{"getnettotals",
551  "Returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out,\n"
552  "and current system time.",
553  {},
554  RPCResult{
555  RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
556  {
557  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "totalbytesrecv", "Total bytes received"},
558  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "totalbytessent", "Total bytes sent"},
559  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "timemillis", "Current system " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " in milliseconds"},
560  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "uploadtarget", "",
561  {
562  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "timeframe", "Length of the measuring timeframe in seconds"},
563  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "target", "Target in bytes"},
564  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "target_reached", "True if target is reached"},
565  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "serve_historical_blocks", "True if serving historical blocks"},
566  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "bytes_left_in_cycle", "Bytes left in current time cycle"},
567  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "time_left_in_cycle", "Seconds left in current time cycle"},
568  }},
569  }
570  },
571  RPCExamples{
572  HelpExampleCli("getnettotals", "")
573  + HelpExampleRpc("getnettotals", "")
574  },
575  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
576 {
577  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
578  const CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
581  obj.pushKV("totalbytesrecv", connman.GetTotalBytesRecv());
582  obj.pushKV("totalbytessent", connman.GetTotalBytesSent());
583  obj.pushKV("timemillis", TicksSinceEpoch<std::chrono::milliseconds>(SystemClock::now()));
585  UniValue outboundLimit(UniValue::VOBJ);
586  outboundLimit.pushKV("timeframe", count_seconds(connman.GetMaxOutboundTimeframe()));
587  outboundLimit.pushKV("target", connman.GetMaxOutboundTarget());
588  outboundLimit.pushKV("target_reached", connman.OutboundTargetReached(false));
589  outboundLimit.pushKV("serve_historical_blocks", !connman.OutboundTargetReached(true));
590  outboundLimit.pushKV("bytes_left_in_cycle", connman.GetOutboundTargetBytesLeft());
591  outboundLimit.pushKV("time_left_in_cycle", count_seconds(connman.GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle()));
592  obj.pushKV("uploadtarget", outboundLimit);
593  return obj;
594 },
595  };
596 }
599 {
600  UniValue networks(UniValue::VARR);
601  for (int n = 0; n < NET_MAX; ++n) {
602  enum Network network = static_cast<enum Network>(n);
603  if (network == NET_UNROUTABLE || network == NET_INTERNAL) continue;
604  Proxy proxy;
606  GetProxy(network, proxy);
607  obj.pushKV("name", GetNetworkName(network));
608  obj.pushKV("limited", !g_reachable_nets.Contains(network));
609  obj.pushKV("reachable", g_reachable_nets.Contains(network));
610  obj.pushKV("proxy", proxy.IsValid() ? proxy.ToString() : std::string());
611  obj.pushKV("proxy_randomize_credentials", proxy.m_randomize_credentials);
612  networks.push_back(obj);
613  }
614  return networks;
615 }
618 {
619  return RPCHelpMan{"getnetworkinfo",
620  "Returns an object containing various state info regarding P2P networking.\n",
621  {},
622  RPCResult{
623  RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
624  {
625  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "version", "the server version"},
626  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "subversion", "the server subversion string"},
627  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "protocolversion", "the protocol version"},
628  {RPCResult::Type::STR_HEX, "localservices", "the services we offer to the network"},
629  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "localservicesnames", "the services we offer to the network, in human-readable form",
630  {
631  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "SERVICE_NAME", "the service name"},
632  }},
633  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "localrelay", "true if transaction relay is requested from peers"},
634  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "timeoffset", "the time offset"},
635  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "connections", "the total number of connections"},
636  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "connections_in", "the number of inbound connections"},
637  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "connections_out", "the number of outbound connections"},
638  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "networkactive", "whether p2p networking is enabled"},
639  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "networks", "information per network",
640  {
641  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
642  {
643  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "name", "network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + ")"},
644  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "limited", "is the network limited using -onlynet?"},
645  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "reachable", "is the network reachable?"},
646  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "proxy", "(\"host:port\") the proxy that is used for this network, or empty if none"},
647  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "proxy_randomize_credentials", "Whether randomized credentials are used"},
