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Doom 3 GPL source release
This is the complete list of members for StageView, including all inherited members.
bDragging | StageView | protected |
CanCopy() | StageView | |
CanCut() | StageView | |
CanDelete() | StageView | |
CanPaste() | StageView | |
CanRename() | StageView | |
currentMaterial | StageView | protected |
disabledIcon | ToggleListView | protected |
dragImage | StageView | protected |
dragIndex | StageView | protected |
Draw3dRect(HDC hDC, RECT *rect, HBRUSH topLeft, HBRUSH bottomRight) | ToggleListView | protected |
DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) | ToggleListView | protectedvirtual |
dropIndex | StageView | protected |
DropItemOnList() | StageView | protected |
dropPoint | StageView | protected |
dropWnd | StageView | protected |
GetToggleState(int index) | ToggleListView | |
internalChange | StageView | protected |
m_propView | StageView | protected |
materialDocManager | MaterialView | protected |
MaterialView(void) | MaterialView | inline |
MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct) | ToggleListView | |
MV_OnFileReload(const char *filename) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialAdd(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialApply(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialAttributeChanged(MaterialDoc *pMaterial, int stage, const char *attribName) | StageView | virtual |
MV_OnMaterialChange(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialDelete(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialNameChanged(MaterialDoc *pMaterial, const char *oldName) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialSaved(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | StageView | virtual |
MV_OnMaterialSaveFile(const char *filename) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
MV_OnMaterialSelectionChange(MaterialDoc *pMaterial) | StageView | virtual |
MV_OnMaterialStageAdd(MaterialDoc *pMaterial, int stageNum) | StageView | virtual |
MV_OnMaterialStageDelete(MaterialDoc *pMaterial, int stageNum) | StageView | virtual |
MV_OnMaterialStageMove(MaterialDoc *pMaterial, int from, int to) | StageView | virtual |
offIcon | ToggleListView | protected |
OnAddBumpmapStage() | StageView | protected |
OnAddDiffuseStage() | StageView | protected |
OnAddSpecualarStage() | StageView | protected |
OnAddStage() | StageView | protected |
OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) | StageView | protected |
OnCopy() | StageView | protected |
OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) | StageView | protected |
OnDeleteAllStages() | StageView | protected |
OnDeleteStage() | StageView | protected |
onIcon | ToggleListView | protected |
OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) | StageView | protected |
OnLvnBegindrag(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnLvnBeginlabeledit(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnLvnDeleteallitems(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnLvnEndlabeledit(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnLvnItemchanged(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) | StageView | protected |
OnNMClick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | ToggleListView | |
OnNMRclick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) | StageView | protected |
OnPaste() | StageView | protected |
OnRenameStage() | StageView | protected |
OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) | ToggleListView | |
OnStateChanged(int index, int toggleState) | StageView | protectedvirtual |
PopupMenu(CPoint *pt) | StageView | protected |
PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT &cs) | StageView | protectedvirtual |
PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg) | StageView | protectedvirtual |
RefreshStageList() | StageView | |
SetMaterialDocManager(MaterialDocManager *docManager) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
SetMaterialPropertyView(MaterialPropTreeView *propView) | StageView | inline |
SetToggleIcons(LPCSTR disabled=NULL, LPCSTR on=NULL, LPCSTR off=NULL) | ToggleListView | |
SetToggleState(int index, int toggleState, bool notify=false) | ToggleListView | |
STAGE_TYPE_MATERIAL enum value | StageView | |
STAGE_TYPE_SPECIAL_MAP_STAGE enum value | StageView | |
STAGE_TYPE_STAGE enum value | StageView | |
StageView() | StageView | protected |
TOGGLE_STATE_DISABLED enum value | ToggleListView | |
TOGGLE_STATE_OFF enum value | ToggleListView | |
TOGGLE_STATE_ON enum value | ToggleListView | |
ToggleListView() | ToggleListView | protected |
~MaterialView(void) | MaterialView | inlinevirtual |
~StageView() | StageView | virtual |
~ToggleListView() | ToggleListView | protectedvirtual |