Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2020-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
5 #include <common/system.h>
6 #include <compat/compat.h>
7 #include <logging.h>
8 #include <tinyformat.h>
9 #include <util/sock.h>
10 #include <util/syserror.h>
11 #include <util/threadinterrupt.h>
12 #include <util/time.h>
14 #include <memory>
15 #include <stdexcept>
16 #include <string>
18 #ifdef USE_POLL
19 #include <poll.h>
20 #endif
22 static inline bool IOErrorIsPermanent(int err)
23 {
24  return err != WSAEAGAIN && err != WSAEINTR && err != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && err != WSAEINPROGRESS;
25 }
27 Sock::Sock(SOCKET s) : m_socket(s) {}
29 Sock::Sock(Sock&& other)
30 {
31  m_socket = other.m_socket;
32  other.m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
33 }
38 {
39  Close();
40  m_socket = other.m_socket;
41  other.m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
42  return *this;
43 }
45 ssize_t Sock::Send(const void* data, size_t len, int flags) const
46 {
47  return send(m_socket, static_cast<const char*>(data), len, flags);
48 }
50 ssize_t Sock::Recv(void* buf, size_t len, int flags) const
51 {
52  return recv(m_socket, static_cast<char*>(buf), len, flags);
53 }
55 int Sock::Connect(const sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addr_len) const
56 {
57  return connect(m_socket, addr, addr_len);
58 }
60 int Sock::Bind(const sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addr_len) const
61 {
62  return bind(m_socket, addr, addr_len);
63 }
65 int Sock::Listen(int backlog) const
66 {
67  return listen(m_socket, backlog);
68 }
70 std::unique_ptr<Sock> Sock::Accept(sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addr_len) const
71 {
72 #ifdef WIN32
73  static constexpr auto ERR = INVALID_SOCKET;
74 #else
75  static constexpr auto ERR = SOCKET_ERROR;
76 #endif
78  std::unique_ptr<Sock> sock;
80  const auto socket = accept(m_socket, addr, addr_len);
81  if (socket != ERR) {
82  try {
83  sock = std::make_unique<Sock>(socket);
84  } catch (const std::exception&) {
85 #ifdef WIN32
86  closesocket(socket);
87 #else
88  close(socket);
89 #endif
90  }
91  }
93  return sock;
94 }
96 int Sock::GetSockOpt(int level, int opt_name, void* opt_val, socklen_t* opt_len) const
97 {
98  return getsockopt(m_socket, level, opt_name, static_cast<char*>(opt_val), opt_len);
99 }
101 int Sock::SetSockOpt(int level, int opt_name, const void* opt_val, socklen_t opt_len) const
102 {
103  return setsockopt(m_socket, level, opt_name, static_cast<const char*>(opt_val), opt_len);
104 }
106 int Sock::GetSockName(sockaddr* name, socklen_t* name_len) const
107 {
108  return getsockname(m_socket, name, name_len);
109 }
112 {
113 #ifdef WIN32
114  u_long on{1};
115  if (ioctlsocket(m_socket, FIONBIO, &on) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
116  return false;
117  }
118 #else
119  const int flags{fcntl(m_socket, F_GETFL, 0)};
120  if (flags == SOCKET_ERROR) {
121  return false;
122  }
123  if (fcntl(m_socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
124  return false;
125  }
126 #endif
127  return true;
128 }
130 bool Sock::IsSelectable() const
131 {
132 #if defined(USE_POLL) || defined(WIN32)
133  return true;
134 #else
135  return m_socket < FD_SETSIZE;
136 #endif
137 }
139 bool Sock::Wait(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, Event requested, Event* occurred) const
140 {
141  // We need a `shared_ptr` owning `this` for `WaitMany()`, but don't want
142  // `this` to be destroyed when the `shared_ptr` goes out of scope at the
143  // end of this function. Create it with a custom noop deleter.