648  }},
649  }},
650  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "relayfee", "minimum relay fee rate for transactions in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB"},
651  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "incrementalfee", "minimum fee rate increment for mempool limiting or replacement in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kvB"},
652  {RPCResult::Type::ARR, "localaddresses", "list of local addresses",
653  {
654  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
655  {
656  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "network address"},
657  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "port", "network port"},
658  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "score", "relative score"},
659  }},
660  }},
661  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "warnings", "any network and blockchain warnings"},
662  }
663  },
664  RPCExamples{
665  HelpExampleCli("getnetworkinfo", "")
666  + HelpExampleRpc("getnetworkinfo", "")
667  },
668  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
669 {
670  LOCK(cs_main);
672  obj.pushKV("version", CLIENT_VERSION);
673  obj.pushKV("subversion", strSubVersion);
674  obj.pushKV("protocolversion",PROTOCOL_VERSION);
675  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
676  if (node.connman) {
677  ServiceFlags services = node.connman->GetLocalServices();
678  obj.pushKV("localservices", strprintf("%016x", services));
679  obj.pushKV("localservicesnames", GetServicesNames(services));
680  }
681  if (node.peerman) {
682  obj.pushKV("localrelay", !node.peerman->IgnoresIncomingTxs());
683  }
684  obj.pushKV("timeoffset", GetTimeOffset());
685  if (node.connman) {
686  obj.pushKV("networkactive", node.connman->GetNetworkActive());
687  obj.pushKV("connections", node.connman->GetNodeCount(ConnectionDirection::Both));
688  obj.pushKV("connections_in", node.connman->GetNodeCount(ConnectionDirection::In));
689  obj.pushKV("connections_out", node.connman->GetNodeCount(ConnectionDirection::Out));
690  }
691  obj.pushKV("networks", GetNetworksInfo());
692  if (node.mempool) {
693  // Those fields can be deprecated, to be replaced by the getmempoolinfo fields
694  obj.pushKV("relayfee", ValueFromAmount(node.mempool->m_min_relay_feerate.GetFeePerK()));
695  obj.pushKV("incrementalfee", ValueFromAmount(node.mempool->m_incremental_relay_feerate.GetFeePerK()));
696  }
697  UniValue localAddresses(UniValue::VARR);
698  {
700  for (const std::pair<const CNetAddr, LocalServiceInfo> &item : mapLocalHost)
701  {
703  rec.pushKV("address", item.first.ToStringAddr());
704  rec.pushKV("port", item.second.nPort);
705  rec.pushKV("score", item.second.nScore);
706  localAddresses.push_back(rec);
707  }
708  }
709  obj.pushKV("localaddresses", localAddresses);
710  obj.pushKV("warnings", GetWarnings(false).original);
711  return obj;
712 },
713  };
714 }
717 {
718  return RPCHelpMan{"setban",
719  "\nAttempts to add or remove an IP/Subnet from the banned list.\n",
720  {
721  {"subnet", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The IP/Subnet (see getpeerinfo for nodes IP) with an optional netmask (default is /32 = single IP)"},
722  {"command", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "'add' to add an IP/Subnet to the list, 'remove' to remove an IP/Subnet from the list"},
723  {"bantime", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Default{0}, "time in seconds how long (or until when if [absolute] is set) the IP is banned (0 or empty means using the default time of 24h which can also be overwritten by the -bantime startup argument)"},
724  {"absolute", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, RPCArg::Default{false}, "If set, the bantime must be an absolute timestamp expressed in " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME},
725  },
727  RPCExamples{
728  HelpExampleCli("setban", "\"\" \"add\" 86400")
729  + HelpExampleCli("setban", "\"\" \"add\"")
730  + HelpExampleRpc("setban", "\"\", \"add\", 86400")
731  },
732  [&](const RPCHelpMan& help, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
733 {
734  std::string strCommand;
735  if (!request.params[1].isNull())
736  strCommand = request.params[1].get_str();
737  if (strCommand != "add" && strCommand != "remove") {
738  throw std::runtime_error(help.ToString());
739  }
740  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
741  BanMan& banman = EnsureBanman(node);
743  CSubNet subNet;
744  CNetAddr netAddr;
745  bool isSubnet = false;
747  if (request.params[0].get_str().find('/') != std::string::npos)
748  isSubnet = true;
750  if (!isSubnet) {
751  const std::optional<CNetAddr> addr{LookupHost(request.params[0].get_str(), false)};
752  if (addr.has_value()) {
753  netAddr = static_cast<CNetAddr>(MaybeFlipIPv6toCJDNS(CService{addr.value(), /*port=*/0}));
754  }
755  }
756  else
757  subNet = LookupSubNet(request.params[0].get_str());
759  if (! (isSubnet ? subNet.IsValid() : netAddr.IsValid()) )
760  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET, "Error: Invalid IP/Subnet");
762  if (strCommand == "add")
763  {
764  if (isSubnet ? banman.IsBanned(subNet) : banman.IsBanned(netAddr)) {
765  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_NODE_ALREADY_ADDED, "Error: IP/Subnet already banned");
766  }
768  int64_t banTime = 0; //use standard bantime if not specified
769  if (!request.params[2].isNull())
770  banTime = request.params[2].getInt<int64_t>();
