Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***********************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Pieter Wuille *
3  * Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying *
4  * file COPYING or*
5  ***********************************************************************/
7 #ifndef SECP256K1_UTIL_H
8 #define SECP256K1_UTIL_H
10 #include "../include/secp256k1.h"
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <stdint.h>
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include <limits.h>
17 #define STR_(x) #x
18 #define STR(x) STR_(x)
20 #define DEBUG_CONFIG_DEF(x) DEBUG_CONFIG_MSG(#x "=" STR(x))
22 /* Debug helper for printing arrays of unsigned char. */
23 #define PRINT_BUF(buf, len) do { \
24  printf("%s[%lu] = ", #buf, (unsigned long)len); \
25  print_buf_plain(buf, len); \
26 } while(0)
28 static void print_buf_plain(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
29  size_t i;
30  printf("{");
31  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
32  if (i % 8 == 0) {
33  printf("\n ");
34  } else {
35  printf(" ");
36  }
37  printf("0x%02X,", buf[i]);
38  }
39  printf("\n}\n");
40 }
42 # if (!defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L) )
43 # if SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(2,7)
44 # define SECP256K1_INLINE __inline__
45 # elif (defined(_MSC_VER))
46 # define SECP256K1_INLINE __inline
47 # else
48 # define SECP256K1_INLINE
49 # endif
50 # else
51 # define SECP256K1_INLINE inline
52 # endif
58 #define STATIC_ASSERT(expr) do { \
59  switch(0) { \
60  case 0: \
61  /* If expr evaluates to 0, we have two case labels "0", which is illegal. */ \
62  case /* ERROR: static assertion failed */ (expr): \
63  ; \
64  } \
65 } while(0)
71 #define ASSERT_INT_CONST_AND_DO(expr, stmt) do { \
72  switch(42) { \
73  /* C allows only integer constant expressions as case labels. */ \
74  case /* ERROR: integer argument is not constant */ (expr): \
75  break; \
76  default: ; \
77  } \
78  stmt; \
79 } while(0)
81 typedef struct {
82  void (*fn)(const char *text, void* data);
83  const void* data;
86 static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_callback_call(const secp256k1_callback * const cb, const char * const text) {
87  cb->fn(text, (void*)cb->data);
88 }
91 static void secp256k1_default_illegal_callback_fn(const char* str, void* data) {
92  (void)data;
93  fprintf(stderr, "[libsecp256k1] illegal argument: %s\n", str);
94  abort();
95 }
96 static void secp256k1_default_error_callback_fn(const char* str, void* data) {
97  (void)data;
98  fprintf(stderr, "[libsecp256k1] internal consistency check failed: %s\n", str);
99  abort();
100 }
101 #else
102 void secp256k1_default_illegal_callback_fn(const char* str, void* data);
103 void secp256k1_default_error_callback_fn(const char* str, void* data);
104 #endif
108  NULL
109 };
113  NULL
114 };
118 #define TEST_FAILURE(msg) do { \
119  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); \
120  abort(); \
121 } while(0);
122 #else
123 #define TEST_FAILURE(msg) do { \
124  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
125  abort(); \
126 } while(0)
127 #endif
129 #if SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3, 0)
130 #define EXPECT(x,c) __builtin_expect((x),(c))
131 #else
132 #define EXPECT(x,c) (x)
133 #endif
136 #define CHECK(cond) do { \
137  if (EXPECT(!(cond), 0)) { \
138  TEST_FAILURE("test condition failed"); \
139  } \
140 } while(0)
141 #else
142 #define CHECK(cond) do { \
143  if (EXPECT(!(cond), 0)) { \
144  TEST_FAILURE("test condition failed: " #cond); \
145  } \
146 } while(0)
147 #endif
149 /* Like assert(), but when VERIFY is defined. */
150 #if defined(VERIFY)
152 #else
153 #define VERIFY_CHECK(cond)
154 #endif
156 static SECP256K1_INLINE void *checked_malloc(const secp256k1_callback* cb, size_t size) {
157  void *ret = malloc(size);
158  if (ret == NULL) {
159  secp256k1_callback_call(cb, "Out of memory");
160  }
161  return ret;
162 }
164 #if defined(__BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__)
166 #else
167 /* Using 16 bytes alignment because common architectures never have alignment
168  * requirements above 8 for any of the types we care about. In addition we
169  * leave some room because currently we don't care about a few bytes. */
170 #define ALIGNMENT 16
171 #endif
173 #define ROUND_TO_ALIGN(size) ((((size) + ALIGNMENT - 1) / ALIGNMENT) * ALIGNMENT)