144  std::shared_ptr<const Sock> shared{this, [](const Sock*) {}};
146  EventsPerSock events_per_sock{std::make_pair(shared, Events{requested})};
148  if (!WaitMany(timeout, events_per_sock)) {
149  return false;
150  }
152  if (occurred != nullptr) {
153  *occurred = events_per_sock.begin()->second.occurred;
154  }
156  return true;
157 }
159 bool Sock::WaitMany(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, EventsPerSock& events_per_sock) const
160 {
161 #ifdef USE_POLL
162  std::vector<pollfd> pfds;
163  for (const auto& [sock, events] : events_per_sock) {
164  pfds.emplace_back();
165  auto& pfd = pfds.back();
166  pfd.fd = sock->m_socket;
167  if (events.requested & RECV) {
168 |= POLLIN;
169  }
170  if (events.requested & SEND) {
171 |= POLLOUT;
172  }
173  }
175  if (poll(, pfds.size(), count_milliseconds(timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
176  return false;
177  }
179  assert(pfds.size() == events_per_sock.size());
180  size_t i{0};
181  for (auto& [sock, events] : events_per_sock) {
182  assert(sock->m_socket == static_cast<SOCKET>(pfds[i].fd));
183  events.occurred = 0;
184  if (pfds[i].revents & POLLIN) {
185  events.occurred |= RECV;
186  }
187  if (pfds[i].revents & POLLOUT) {
188  events.occurred |= SEND;
189  }
190  if (pfds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) {
191  events.occurred |= ERR;
192  }
193  ++i;
194  }
196  return true;
197 #else
198  fd_set recv;
199  fd_set send;
200  fd_set err;
201  FD_ZERO(&recv);
202  FD_ZERO(&send);
203  FD_ZERO(&err);
204  SOCKET socket_max{0};
206  for (const auto& [sock, events] : events_per_sock) {
207  if (!sock->IsSelectable()) {
208  return false;
209  }
210  const auto& s = sock->m_socket;
211  if (events.requested & RECV) {
212  FD_SET(s, &recv);
213  }
214  if (events.requested & SEND) {
215  FD_SET(s, &send);
216  }
217  FD_SET(s, &err);
218  socket_max = std::max(socket_max, s);
219  }
221  timeval tv = MillisToTimeval(timeout);
223  if (select(socket_max + 1, &recv, &send, &err, &tv) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
224  return false;
225  }
227  for (auto& [sock, events] : events_per_sock) {
228  const auto& s = sock->m_socket;
229  events.occurred = 0;
230  if (FD_ISSET(s, &recv)) {
231  events.occurred |= RECV;
232  }
233  if (FD_ISSET(s, &send)) {
234  events.occurred |= SEND;
235  }
236  if (FD_ISSET(s, &err)) {
237  events.occurred |= ERR;
238  }
239  }
241  return true;
242 #endif /* USE_POLL */
243 }
246  std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
247  CThreadInterrupt& interrupt) const
248 {
249  const auto deadline = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>() + timeout;
250  size_t sent{0};
252  for (;;) {
253  const ssize_t ret{Send( + sent, data.size() - sent, MSG_NOSIGNAL)};
255  if (ret > 0) {
256  sent += static_cast<size_t>(ret);
257  if (sent == data.size()) {
258  break;
259  }
260  } else {
261  const int err{WSAGetLastError()};
262  if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
263  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("send(): %s", NetworkErrorString(err)));
264  }
265  }
267  const auto now = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>();
269  if (now >= deadline) {
270  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
271  "Send timeout (sent only %u of %u bytes before that)", sent, data.size()));
272  }
274  if (interrupt) {
275  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
276  "Send interrupted (sent only %u of %u bytes before that)", sent, data.size()));
277  }
279  // Wait for a short while (or the socket to become ready for sending) before retrying
280  // if nothing was sent.