772  const bool absolute{request.params[3].isNull() ? false : request.params[3].get_bool()};
774  if (absolute && banTime < GetTime()) {
775  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Error: Absolute timestamp is in the past");
776  }
778  if (isSubnet) {
779  banman.Ban(subNet, banTime, absolute);
780  if (node.connman) {
781  node.connman->DisconnectNode(subNet);
782  }
783  } else {
784  banman.Ban(netAddr, banTime, absolute);
785  if (node.connman) {
786  node.connman->DisconnectNode(netAddr);
787  }
788  }
789  }
790  else if(strCommand == "remove")
791  {
792  if (!( isSubnet ? banman.Unban(subNet) : banman.Unban(netAddr) )) {
793  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET, "Error: Unban failed. Requested address/subnet was not previously manually banned.");
794  }
795  }
796  return UniValue::VNULL;
797 },
798  };
799 }
802 {
803  return RPCHelpMan{"listbanned",
804  "\nList all manually banned IPs/Subnets.\n",
805  {},
807  {
808  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
809  {
810  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "The IP/Subnet of the banned node"},
811  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "ban_created", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " the ban was created"},
812  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "banned_until", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " the ban expires"},
813  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "ban_duration", "The ban duration, in seconds"},
814  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "time_remaining", "The time remaining until the ban expires, in seconds"},
815  }},
816  }},
817  RPCExamples{
818  HelpExampleCli("listbanned", "")
819  + HelpExampleRpc("listbanned", "")
820  },
821  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
822 {
823  BanMan& banman = EnsureAnyBanman(request.context);
825  banmap_t banMap;
826  banman.GetBanned(banMap);
827  const int64_t current_time{GetTime()};
829  UniValue bannedAddresses(UniValue::VARR);
830  for (const auto& entry : banMap)
831  {
832  const CBanEntry& banEntry = entry.second;
834  rec.pushKV("address", entry.first.ToString());
835  rec.pushKV("ban_created", banEntry.nCreateTime);
836  rec.pushKV("banned_until", banEntry.nBanUntil);
837  rec.pushKV("ban_duration", (banEntry.nBanUntil - banEntry.nCreateTime));
838  rec.pushKV("time_remaining", (banEntry.nBanUntil - current_time));
840  bannedAddresses.push_back(rec);
841  }
843  return bannedAddresses;
844 },
845  };
846 }
849 {
850  return RPCHelpMan{"clearbanned",
851  "\nClear all banned IPs.\n",
852  {},
854  RPCExamples{
855  HelpExampleCli("clearbanned", "")
856  + HelpExampleRpc("clearbanned", "")
857  },
858  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
859 {
860  BanMan& banman = EnsureAnyBanman(request.context);
862  banman.ClearBanned();
864  return UniValue::VNULL;
865 },
866  };
867 }
870 {
871  return RPCHelpMan{"setnetworkactive",
872  "\nDisable/enable all p2p network activity.\n",
873  {
874  {"state", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "true to enable networking, false to disable"},
875  },
876  RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "", "The value that was passed in"},
877  RPCExamples{""},
878  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
879 {
880  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
881  CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
883  connman.SetNetworkActive(request.params[0].get_bool());
885  return connman.GetNetworkActive();
886 },
887  };
888 }
891 {
892  return RPCHelpMan{"getnodeaddresses",
893  "Return known addresses, after filtering for quality and recency.\n"
894  "These can potentially be used to find new peers in the network.\n"
895  "The total number of addresses known to the node may be higher.",
896  {
897  {"count", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Default{1}, "The maximum number of addresses to return. Specify 0 to return all known addresses."},
898  {"network", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::DefaultHint{"all networks"}, "Return only addresses of the specified network. Can be one of: " + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + "."},
899  },
900  RPCResult{
901  RPCResult::Type::ARR, "", "",
902  {
903  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
904  {
905  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "time", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " when the node was last seen"},
906  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "services", "The services offered by the node"},
907  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "The address of the node"},
908  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "port", "The port number of the node"},
909  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "network", "The network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + ") the node connected through"},
910  }},
911  }
912  },
913  RPCExamples{
914  HelpExampleCli("getnodeaddresses", "8")
915  + HelpExampleCli("getnodeaddresses", "4 \"i2p\"")
916  + HelpExampleCli("-named getnodeaddresses", "network=onion count=12")
917  + HelpExampleRpc("getnodeaddresses", "8")
918  + HelpExampleRpc("getnodeaddresses", "4, \"i2p\"")
919  },
920  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
921 {
922  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
923  const CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
