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Doom 3 GPL source release
This is the complete list of members for idAFEntity_Vehicle, including all inherited members.
ABSTRACT_PROTOTYPE(idEntity) | idEntity | |
idClass::ABSTRACT_PROTOTYPE(idClass) | idClass | |
ActivatePhysics(idEntity *ent) | idEntity | virtual |
ActivateTargets(idEntity *activator) const | idEntity | |
activeNode | idEntity | |
AddBindConstraints(void) | idAFEntity_Base | |
AddContactEntity(idEntity *ent) | idEntity | virtual |
AddDamageEffect(const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity, const char *damageDefName) | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
AddForce(idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &force) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
AddLocalDamageEffect(jointHandle_t jointNum, const idVec3 &localPoint, const idVec3 &localNormal, const idVec3 &localDir, const idDeclEntityDef *def, const idMaterial *collisionMaterial) | idAnimatedEntity | |
af | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
animator | idAnimatedEntity | protected |
ApplyImpulse(idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &impulse) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
BecomeActive(int flags) | idEntity | |
BecomeInactive(int flags) | idEntity | |
Bind(idEntity *master, bool orientated) | idEntity | |
BindToBody(idEntity *master, int bodyId, bool orientated) | idEntity | |
BindToJoint(idEntity *master, const char *jointname, bool orientated) | idEntity | |
BindToJoint(idEntity *master, jointHandle_t jointnum, bool orientated) | idEntity | |
BodyForClipModelId(int id) const | idAFEntity_Base | |
CallSpawn(void) | idClass | |
cameraTarget | idEntity | |
CancelEvents(const idEventDef *ev) | idClass | |
CanDamage(const idVec3 &origin, idVec3 &damagePoint) const | idEntity | virtual |
CanPlayChatterSounds(void) const | idEntity | virtual |
CheckDormant(void) | idEntity | |
cinematic | idEntity | |
CLASS_PROTOTYPE(idAFEntity_Vehicle) | idAFEntity_Vehicle | |
idAFEntity_Base::CLASS_PROTOTYPE(idAFEntity_Base) | idAFEntity_Base | |
idAnimatedEntity::CLASS_PROTOTYPE(idAnimatedEntity) | idAnimatedEntity | |
ClearPVSAreas(void) | idEntity | |
ClearSignal(idThread *thread, signalNum_t signalnum) | idEntity | |
ClearSignalThread(signalNum_t signalnum, idThread *thread) | idEntity | |
ClientPredictionThink(void) | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
ClientReceiveEvent(int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg) | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
ClientSendEvent(int eventId, const idBitMsg *msg) const | idEntity | |
Collide(const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
combatModel | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
combatModelContents | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
ConstructScriptObject(void) | idEntity | virtual |
ConvertLocalToWorldTransform(idVec3 &offset, idMat3 &axis) | idEntity | |
CreateInstance(const char *name) | idClass | static |
Damage(idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location) | idEntity | virtual |
damageEffects | idAnimatedEntity | protected |
DamageFeedback(idEntity *victim, idEntity *inflictor, int &damage) | idEntity | virtual |
DeconstructScriptObject(void) | idEntity | virtual |
DisplayInfo_f(const idCmdArgs &args) | idClass | static |
DormantBegin(void) | idEntity | virtual |
DormantEnd(void) | idEntity | virtual |
dormantStart | idEntity | |
DropAFs(idEntity *ent, const char *type, idList< idEntity * > *list) | idAFEntity_Base | static |
dustSmoke | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
entityDefNumber | idEntity | |
entityNumber | idEntity | |
EVENT_ADD_DAMAGE_EFFECT enum value | idAnimatedEntity | |
EVENT_MAXEVENTS enum value | idAnimatedEntity | |
Event_Remove(void) | idClass | |
Event_SetConstraintPosition(const char *name, const idVec3 &pos) | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
EVENT_STARTSOUNDSHADER enum value | idEntity | |
EVENT_STOPSOUNDSHADER enum value | idEntity | |
eyesJoint | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
FindTargets(void) | idEntity | |
FindUninitializedMemory(void) | idClass | |
fl | idEntity | |
FreeLightDef(void) | idEntity | virtual |
FreeModelDef(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
FreeSoundEmitter(bool immediate) | idEntity | |
GetAFName(void) const | idAFEntity_Base | inline |
GetAFPhysics(void) | idAFEntity_Base | inline |
GetAnimator(void) | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
