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Doom 3 GPL source release
This is the complete list of members for idThread, including all inherited members.
ABSTRACT_PROTOTYPE(idClass) | idClass | |
BeginMultiFrameEvent(idEntity *ent, const idEventDef *event) | idThread | static |
CallFunction(const function_t *func, bool clearStack) | idThread | |
CallFunction(idEntity *obj, const function_t *func, bool clearStack) | idThread | |
CallSpawn(void) | idClass | |
CancelEvents(const idEventDef *ev) | idClass | |
CLASS_PROTOTYPE(idThread) | idThread | |
ClearWaitFor(void) | idThread | |
ContinueProcessing(void) | idThread | inline |
CreateInstance(const char *name) | idClass | static |
creationTime | idThread | private |
CurrentThread(void) | idThread | static |
currentThread | idThread | privatestatic |
CurrentThreadNum(void) | idThread | static |
DelayedStart(int delay) | idThread | |
DisableDebugInfo(void) | idThread | inline |
DisplayInfo() | idThread | |
DisplayInfo_f(const idCmdArgs &args) | idClass | static |
DoneProcessing(void) | idThread | inline |
EnableDebugInfo(void) | idThread | inline |
End(void) | idThread | |
EndMultiFrameEvent(idEntity *ent, const idEventDef *event) | idThread | static |
EndThread(void) | idThread | inline |
Error(const char *fmt,...) const id_attribute((format(printf | idThread | |
Event_AngToForward(idAngles &ang) | idThread | private |
Event_AngToRight(idAngles &ang) | idThread | private |
Event_AngToUp(idAngles &ang) | idThread | private |
Event_Assert(float value) | idThread | private |
Event_CacheSoundShader(const char *soundName) | idThread | private |
Event_ClearPersistantArgs(void) | idThread | private |
Event_ClearSignalThread(int signal, idEntity *ent) | idThread | private |
Event_CopySpawnArgs(idEntity *ent) | idThread | private |
Event_DebugArrow(const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const int size, const float lifetime) | idThread | private |
Event_DebugBounds(const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &mins, const idVec3 &maxs, const float lifetime) | idThread | private |
Event_DebugCircle(const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, const float radius, const int numSteps, const float lifetime) | idThread | private |
Event_DebugLine(const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float lifetime) | idThread | private |
Event_DrawText(const char *text, const idVec3 &origin, float scale, const idVec3 &color, const int align, const float lifetime) | idThread | private |
Event_Error(const char *text) | idThread | private |
Event_Execute(void) | idThread | private |
Event_FadeIn(idVec3 &color, float time) | idThread | private |
Event_FadeOut(idVec3 &color, float time) | idThread | private |
Event_FadeTo(idVec3 &color, float alpha, float time) | idThread | private |
Event_FirstPerson(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetCosine(float angle) | idThread | private |
Event_GetCvar(const char *name) const | idThread | private |
Event_GetEntity(const char *name) | idThread | private |
Event_GetFrameTime(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetPersistantFloat(const char *key) | idThread | private |
Event_GetPersistantString(const char *key) | idThread | private |
Event_GetPersistantVector(const char *key) | idThread | private |
Event_GetSine(float angle) | idThread | private |
Event_GetSquareRoot(float theSquare) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTicsPerSecond(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTime(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceBody(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceEndPos(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceEntity(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceFraction(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceJoint(void) | idThread | private |
Event_GetTraceNormal(void) | idThread | private |
Event_InfluenceActive(void) | idThread | private |
Event_IsClient(void) | idThread | private |
Event_IsMultiplayer(void) | idThread | private |
Event_KillThread(const char *name) | idThread | private |
Event_OnSignal(int signal, idEntity *ent, const char *func) | idThread | private |
Event_Pause(void) | idThread | private |
Event_Print(const char *text) | idThread | private |
Event_PrintLn(const char *text) | idThread | private |
Event_RadiusDamage(const idVec3 &origin, idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, idEntity *ignore, const char *damageDefName, float dmgPower) | idThread | private |
Event_Random(float range) const | idThread | private |
Event_Remove(void) | idClass | |
Event_Say(const char *text) | idThread | private |
Event_SetCamera(idEntity *ent) | idThread | private |
Event_SetCvar(const char *name, const char *value) const | idThread | private |
Event_SetPersistantArg(const char *key, const char *value) | idThread | private |
Event_SetShaderParm(int parmnum, float value) | idThread | private |
Event_SetSpawnArg(const char *key, const char *value) | idThread | private |
Event_SetThreadName(const char *name) | idThread | private |
Event_Spawn(const char *classname) | idThread | private |