925  const int count{request.params[0].isNull() ? 1 : request.params[0].getInt<int>()};
926  if (count < 0) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Address count out of range");
928  const std::optional<Network> network{request.params[1].isNull() ? std::nullopt : std::optional<Network>{ParseNetwork(request.params[1].get_str())}};
929  if (network == NET_UNROUTABLE) {
930  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Network not recognized: %s", request.params[1].get_str()));
931  }
933  // returns a shuffled list of CAddress
934  const std::vector<CAddress> vAddr{connman.GetAddresses(count, /*max_pct=*/0, network)};
937  for (const CAddress& addr : vAddr) {
939  obj.pushKV("time", int64_t{TicksSinceEpoch<std::chrono::seconds>(addr.nTime)});
940  obj.pushKV("services", (uint64_t)addr.nServices);
941  obj.pushKV("address", addr.ToStringAddr());
942  obj.pushKV("port", addr.GetPort());
943  obj.pushKV("network", GetNetworkName(addr.GetNetClass()));
944  ret.push_back(obj);
945  }
946  return ret;
947 },
948  };
949 }
952 {
953  return RPCHelpMan{"addpeeraddress",
954  "Add the address of a potential peer to an address manager table. This RPC is for testing only.",
955  {
956  {"address", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The IP address of the peer"},
957  {"port", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The port of the peer"},
958  {"tried", RPCArg::Type::BOOL, RPCArg::Default{false}, "If true, attempt to add the peer to the tried addresses table"},
959  },
960  RPCResult{
961  RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "",
962  {
963  {RPCResult::Type::BOOL, "success", "whether the peer address was successfully added to the address manager table"},
964  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "error", /*optional=*/true, "error description, if the address could not be added"},
965  },
966  },
967  RPCExamples{
968  HelpExampleCli("addpeeraddress", "\"\" 8333 true")
969  + HelpExampleRpc("addpeeraddress", "\"\", 8333, true")
970  },
971  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue
972 {
973  AddrMan& addrman = EnsureAnyAddrman(request.context);
975  const std::string& addr_string{request.params[0].get_str()};
976  const auto port{request.params[1].getInt<uint16_t>()};
977  const bool tried{request.params[2].isNull() ? false : request.params[2].get_bool()};
980  std::optional<CNetAddr> net_addr{LookupHost(addr_string, false)};
981  bool success{false};
983  if (net_addr.has_value()) {
984  CService service{net_addr.value(), port};
986  address.nTime = Now<NodeSeconds>();
987  // The source address is set equal to the address. This is equivalent to the peer
988  // announcing itself.
989  if (addrman.Add({address}, address)) {
990  success = true;
991  if (tried) {
992  // Attempt to move the address to the tried addresses table.
993  if (!addrman.Good(address)) {
994  success = false;
995  obj.pushKV("error", "failed-adding-to-tried");
996  }
997  }
998  } else {
999  obj.pushKV("error", "failed-adding-to-new");
1000  }
1001  }
1003  obj.pushKV("success", success);
1004  return obj;
1005 },
1006  };
1007 }
1010 {
1011  return RPCHelpMan{
1012  "sendmsgtopeer",
1013  "Send a p2p message to a peer specified by id.\n"
1014  "The message type and body must be provided, the message header will be generated.\n"
1015  "This RPC is for testing only.",
1016  {
1017  {"peer_id", RPCArg::Type::NUM, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The peer to send the message to."},
1018  {"msg_type", RPCArg::Type::STR, RPCArg::Optional::NO, strprintf("The message type (maximum length %i)", CMessageHeader::COMMAND_SIZE)},
1019  {"msg", RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX, RPCArg::Optional::NO, "The serialized message body to send, in hex, without a message header"},
1020  },
1021  RPCResult{RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "", "", std::vector<RPCResult>{}},
1022  RPCExamples{
1023  HelpExampleCli("sendmsgtopeer", "0 \"addr\" \"ffffff\"") + HelpExampleRpc("sendmsgtopeer", "0 \"addr\" \"ffffff\"")},
1024  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue {
1025  const NodeId peer_id{request.params[0].getInt<int64_t>()};
1026  const std::string& msg_type{request.params[1].get_str()};
1027  if (msg_type.size() > CMessageHeader::COMMAND_SIZE) {
1028  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Error: msg_type too long, max length is %i", CMessageHeader::COMMAND_SIZE));
1029  }
1030  auto msg{TryParseHex<unsigned char>(request.params[2].get_str())};
1031  if (!msg.has_value()) {
1032  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Error parsing input for msg");
1033  }
1035  NodeContext& node = EnsureAnyNodeContext(request.context);
1036  CConnman& connman = EnsureConnman(node);
1038  CSerializedNetMsg msg_ser;
1039 = msg.value();
1040  msg_ser.m_type = msg_type;
1042  bool success = connman.ForNode(peer_id, [&](CNode* node) {
1043  connman.PushMessage(node, std::move(msg_ser));
1044  return true;
1045  });
1047  if (!success) {
1048  throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Error: Could not send message to peer");
1049  }
1052  return ret;
1053  },
1054  };
1055 }
1058 {
1059  return RPCHelpMan{
1060  "getaddrmaninfo",
1061  "\nProvides information about the node's address manager by returning the number of "
1062  "addresses in the `new` and `tried` tables and their sum for all networks.\n",
1063  {},
1064  RPCResult{
1065  RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "", "json object with network type as keys", {