GetBindBody(void) const | idEntity | |
GetBindJoint(void) const | idEntity | |
GetBindMaster(void) const | idEntity | |
GetClass(const char *name) | idClass | static |
GetClassname(void) const | idClass | |
GetColor(idVec3 &out) const | idEntity | virtual |
GetColor(idVec4 &out) const | idEntity | virtual |
GetCombatModel(void) const | idAFEntity_Base | |
GetDefaultSurfaceType(void) const | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
GetEntityDefName(void) const | idEntity | |
GetFloorPos(float max_dist, idVec3 &floorpos) const | idEntity | |
GetImpactInfo(idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, impactInfo_t *info) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
GetJointTransformForAnim(jointHandle_t jointHandle, int animNum, int currentTime, idVec3 &offset, idMat3 &axis) const | idAnimatedEntity | |
GetJointWorldTransform(jointHandle_t jointHandle, int currentTime, idVec3 &offset, idMat3 &axis) | idAnimatedEntity | |
GetListenerId(void) const | idEntity | |
GetLocalCoordinates(const idVec3 &vec) const | idEntity | |
GetLocalVector(const idVec3 &vec) const | idEntity | |
GetMasterPosition(idVec3 &masterOrigin, idMat3 &masterAxis) const | idEntity | |
GetModelDefHandle(void) | idEntity | virtual |
GetName(void) const | idEntity | |
GetNextTeamEntity(void) const | idEntity | |
GetNumPVSAreas(void) | idEntity | |
GetNumTypes(void) | idClass | inlinestatic |
GetPhysics(void) const | idEntity | |
GetPhysicsToSoundTransform(idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis) | idEntity | virtual |
GetPhysicsToVisualTransform(idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
GetPVSAreas(void) | idEntity | |
GetRenderEntity(void) | idEntity | virtual |
GetRenderView() | idEntity | virtual |
GetRestStartTime(void) const | idEntity | virtual |
GetSkin(void) const | idEntity | |
GetSoundEmitter(void) const | idEntity | |
GetSpline(void) const | idEntity | |
GetSteerAngle(void) | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
GetSuperclass(void) const | idClass | |
GetTeamMaster(void) const | idEntity | |
GetType(int num) | idClass | static |
GetTypeNumBits(void) | idClass | inlinestatic |
GetWorldCoordinates(const idVec3 &vec) const | idEntity | |
GetWorldVector(const idVec3 &vec) const | idEntity | |
GetWorldVelocities(idVec3 &linearVelocity, idVec3 &angularVelocity) const | idEntity | |
HandleGuiCommands(idEntity *entityGui, const char *cmds) | idEntity | |
HandleSingleGuiCommand(idEntity *entityGui, idLexer *src) | idEntity | virtual |
HasSignal(signalNum_t signalnum) const | idEntity | |
health | idEntity | |
Hide(void) | idEntity | virtual |
idAFEntity_Base(void) | idAFEntity_Base | |
idAFEntity_Vehicle(void) | idAFEntity_Vehicle | |
idAnimatedEntity() | idAnimatedEntity | |
idEntity() | idEntity | |
Init(void) | idClass | static |
IsActive(void) const | idEntity | |
IsActiveAF(void) const | idAFEntity_Base | inline |
IsAtRest(void) const | idEntity | virtual |
IsBound(void) const | idEntity | |
IsBoundTo(idEntity *master) const | idEntity | |
IsHidden(void) const | idEntity | |
IsType(const idTypeInfo &c) const | idClass | |
JoinTeam(idEntity *teammember) | idEntity | |
Killed(idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location) | idEntity | virtual |
LinkCombat(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
ListClasses_f(const idCmdArgs &args) | idClass | static |
LoadAF(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
LoadState(const idDict &args) | idAFEntity_Base | |
MAX_PVS_AREAS | idEntity | static |
ModelCallback(renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView) | idEntity | static |
modelDefHandle | idEntity | protected |
name | idEntity | |
nextSoundTime | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
operator delete(void *) | idClass | |
operator delete(void *, int, int, char *, int) | idClass | |
operator new(size_t) | idClass | |
operator new(size_t s, int, int, char *, int) | idClass | |
Pain(idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location) | idEntity | virtual |
PhysicsTeamInPVS(pvsHandle_t pvsHandle) | idEntity | |
player | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
PostBind(void) | idEntity | virtual |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
PostUnbind(void) | idEntity | virtual |
PreBind(void) | idEntity | virtual |
Present(void) | idEntity | virtual |
PreUnbind(void) | idEntity | virtual |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
ProcessEventArgPtr(const idEventDef *ev, int *data) | idClass | |