175 /* Macro for restrict, when available and not in a VERIFY build. */
176 #if defined(SECP256K1_BUILD) && defined(VERIFY)
177 # define SECP256K1_RESTRICT
178 #else
179 # if (!defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L) )
180 # if SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3,0)
181 # define SECP256K1_RESTRICT __restrict__
182 # elif (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400)
183 # define SECP256K1_RESTRICT __restrict
184 # else
185 # define SECP256K1_RESTRICT
186 # endif
187 # else
188 # define SECP256K1_RESTRICT restrict
189 # endif
190 #endif
192 #if defined(_WIN32)
193 # define I64FORMAT "I64d"
194 # define I64uFORMAT "I64u"
195 #else
196 # define I64FORMAT "lld"
197 # define I64uFORMAT "llu"
198 #endif
200 #if defined(__GNUC__)
201 # define SECP256K1_GNUC_EXT __extension__
202 #else
203 # define SECP256K1_GNUC_EXT
204 #endif
206 /* Zero memory if flag == 1. Flag must be 0 or 1. Constant time. */
207 static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_memczero(void *s, size_t len, int flag) {
208  unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)s;
209  /* Access flag with a volatile-qualified lvalue.
210  This prevents clang from figuring out (after inlining) that flag can
211  take only be 0 or 1, which leads to variable time code. */
212  volatile int vflag = flag;
213  unsigned char mask = -(unsigned char) vflag;
214  while (len) {
215  *p &= ~mask;
216  p++;
217  len--;
218  }
219 }
226 static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_memcmp_var(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
227  const unsigned char *p1 = s1, *p2 = s2;
228  size_t i;
230  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
231  int diff = p1[i] - p2[i];
232  if (diff != 0) {
233  return diff;
234  }
235  }
236  return 0;
237 }
240 static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_int_cmov(int *r, const int *a, int flag) {
241  unsigned int mask0, mask1, r_masked, a_masked;
242  /* Access flag with a volatile-qualified lvalue.
243  This prevents clang from figuring out (after inlining) that flag can
244  take only be 0 or 1, which leads to variable time code. */
245  volatile int vflag = flag;
247  /* Casting a negative int to unsigned and back to int is implementation defined behavior */
248  VERIFY_CHECK(*r >= 0 && *a >= 0);
250  mask0 = (unsigned int)vflag + ~0u;
251  mask1 = ~mask0;
252  r_masked = ((unsigned int)*r & mask0);
253  a_masked = ((unsigned int)*a & mask1);
255  *r = (int)(r_masked | a_masked);
256 }
258 #if defined(USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT128_STRUCT)
259 /* If USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT128_STRUCT is set, use int128_struct. */
260 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT128 1
261 # define SECP256K1_INT128_STRUCT 1
262 #elif defined(USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT128)
263 /* If USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT128 is set, use int128. */
264 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT128 1
265 # define SECP256K1_INT128_NATIVE 1
266 #elif defined(USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT64)
267 /* If USE_FORCE_WIDEMUL_INT64 is set, use int64. */
268 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT64 1
269 #elif defined(UINT128_MAX) || defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
270 /* If a native 128-bit integer type exists, use int128. */
271 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT128 1
272 # define SECP256K1_INT128_NATIVE 1
273 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM64))
274 /* On 64-bit MSVC targets (x86_64 and arm64), use int128_struct
275  * (which has special logic to implement using intrinsics on those systems). */
276 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT128 1
277 # define SECP256K1_INT128_STRUCT 1
278 #elif SIZE_MAX > 0xffffffff
279 /* Systems with 64-bit pointers (and thus registers) very likely benefit from
280  * using 64-bit based arithmetic (even if we need to fall back to 32x32->64 based
281  * multiplication logic). */
282 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT128 1
283 # define SECP256K1_INT128_STRUCT 1
284 #else
285 /* Lastly, fall back to int64 based arithmetic. */
286 # define SECP256K1_WIDEMUL_INT64 1
287 #endif
289 #ifndef __has_builtin
290 #define __has_builtin(x) 0
291 #endif
293 /* Determine the number of trailing zero bits in a (non-zero) 32-bit x.