1066  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "network", "the network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + ", all_networks)", {
1067  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "new", "number of addresses in the new table, which represent potential peers the node has discovered but hasn't yet successfully connected to."},
1068  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "tried", "number of addresses in the tried table, which represent peers the node has successfully connected to in the past."},
1069  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "total", "total number of addresses in both new/tried tables"},
1070  }},
1071  }},
1072  RPCExamples{HelpExampleCli("getaddrmaninfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getaddrmaninfo", "")},
1073  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue {
1074  AddrMan& addrman = EnsureAnyAddrman(request.context);
1077  for (int n = 0; n < NET_MAX; ++n) {
1078  enum Network network = static_cast<enum Network>(n);
1079  if (network == NET_UNROUTABLE || network == NET_INTERNAL) continue;
1080  UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
1081  obj.pushKV("new", addrman.Size(network, true));
1082  obj.pushKV("tried", addrman.Size(network, false));
1083  obj.pushKV("total", addrman.Size(network));
1084  ret.pushKV(GetNetworkName(network), obj);
1085  }
1086  UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
1087  obj.pushKV("new", addrman.Size(std::nullopt, true));
1088  obj.pushKV("tried", addrman.Size(std::nullopt, false));
1089  obj.pushKV("total", addrman.Size());
1090  ret.pushKV("all_networks", obj);
1091  return ret;
1092  },
1093  };
1094 }
1097 {
1099  ret.pushKV("address", info.ToStringAddr());
1100  ret.pushKV("port", info.GetPort());
1101  ret.pushKV("services", (uint64_t)info.nServices);
1102  ret.pushKV("time", int64_t{TicksSinceEpoch<std::chrono::seconds>(info.nTime)});
1103  ret.pushKV("network", GetNetworkName(info.GetNetClass()));
1104  ret.pushKV("source", info.source.ToStringAddr());
1105  ret.pushKV("source_network", GetNetworkName(info.source.GetNetClass()));
1106  return ret;
1107 }
1109 UniValue AddrmanTableToJSON(const std::vector<std::pair<AddrInfo, AddressPosition>>& tableInfos)
1110 {
1111  UniValue table(UniValue::VOBJ);
1112  for (const auto& e : tableInfos) {
1113  AddrInfo info = e.first;
1114  AddressPosition location = e.second;
1115  std::ostringstream key;
1116  key << location.bucket << "/" << location.position;
1117  // Address manager tables have unique entries so there is no advantage
1118  // in using UniValue::pushKV, which checks if the key already exists
1119  // in O(N). UniValue::pushKVEnd is used instead which currently is O(1).
1120  table.pushKVEnd(key.str(), AddrmanEntryToJSON(info));
1121  }
1122  return table;
1123 }
1126 {
1127  return RPCHelpMan{"getrawaddrman",
1128  "EXPERIMENTAL warning: this call may be changed in future releases.\n"
1129  "\nReturns information on all address manager entries for the new and tried tables.\n",
1130  {},
1131  RPCResult{
1132  RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "", "", {
1133  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ_DYN, "table", "buckets with addresses in the address manager table ( new, tried )", {
1134  {RPCResult::Type::OBJ, "bucket/position", "the location in the address manager table (<bucket>/<position>)", {
1135  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "address", "The address of the node"},
1136  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "port", "The port number of the node"},
1137  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "network", "The network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + ") of the address"},
1138  {RPCResult::Type::NUM, "services", "The services offered by the node"},
1139  {RPCResult::Type::NUM_TIME, "time", "The " + UNIX_EPOCH_TIME + " when the node was last seen"},
1140  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "source", "The address that relayed the address to us"},
1141  {RPCResult::Type::STR, "source_network", "The network (" + Join(GetNetworkNames(), ", ") + ") of the source address"},
1142  }}
1143  }}
1144  }
1145  },
1146  RPCExamples{
1147  HelpExampleCli("getrawaddrman", "")
1148  + HelpExampleRpc("getrawaddrman", "")
1149  },
1150  [&](const RPCHelpMan& self, const JSONRPCRequest& request) -> UniValue {
1151  AddrMan& addrman = EnsureAnyAddrman(request.context);
1154  ret.pushKV("new", AddrmanTableToJSON(addrman.GetEntries(false)));
1155  ret.pushKV("tried", AddrmanTableToJSON(addrman.GetEntries(true)));
1156  return ret;
1157  },
1158  };
1159 }
1162 {
1163  static const CRPCCommand commands[]{
1164  {"network", &getconnectioncount},
1165  {"network", &ping},
1166  {"network", &getpeerinfo},
1167  {"network", &addnode},
1168  {"network", &disconnectnode},
1169  {"network", &getaddednodeinfo},
1170  {"network", &getnettotals},
1171  {"network", &getnetworkinfo},
1172  {"network", &setban},
1173  {"network", &listbanned},
1174  {"network", &clearbanned},
1175  {"network", &setnetworkactive},
1176  {"network", &getnodeaddresses},
1177  {"network", &getaddrmaninfo},
1178  {"hidden", &addconnection},
1179  {"hidden", &addpeeraddress},
1180  {"hidden", &sendmsgtopeer},
1181  {"hidden", &getrawaddrman},
1182  };
1183  for (const auto& c : commands) {
1184  t.appendCommand(, &c);
1185  }
1186 }
int ret
const auto command
const CChainParams & Params()
Return the currently selected parameters.
