This is the complete list of members for CTabsDlg, including all inherited members.
AddDockedWindow(CWnd *wnd, int ID, int imageID, const CString &title, bool dock, pfnOnDockEvent dockCallback=NULL) | CTabsDlg | |
CTabsDlg(UINT ID, CWnd *pParent=NULL) | CTabsDlg | |
DockWindow(int ID, bool dock) | CTabsDlg | |
DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX) | CTabsDlg | protected |
FocusWindow(int ID) | CTabsDlg | |
HandleUndock() | CTabsDlg | protected |
IsDocked(CWnd *wnd) | CTabsDlg | |
m_DragDownPoint | CTabsDlg | protected |
m_DragTabActive | CTabsDlg | protected |
m_TabImages | CTabsDlg | protected |
m_Tabs | CTabsDlg | |
m_Windows | CTabsDlg | protected |
OnDestroy() | CTabsDlg | |
OnInitDialog() | CTabsDlg | protectedvirtual |
OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) | CTabsDlg | |
OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) | CTabsDlg | |
OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) | CTabsDlg | |
OnTcnSelchange(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | CTabsDlg | |
pfnOnDockEvent typedef | CTabsDlg | |
PreTranslateMessage(MSG *msg) | CTabsDlg | protected |
RectWithinDockManager(CRect &rect) | CTabsDlg | |
SaveWindowPlacement(int ID=-1) | CTabsDlg | |
SetImageList(CImageList *list) | CTabsDlg | inline |
ShowAllWindows(bool show=true) | CTabsDlg | protected |
UpdateTabControlIndices() | CTabsDlg | protected |