Event_SpawnFloat(const char *key, float defaultvalue) | idThread | private |
Event_SpawnString(const char *key, const char *defaultvalue) | idThread | private |
Event_SpawnVector(const char *key, idVec3 &defaultvalue) | idThread | private |
Event_StartMusic(const char *name) | idThread | private |
Event_StrLeft(const char *string, int num) | idThread | private |
Event_StrLen(const char *string) | idThread | private |
Event_StrMid(const char *string, int start, int num) | idThread | private |
Event_StrRight(const char *string, int num) | idThread | private |
Event_StrSkip(const char *string, int num) | idThread | private |
Event_StrToFloat(const char *string) | idThread | private |
Event_TerminateThread(int num) | idThread | private |
Event_Trace(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idVec3 &mins, const idVec3 &maxs, int contents_mask, idEntity *passEntity) | idThread | private |
Event_TracePoint(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int contents_mask, idEntity *passEntity) | idThread | private |
Event_Trigger(idEntity *ent) | idThread | private |
Event_VecCrossProduct(idVec3 &vec1, idVec3 &vec2) | idThread | private |
Event_VecDotProduct(idVec3 &vec1, idVec3 &vec2) | idThread | private |
Event_VecLength(idVec3 &vec) | idThread | private |
Event_VecNormalize(idVec3 &vec) | idThread | private |
Event_VecToAngles(idVec3 &vec) | idThread | private |
Event_Wait(float time) | idThread | private |
Event_WaitFor(idEntity *ent) | idThread | private |
Event_WaitForThread(int num) | idThread | private |
Event_WaitFrame(void) | idThread | private |
Event_Warning(const char *text) | idThread | private |
Execute(void) | idThread | |
FindUninitializedMemory(void) | idClass | |
GetClass(const char *name) | idClass | static |
GetClassname(void) const | idClass | |
GetNumTypes(void) | idClass | inlinestatic |
GetSuperclass(void) const | idClass | |
GetThread(int num) | idThread | static |
GetThreadName(void) | idThread | |
GetThreadNum(void) | idThread | |
GetThreads(void) | idThread | static |
GetType(int num) | idClass | static |
GetTypeNumBits(void) | idClass | inlinestatic |
idThread() | idThread | |
idThread(idEntity *self, const function_t *func) | idThread | |
idThread(const function_t *func) | idThread | |
idThread(idInterpreter *source, const function_t *func, int args) | idThread | |
idThread(idInterpreter *source, idEntity *self, const function_t *func, int args) | idThread | |
Init(void) | idThread | private |
interpreter | idThread | private |
IsDoneProcessing(void) | idThread | |
IsDying(void) | idThread | |
IsType(const idTypeInfo &c) const | idClass | |
IsWaiting(void) | idThread | |
IsWaitingFor(idEntity *obj) | idThread | |
KillThread(const char *name) | idThread | static |
KillThread(int num) | idThread | static |
lastExecuteTime | idThread | private |
ListClasses_f(const idCmdArgs &args) | idClass | static |
ListThreads_f(const idCmdArgs &args) | idThread | static |
manualControl | idThread | private |
ManualControl(void) | idThread | inline |
ManualDelete(void) | idThread | |
ObjectMoveDone(int threadnum, idEntity *obj) | idThread | static |
ObjectMoveDone(idEntity *obj) | idThread | |
operator delete(void *) | idClass | |
operator delete(void *, int, int, char *, int) | idClass | |
operator new(size_t) | idClass | |
operator new(size_t s, int, int, char *, int) | idClass | |
Pause(void) | idThread | private |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
PostEventMS(const idEventDef *ev, int time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
PostEventSec(const idEventDef *ev, float time, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7) | idClass | |
ProcessEvent(const idEventDef *ev, idEventArg arg1, idEventArg arg2, idEventArg arg3, idEventArg arg4, idEventArg arg5, idEventArg arg6, idEventArg arg7, idEventArg arg8) | idClass | |
ProcessEventArgPtr(const idEventDef *ev, int *data) | idClass | |
RespondsTo(const idEventDef &ev) const | idClass | |
Restart(void) | idThread | static |
Restore(idRestoreGame *savefile) | idThread | |
ReturnEntity(idEntity *ent) | idThread | static |
ReturnFloat(float value) | idThread | static |
ReturnInt(int value) | idThread | static |
ReturnString(const char *text) | idThread | static |
ReturnVector(idVec3 const &vec) | idThread | static |
Save(idSaveGame *savefile) const | idThread | |
SetThreadName(const char *name) | idThread | |
SetThreadNum(int num) | idThread | |
Shutdown(void) | idClass | static |
Spawn(void) | idClass | |
spawnArgs | idThread | private |
Start(void) | idThread | |
ThreadCallback(idThread *thread) | idThread | |
ThreadDying(void) | idThread | inline |
threadIndex | idThread | privatestatic |
threadList | idThread | privatestatic |
threadName | idThread | private |
threadNum | idThread | private |
trace | idThread | privatestatic |
WaitFrame(void) | idThread | |
waitingFor | idThread | private |
waitingForThread | idThread | private |
WaitingOnThread(void) | idThread | |
waitingUntil | idThread | private |
WaitMS(int time) | idThread | |
WaitSec(float time) | idThread | |
Warning(const char *fmt,...) const id_attribute((format(printf | idThread | |
~idClass() | idClass | virtual |
~idThread() | idThread | virtual |