Extended statistics about a CAddress.
Definition: addrman_impl.h:40
CNetAddr source
where knowledge about this address first came from
Definition: addrman_impl.h:49
Stochastic address manager.
Definition: addrman.h:88
size_t Size(std::optional< Network > net=std::nullopt, std::optional< bool > in_new=std::nullopt) const
Return size information about addrman.
Definition: addrman.cpp:1290
std::vector< std::pair< AddrInfo, AddressPosition > > GetEntries(bool from_tried) const
Returns an information-location pair for all addresses in the selected addrman table.
Definition: addrman.cpp:1330
bool Good(const CService &addr, NodeSeconds time=Now< NodeSeconds >())
Mark an address record as accessible and attempt to move it to addrman's tried table.
Definition: addrman.cpp:1300
bool Add(const std::vector< CAddress > &vAddr, const CNetAddr &source, std::chrono::seconds time_penalty=0s)
Attempt to add one or more addresses to addrman's new table.
Definition: addrman.cpp:1295
Definition: banman.h:59
void Ban(const CNetAddr &net_addr, int64_t ban_time_offset=0, bool since_unix_epoch=false) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_banned_mutex)
Definition: banman.cpp:118
bool IsBanned(const CNetAddr &net_addr) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_banned_mutex)
Return whether net_addr is banned.
Definition: banman.cpp:89
void GetBanned(banmap_t &banmap) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_banned_mutex)
Definition: banman.cpp:174
void ClearBanned() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_banned_mutex)
Definition: banman.cpp:72
bool Unban(const CNetAddr &net_addr) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_banned_mutex)
Definition: banman.cpp:156
A CService with information about it as peer.
Definition: protocol.h:332
ServiceFlags nServices
Serialized as uint64_t in V1, and as CompactSize in V2.
Definition: protocol.h:423
NodeSeconds nTime
Always included in serialization. The behavior is unspecified if the value is not representable as ui...
Definition: protocol.h:421
Definition: net_types.h:15
int64_t nCreateTime
Definition: net_types.h:19
int64_t nBanUntil
Definition: net_types.h:20
ChainType GetChainType() const
Return the chain type.
Definition: chainparams.h:114
Definition: net.h:1036
bool ForNode(NodeId id, std::function< bool(CNode *pnode)> func)
Definition: net.cpp:3785
bool RemoveAddedNode(const std::string &node) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3449
bool GetNetworkActive() const
Definition: net.h:1120
bool OutboundTargetReached(bool historicalBlockServingLimit) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
check if the outbound target is reached if param historicalBlockServingLimit is set true,...
Definition: net.cpp:3605
uint64_t GetMaxOutboundTarget() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3571
std::chrono::seconds GetMaxOutboundTimeframe() const
Definition: net.cpp:3578
ServiceFlags GetLocalServices() const
Used to convey which local services we are offering peers during node connection.
Definition: net.cpp:3648
bool AddNode(const AddedNodeParams &add) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3435
bool DisconnectNode(const std::string &node)
Definition: net.cpp:3505
bool AddConnection(const std::string &address, ConnectionType conn_type, bool use_v2transport) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex)
Attempts to open a connection.
Definition: net.cpp:1813
std::vector< AddedNodeInfo > GetAddedNodeInfo(bool include_connected) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_added_nodes_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:2756
size_t GetNodeCount(ConnectionDirection) const
Definition: net.cpp:3472
void GetNodeStats(std::vector< CNodeStats > &vstats) const
Definition: net.cpp:3493
uint64_t GetTotalBytesRecv() const
Definition: net.cpp:3636
void SetNetworkActive(bool active)
Definition: net.cpp:3086
std::chrono::seconds GetMaxOutboundTimeLeftInCycle() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3583
std::vector< CAddress > GetAddresses(size_t max_addresses, size_t max_pct, std::optional< Network > network, const bool filtered=true) const
Return all or many randomly selected addresses, optionally by network.
Definition: net.cpp:3380
void OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress &addrConnect, bool fCountFailure, CSemaphoreGrant &&grant_outbound, const char *strDest, ConnectionType conn_type, bool use_v2transport) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_unused_i2p_sessions_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:2846
uint64_t GetTotalBytesSent() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3641
uint64_t GetOutboundTargetBytesLeft() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
response the bytes left in the current max outbound cycle in case of no limit, it will always respons...
Definition: net.cpp:3626
void PushMessage(CNode *pnode, CSerializedNetMsg &&msg) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_total_bytes_sent_mutex)
Definition: net.cpp:3738
static constexpr size_t COMMAND_SIZE
Definition: protocol.h:31
Network address.
Definition: netaddress.h:112
Network GetNetClass() const
Definition: netaddress.cpp:675
std::string ToStringAddr() const
Definition: netaddress.cpp:581
bool IsValid() const
Definition: netaddress.cpp:425
Information about a peer.
Definition: net.h:672
RPC command dispatcher.
