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Doom 3 GPL source release
This is the complete list of members for idFrustum, including all inherited members.
AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds(const idVec3 endPoints[4], const int endPointCull[4], const idVec3 &point, int pointCull, int pointClip, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | private |
AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int &startCull, int &endCull, idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | private |
AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int startCull, int endCull, idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | private |
axis | idFrustum | private |
AxisProjection(const idVec3 &dir, float &min, float &max) const | idFrustum | |
AxisProjection(const idMat3 &ax, idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | |
AxisProjection(const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4], const idVec3 &dir, float &min, float &max) const | idFrustum | private |
BoundsCullLocalFrustum(const idBounds &bounds, const idFrustum &localFrustum, const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4]) const | idFrustum | private |
BoundsRayIntersection(const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2) const | idFrustum | private |
ClipFrustumToBox(const idBox &box, float clipFractions[4], int clipPlanes[4]) const | idFrustum | private |
ClipLine(const idVec3 localPoints[8], const idVec3 points[8], int startIndex, int endIndex, idVec3 &start, idVec3 &end, int &startClip, int &endClip) const | idFrustum | private |
ClippedProjectionBounds(const idFrustum &frustum, const idBox &clipBox, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
ConstrainToBounds(const idBounds &bounds) | idFrustum | |
ConstrainToBox(const idBox &box) | idFrustum | |
ConstrainToFrustum(const idFrustum &frustum) | idFrustum | |
ConstrainToSphere(const idSphere &sphere) | idFrustum | |
ContainsPoint(const idVec3 &point) const | idFrustum | |
CullBounds(const idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | |
CullBox(const idBox &box) const | idFrustum | |
CullFrustum(const idFrustum &frustum) const | idFrustum | |
CullLocalBox(const idVec3 &localOrigin, const idVec3 &extents, const idMat3 &localAxis) const | idFrustum | private |
CullLocalFrustum(const idFrustum &localFrustum, const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4]) const | idFrustum | private |
CullLocalWinding(const idVec3 *points, const int numPoints, int *pointCull) const | idFrustum | private |
CullPoint(const idVec3 &point) const | idFrustum | |
CullSphere(const idSphere &sphere) const | idFrustum | |
CullWinding(const class idWinding &winding) const | idFrustum | |
dFar | idFrustum | private |
dLeft | idFrustum | private |
dNear | idFrustum | private |
dUp | idFrustum | private |
Expand(const float d) const | idFrustum | |
ExpandSelf(const float d) | idFrustum | |
FromProjection(const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar) | idFrustum | |
FromProjection(const idBox &box, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar) | idFrustum | |
FromProjection(const idSphere &sphere, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar) | idFrustum | |
GetAxis(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetCenter(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetFarDistance(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetLeft(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetNearDistance(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetOrigin(void) const | idFrustum | |
GetUp(void) const | idFrustum | |
idFrustum(void) | idFrustum | |
IntersectsBounds(const idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | |
IntersectsBox(const idBox &box) const | idFrustum | |
IntersectsFrustum(const idFrustum &frustum) const | idFrustum | |
IntersectsSphere(const idSphere &sphere) const | idFrustum | |
IntersectsWinding(const idWinding &winding) const | idFrustum | |
invFar | idFrustum | private |
IsValid(void) const | idFrustum | |
LineIntersection(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end) const | idFrustum | |
LocalFrustumIntersectsBounds(const idVec3 points[8], const idBounds &bounds) const | idFrustum | private |
LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum(const idVec3 points[8], const bool testFirstSide) const | idFrustum | private |
LocalLineIntersection(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end) const | idFrustum | private |
LocalRayIntersection(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2) const | idFrustum | private |
MoveFarDistance(float dFar) | idFrustum | |
MoveNearDistance(float dNear) | idFrustum | |
origin | idFrustum | private |
PlaneDistance(const idPlane &plane) const | idFrustum | |
PlaneSide(const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon=ON_EPSILON) const | idFrustum | |
ProjectionBounds(const idBounds &bounds, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
ProjectionBounds(const idBox &box, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
ProjectionBounds(const idSphere &sphere, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
ProjectionBounds(const idFrustum &frustum, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
ProjectionBounds(const idWinding &winding, idBounds &projectionBounds) const | idFrustum | |
RayIntersection(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2) const | idFrustum | |
Rotate(const idMat3 &rotation) const | idFrustum | |
RotateSelf(const idMat3 &rotation) | idFrustum | |
SetAxis(const idMat3 &axis) | idFrustum | |
SetOrigin(const idVec3 &origin) | idFrustum | |
SetPyramid(float dNear, float dFar) | idFrustum | |
SetSize(float dNear, float dFar, float dLeft, float dUp) | idFrustum | |
ToClippedPoints(const float fractions[4], idVec3 points[8]) const | idFrustum | private |
ToIndexPoints(idVec3 indexPoints[8]) const | idFrustum | private |
ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs(idVec3 indexPoints[8], idVec3 cornerVecs[4]) const | idFrustum | private |
ToPlanes(idPlane planes[6]) const | idFrustum | |
ToPoints(idVec3 points[8]) const | idFrustum | |
Translate(const idVec3 &translation) const | idFrustum | |
TranslateSelf(const idVec3 &translation) | idFrustum |