294  * This function is only intended to be used as fallback for
295  * secp256k1_ctz32_var, but permits it to be tested separately. */
297  static const uint8_t debruijn[32] = {
298  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x18, 0x03, 0x13, 0x06, 0x19, 0x16, 0x04, 0x14, 0x0A,
299  0x10, 0x07, 0x0C, 0x1A, 0x1F, 0x17, 0x12, 0x05, 0x15, 0x09, 0x0F, 0x0B,
300  0x1E, 0x11, 0x08, 0x0E, 0x1D, 0x0D, 0x1C, 0x1B
301  };
302  return debruijn[(uint32_t)((x & -x) * 0x04D7651FU) >> 27];
303 }
305 /* Determine the number of trailing zero bits in a (non-zero) 64-bit x.
306  * This function is only intended to be used as fallback for
307  * secp256k1_ctz64_var, but permits it to be tested separately. */
309  static const uint8_t debruijn[64] = {
310  0, 1, 2, 53, 3, 7, 54, 27, 4, 38, 41, 8, 34, 55, 48, 28,
311  62, 5, 39, 46, 44, 42, 22, 9, 24, 35, 59, 56, 49, 18, 29, 11,
312  63, 52, 6, 26, 37, 40, 33, 47, 61, 45, 43, 21, 23, 58, 17, 10,
313  51, 25, 36, 32, 60, 20, 57, 16, 50, 31, 19, 15, 30, 14, 13, 12
314  };
315  return debruijn[(uint64_t)((x & -x) * 0x022FDD63CC95386DU) >> 58];
316 }
318 /* Determine the number of trailing zero bits in a (non-zero) 32-bit x. */
319 static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz32_var(uint32_t x) {
320  VERIFY_CHECK(x != 0);
321 #if (__has_builtin(__builtin_ctz) || SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3,4))
322  /* If the unsigned type is sufficient to represent the largest uint32_t, consider __builtin_ctz. */
323  if (((unsigned)UINT32_MAX) == UINT32_MAX) {
324  return __builtin_ctz(x);
325  }
326 #endif
327 #if (__has_builtin(__builtin_ctzl) || SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3,4))
328  /* Otherwise consider __builtin_ctzl (the unsigned long type is always at least 32 bits). */
329  return __builtin_ctzl(x);
330 #else
331  /* If no suitable CTZ builtin is available, use a (variable time) software emulation. */
333 #endif
334 }
336 /* Determine the number of trailing zero bits in a (non-zero) 64-bit x. */
337 static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz64_var(uint64_t x) {
338  VERIFY_CHECK(x != 0);
339 #if (__has_builtin(__builtin_ctzl) || SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3,4))
340  /* If the unsigned long type is sufficient to represent the largest uint64_t, consider __builtin_ctzl. */
341  if (((unsigned long)UINT64_MAX) == UINT64_MAX) {
342  return __builtin_ctzl(x);
343  }
344 #endif
345 #if (__has_builtin(__builtin_ctzll) || SECP256K1_GNUC_PREREQ(3,4))
346  /* Otherwise consider __builtin_ctzll (the unsigned long long type is always at least 64 bits). */
347  return __builtin_ctzll(x);
348 #else
349  /* If no suitable CTZ builtin is available, use a (variable time) software emulation. */
351 #endif
352 }
354 /* Read a uint32_t in big endian */
355 SECP256K1_INLINE static uint32_t secp256k1_read_be32(const unsigned char* p) {
356  return (uint32_t)p[0] << 24 |
357  (uint32_t)p[1] << 16 |
358  (uint32_t)p[2] << 8 |
359  (uint32_t)p[3];
360 }
362 /* Write a uint32_t in big endian */
363 SECP256K1_INLINE static void secp256k1_write_be32(unsigned char* p, uint32_t x) {
364  p[3] = x;