Definition: server.h:133
A combination of a network address (CNetAddr) and a (TCP) port.
Definition: netaddress.h:531
uint16_t GetPort() const
Definition: netaddress.cpp:834
bool IsValid() const
static std::vector< std::string > ToStrings(NetPermissionFlags flags)
virtual void SendPings()=0
Send ping message to all peers.
virtual bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats &stats) const =0
Get statistics from node state.
Definition: netbase.h:59
std::string ToString() const
Definition: netbase.h:82
bool m_randomize_credentials
Definition: netbase.h:68
bool IsValid() const
Definition: netbase.h:70
std::string ToString() const
Definition: util.cpp:732
bool Contains(Network net) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_mutex)
Definition: netbase.h:124
void push_back(UniValue val)
Definition: univalue.cpp:104
const std::string & get_str() const
Definition: univalue.h:24
Definition: univalue.h:24
Definition: univalue.h:24
bool isNull() const
Definition: univalue.h:79
void pushKVEnd(std::string key, UniValue val)
Definition: univalue.cpp:118
bool isStr() const
Definition: univalue.h:83
Int getInt() const
Definition: univalue.h:138
void pushKV(std::string key, UniValue val)
Definition: univalue.cpp:126
static const int CLIENT_VERSION
bitcoind-res.rc includes this file, but it cannot cope with real c++ code.
Definition: clientversion.h:33
std::string TransportTypeAsString(TransportProtocolType transport_type)
Convert TransportProtocolType enum to a string value.
std::string ConnectionTypeAsString(ConnectionType conn_type)
Convert ConnectionType enum to a string value.
Different types of connections to a peer.
We use block-relay-only connections to help prevent against partition attacks.
We open manual connections to addresses that users explicitly requested via the addnode RPC or the -a...
These are the default connections that we use to connect with the network.
Feeler connections are short-lived connections made to check that a node is alive.
AddrFetch connections are short lived connections used to solicit addresses from peers.
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount amount)
Definition: core_write.cpp:26
RecursiveMutex cs_main
Mutex to guard access to validation specific variables, such as reading or changing the chainstate.
Definition: cs_main.cpp:8
const std::string CURRENCY_UNIT
Definition: feerate.h:17
static path absolute(const path &p)
Definition: fs.h:82
Definition: init.h:25
std::string strSubVersion
Subversion as sent to the P2P network in version messages.
Definition: net.cpp:119
const std::string NET_MESSAGE_TYPE_OTHER
Definition: net.cpp:107
GlobalMutex g_maplocalhost_mutex
Definition: net.cpp:117
Maximum number of addnode outgoing nodes.
Definition: net.h:69
int64_t NodeId
Definition: net.h:97
const std::vector< std::string > NET_PERMISSIONS_DOC
std::map< CSubNet, CBanEntry > banmap_t
Definition: net_types.h:41
A network type.
Definition: netaddress.h:32
Dummy value to indicate the number of NET_* constants.
Definition: netaddress.h:56
Addresses from these networks are not publicly routable on the global Internet.
Definition: netaddress.h:34
A set of addresses that represent the hash of a string or FQDN.
Definition: netaddress.h:53
CSubNet LookupSubNet(const std::string &subnet_str)
Parse and resolve a specified subnet string into the appropriate internal representation.
Definition: netbase.cpp:741
std::string GetNetworkName(enum Network net)
Definition: netbase.cpp:107
enum Network ParseNetwork(const std::string &net_in)
Definition: netbase.cpp:89
CService MaybeFlipIPv6toCJDNS(const CService &service)
If an IPv6 address belongs to the address range used by the CJDNS network and the CJDNS network is re...
Definition: netbase.cpp:867
ReachableNets g_reachable_nets
Definition: netbase.cpp:43
bool GetProxy(enum Network net, Proxy &proxyInfoOut)
Definition: netbase.cpp:674
std::vector< CNetAddr > LookupHost(const std::string &name, unsigned int nMaxSolutions, bool fAllowLookup, DNSLookupFn dns_lookup_function)
Resolve a host string to its corresponding network addresses.
Definition: netbase.cpp:166
std::vector< std::string > GetNetworkNames(bool append_unroutable)
Return a vector of publicly routable Network names; optionally append NET_UNROUTABLE.
Definition: netbase.cpp:123
std::vector< std::string > serviceFlagsToStr(uint64_t flags)
Convert service flags (a bitmask of NODE_*) to human readable strings.