ProjectOverlay(const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, float size, const char *material) | idEntity | virtual |
ReadBindFromSnapshot(const idBitMsgDelta &msg) | idEntity | |
ReadColorFromSnapshot(const idBitMsgDelta &msg) | idEntity | |
ReadFromSnapshot(const idBitMsgDelta &msg) | idEntity | virtual |
ReadGUIFromSnapshot(const idBitMsgDelta &msg) | idEntity | |
refSound | idEntity | protected |
RemoveBindConstraints(void) | idAFEntity_Base | |
RemoveContactEntity(idEntity *ent) | idEntity | virtual |
RemoveNullTargets(void) | idEntity | |
renderEntity | idEntity | protected |
renderView | idEntity | |
RespondsTo(const idEventDef &ev) const | idClass | |
Restore(idRestoreGame *savefile) | idAFEntity_Base | |
RestorePhysics(idPhysics *phys) | idEntity | |
RunPhysics(void) | idEntity | |
Save(idSaveGame *savefile) const | idAFEntity_Base | |
SaveState(idDict &args) const | idAFEntity_Base | |
scriptObject | idEntity | |
ServerReceiveEvent(int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg) | idEntity | virtual |
ServerSendEvent(int eventId, const idBitMsg *msg, bool saveEvent, int excludeClient) const | idEntity | |
SetAngles(const idAngles &ang) | idEntity | |
SetAxis(const idMat3 &axis) | idEntity | |
SetColor(float red, float green, float blue) | idEntity | virtual |
SetColor(const idVec3 &color) | idEntity | virtual |
SetColor(const idVec4 &color) | idEntity | virtual |
SetCombatContents(bool enable) | idAFEntity_Base | |
SetCombatModel(void) | idAFEntity_Base | |
SetModel(const char *modelname) | idAnimatedEntity | virtual |
SetName(const char *name) | idEntity | |
SetOrigin(const idVec3 &org) | idEntity | |
SetPhysics(idPhysics *phys) | idEntity | |
SetShaderParm(int parmnum, float value) | idEntity | |
SetSignal(signalNum_t signalnum, idThread *thread, const function_t *function) | idEntity | |
SetSkin(const idDeclSkin *skin) | idEntity | |
SetSoundVolume(float volume) | idEntity | |
ShouldConstructScriptObjectAtSpawn(void) const | idEntity | virtual |
Show(void) | idEntity | virtual |
ShowEditingDialog(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
Shutdown(void) | idClass | static |
Signal(signalNum_t signalnum) | idEntity | |
SignalEvent(idThread *thread, signalNum_t signalnum) | idEntity | |
snapshotBits | idEntity | |
snapshotNode | idEntity | |
snapshotSequence | idEntity | |
Spawn(void) | idAFEntity_Vehicle | |
spawnArgs | idEntity | |
spawnAxis | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
spawnNode | idEntity | |
spawnOrigin | idAFEntity_Base | protected |
StartSound(const char *soundName, const s_channelType channel, int soundShaderFlags, bool broadcast, int *length) | idEntity | |
StartSoundShader(const idSoundShader *shader, const s_channelType channel, int soundShaderFlags, bool broadcast, int *length) | idEntity | |
steerAngle | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
steeringWheelJoint | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
steerSpeed | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
StopSound(const s_channelType channel, bool broadcast) | idEntity | |
targets | idEntity | |
Teleport(const idVec3 &origin, const idAngles &angles, idEntity *destination) | idEntity | virtual |
Think(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
thinkFlags | idEntity | |
TouchTriggers(void) const | idEntity | |
TriggerGuis(void) | idEntity | |
Unbind(void) | idEntity | |
UnlinkCombat(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
UpdateAnimation(void) | idAnimatedEntity | |
UpdateAnimationControllers(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
UpdateChangeableSpawnArgs(const idDict *source) | idEntity | virtual |
UpdateDamageEffects(void) | idAnimatedEntity | |
UpdateModel(void) | idEntity | |
UpdateModelTransform(void) | idEntity | |
UpdatePVSAreas(const idVec3 &pos) | idEntity | |
UpdateRenderEntity(renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView) | idEntity | |
UpdateSound(void) | idEntity | |
UpdateVisuals(void) | idEntity | |
Use(idPlayer *player) | idAFEntity_Vehicle | |
wheelRadius | idAFEntity_Vehicle | protected |
WriteBindToSnapshot(idBitMsgDelta &msg) const | idEntity | |
WriteColorToSnapshot(idBitMsgDelta &msg) const | idEntity | |
WriteGUIToSnapshot(idBitMsgDelta &msg) const | idEntity | |
WriteToSnapshot(idBitMsgDelta &msg) const | idEntity | virtual |
~idAFEntity_Base(void) | idAFEntity_Base | virtual |
~idAnimatedEntity() | idAnimatedEntity | |
~idClass() | idClass | virtual |
~idEntity() | idEntity |