365  p[2] = x >> 8;
366  p[1] = x >> 16;
367  p[0] = x >> 24;
368 }
370 /* Read a uint64_t in big endian */
371 SECP256K1_INLINE static uint64_t secp256k1_read_be64(const unsigned char* p) {
372  return (uint64_t)p[0] << 56 |
373  (uint64_t)p[1] << 48 |
374  (uint64_t)p[2] << 40 |
375  (uint64_t)p[3] << 32 |
376  (uint64_t)p[4] << 24 |
377  (uint64_t)p[5] << 16 |
378  (uint64_t)p[6] << 8 |
379  (uint64_t)p[7];
380 }
382 /* Write a uint64_t in big endian */
383 SECP256K1_INLINE static void secp256k1_write_be64(unsigned char* p, uint64_t x) {
384  p[7] = x;
385  p[6] = x >> 8;
386  p[5] = x >> 16;
387  p[4] = x >> 24;
388  p[3] = x >> 32;
389  p[2] = x >> 40;
390  p[1] = x >> 48;
391  p[0] = x >> 56;
392 }
394 #endif /* SECP256K1_UTIL_H */
int ret
void printf(const char *fmt, const Args &... args)
Format list of arguments to std::cout, according to the given format string.
Definition: tinyformat.h:1077
static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz64_var(uint64_t x)
Definition: util.h:337
static SECP256K1_INLINE void * checked_malloc(const secp256k1_callback *cb, size_t size)
Definition: util.h:156
static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_memcmp_var(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
Semantics like memcmp.
Definition: util.h:226
static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_int_cmov(int *r, const int *a, int flag)
If flag is true, set *r equal to *a; otherwise leave it.
Definition: util.h:240
static void secp256k1_default_error_callback_fn(const char *str, void *data)
Definition: util.h:96
static const secp256k1_callback default_error_callback
Definition: util.h:111
static SECP256K1_INLINE uint32_t secp256k1_read_be32(const unsigned char *p)
Definition: util.h:355
#define SECP256K1_INLINE
Definition: util.h:48
static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz32_var(uint32_t x)
Definition: util.h:319
static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_write_be32(unsigned char *p, uint32_t x)
Definition: util.h:363
static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_write_be64(unsigned char *p, uint64_t x)
Definition: util.h:383
static void secp256k1_default_illegal_callback_fn(const char *str, void *data)
Definition: util.h:91
static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz64_var_debruijn(uint64_t x)
Definition: util.h:308
static void print_buf_plain(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
Definition: util.h:28
#define VERIFY_CHECK(cond)
Definition: util.h:153
static SECP256K1_INLINE int secp256k1_ctz32_var_debruijn(uint32_t x)
Definition: util.h:296
static SECP256K1_INLINE uint64_t secp256k1_read_be64(const unsigned char *p)
Definition: util.h:371
static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_memczero(void *s, size_t len, int flag)
Definition: util.h:207
static SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_callback_call(const secp256k1_callback *const cb, const char *const text)
Definition: util.h:86
static const secp256k1_callback default_illegal_callback
Definition: util.h:106
void(* fn)(const char *text, void *data)
Definition: util.h:82
const void * data
Definition: util.h:83