Definition: protocol.cpp:194
nServices flags
Definition: protocol.h:274
Definition: protocol.h:295
Definition: protocol.h:285
Definition: protocol.h:280
static const int PROTOCOL_VERSION
network protocol versioning
UniValue JSONRPCError(int code, const std::string &message)
Definition: request.cpp:58
const std::vector< std::string > CONNECTION_TYPE_DOC
Definition: net.cpp:41
void RegisterNetRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t)
Definition: net.cpp:1161
static RPCHelpMan getnetworkinfo()
Definition: net.cpp:617
static RPCHelpMan addconnection()
Definition: net.cpp:367
static RPCHelpMan getaddednodeinfo()
Definition: net.cpp:475
static RPCHelpMan clearbanned()
Definition: net.cpp:848
static RPCHelpMan getnettotals()
Definition: net.cpp:548
static RPCHelpMan getaddrmaninfo()
Definition: net.cpp:1057
static RPCHelpMan addnode()
Definition: net.cpp:304
static RPCHelpMan getnodeaddresses()
Definition: net.cpp:890
static RPCHelpMan setban()
Definition: net.cpp:716
static RPCHelpMan getrawaddrman()
Definition: net.cpp:1125
static UniValue GetNetworksInfo()
Definition: net.cpp:598
static RPCHelpMan ping()
Definition: net.cpp:78
UniValue AddrmanEntryToJSON(const AddrInfo &info)
Definition: net.cpp:1096
static RPCHelpMan getconnectioncount()
Definition: net.cpp:56
static RPCHelpMan disconnectnode()
Definition: net.cpp:429
static RPCHelpMan listbanned()
Definition: net.cpp:801
UniValue AddrmanTableToJSON(const std::vector< std::pair< AddrInfo, AddressPosition >> &tableInfos)
Definition: net.cpp:1109
const std::vector< std::string > TRANSPORT_TYPE_DOC
Definition: net.cpp:50
static UniValue GetServicesNames(ServiceFlags services)
Returns, given services flags, a list of humanly readable (known) network services.
Definition: net.cpp:103
static RPCHelpMan setnetworkactive()
Definition: net.cpp:869
static RPCHelpMan addpeeraddress()
Definition: net.cpp:951
static RPCHelpMan getpeerinfo()
Definition: net.cpp:114
static RPCHelpMan sendmsgtopeer()
Definition: net.cpp:1009
Node to disconnect not found in connected nodes.
Definition: protocol.h:62
Invalid IP/Subnet.
Definition: protocol.h:63
General application defined errors.
Definition: protocol.h:39
Node is already added.
Definition: protocol.h:60
Definition: protocol.h:32
Invalid, missing or duplicate parameter.
Definition: protocol.h:43
Node has not been added before.
Definition: protocol.h:61
Max number of outbound or block-relay connections already open.
Definition: protocol.h:65
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string &methodname, const std::string &args)
Definition: util.cpp:155
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string &methodname, const std::string &args)
Definition: util.cpp:173
const std::string UNIX_EPOCH_TIME
String used to describe UNIX epoch time in documentation, factored out to a constant for consistency.
Definition: util.cpp:30
static RPCHelpMan help()
Definition: server.cpp:143
BanMan & EnsureBanman(const NodeContext &node)
Definition: server_util.cpp:44
AddrMan & EnsureAnyAddrman(const std::any &context)
BanMan & EnsureAnyBanman(const std::any &context)
Definition: server_util.cpp:52
NodeContext & EnsureAnyNodeContext(const std::any &context)
Definition: server_util.cpp:21
CConnman & EnsureConnman(const NodeContext &node)
Definition: server_util.cpp:96
PeerManager & EnsurePeerman(const NodeContext &node)
std::string TrimString(std::string_view str, std::string_view pattern=" \f\n\r\t\v")
Definition: string.h:41
std::string ToString(const T &t)
Locale-independent version of std::to_string.
Definition: string.h:110
auto Join(const C &container, const S &separator, UnaryOp unary_op)
Join all container items.
Definition: string.h:69
Location information for an address in AddrMan.
Definition: addrman.h:34
const int bucket
Definition: addrman.h:47
const int position
Definition: addrman.h:48
std::chrono::microseconds m_ping_wait
std::vector< int > vHeightInFlight
CAmount m_fee_filter_received
uint64_t m_addr_rate_limited
uint64_t m_addr_processed
int64_t presync_height
ServiceFlags their_services
std::string m_type
Definition: net.h:131
std::vector< unsigned char > data
Definition: net.h:130
Special type that is a STR with only hex chars.
std::string DefaultHint
Hint for default value.
Definition: util.h:200
@ NO
Required arg.
Special numeric to denote unix epoch time.
Special dictionary with keys that are not literals.
Special string with only hex chars.
NodeContext struct containing references to chain state and connection state.
Definition: context.h:49
#define LOCK(cs)
Definition: sync.h:257
static int count
int64_t GetTime()
Definition: time.cpp:48
constexpr int64_t count_seconds(std::chrono::seconds t)
Definition: time.h:54
int64_t GetTimeOffset()
"Never go to sea with two chronometers; take one or three." Our three time sources are:
Definition: timedata.cpp:30
#define strprintf
Format arguments and return the string or write to given std::ostream (see tinyformat::format doc for...
Definition: tinyformat.h:1162
bilingual_str GetWarnings(bool verbose)
Format a string that describes several potential problems detected by the core.
Definition: warnings.cpp:35