281  const auto wait_time = std::min(deadline - now, std::chrono::milliseconds{MAX_WAIT_FOR_IO});
282  (void)Wait(wait_time, SEND);
283  }
284 }
287  std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
288  CThreadInterrupt& interrupt) const
289 {
290  SendComplete(MakeUCharSpan(data), timeout, interrupt);
291 }
293 std::string Sock::RecvUntilTerminator(uint8_t terminator,
294  std::chrono::milliseconds timeout,
295  CThreadInterrupt& interrupt,
296  size_t max_data) const
297 {
298  const auto deadline = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>() + timeout;
299  std::string data;
300  bool terminator_found{false};
302  // We must not consume any bytes past the terminator from the socket.
303  // One option is to read one byte at a time and check if we have read a terminator.
304  // However that is very slow. Instead, we peek at what is in the socket and only read
305  // as many bytes as possible without crossing the terminator.
306  // Reading 64 MiB of random data with 262526 terminator chars takes 37 seconds to read
307  // one byte at a time VS 0.71 seconds with the "peek" solution below. Reading one byte
308  // at a time is about 50 times slower.
310  for (;;) {
311  if (data.size() >= max_data) {
312  throw std::runtime_error(
313  strprintf("Received too many bytes without a terminator (%u)", data.size()));
314  }
316  char buf[512];
318  const ssize_t peek_ret{Recv(buf, std::min(sizeof(buf), max_data - data.size()), MSG_PEEK)};
320  switch (peek_ret) {
321  case -1: {
322  const int err{WSAGetLastError()};
323  if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
324  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("recv(): %s", NetworkErrorString(err)));
325  }
326  break;
327  }
328  case 0:
329  throw std::runtime_error("Connection unexpectedly closed by peer");
330  default:
331  auto end = buf + peek_ret;
332  auto terminator_pos = std::find(buf, end, terminator);
333  terminator_found = terminator_pos != end;
335  const size_t try_len{terminator_found ? terminator_pos - buf + 1 :
336  static_cast<size_t>(peek_ret)};
338  const ssize_t read_ret{Recv(buf, try_len, 0)};
340  if (read_ret < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(read_ret) != try_len) {
341  throw std::runtime_error(
342  strprintf("recv() returned %u bytes on attempt to read %u bytes but previous "
343  "peek claimed %u bytes are available",
344  read_ret, try_len, peek_ret));
345  }
347  // Don't include the terminator in the output.
348  const size_t append_len{terminator_found ? try_len - 1 : try_len};
350  data.append(buf, buf + append_len);
352  if (terminator_found) {
353  return data;
354  }
355  }
357  const auto now = GetTime<std::chrono::milliseconds>();
359  if (now >= deadline) {
360  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
361  "Receive timeout (received %u bytes without terminator before that)", data.size()));
362  }
364  if (interrupt) {
365  throw std::runtime_error(strprintf(
366  "Receive interrupted (received %u bytes without terminator before that)",
367  data.size()));
368  }
370  // Wait for a short while (or the socket to become ready for reading) before retrying.
371  const auto wait_time = std::min(deadline - now, std::chrono::milliseconds{MAX_WAIT_FOR_IO});
372  (void)Wait(wait_time, RECV);
373  }
374 }
376 bool Sock::IsConnected(std::string& errmsg) const
377 {
378  if (m_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
379  errmsg = "not connected";
380  return false;
381  }
383  char c;
384  switch (Recv(&c, sizeof(c), MSG_PEEK)) {
385  case -1: {
386  const int err = WSAGetLastError();
387  if (IOErrorIsPermanent(err)) {
388  errmsg = NetworkErrorString(err);
389  return false;
390  }
391  return true;
392  }
393  case 0:
394  errmsg = "closed";
395  return false;
396  default:
397  return true;
398  }
399 }
402 {
403  if (m_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
404  return;
405  }
406 #ifdef WIN32
407  int ret = closesocket(m_socket);
408 #else
409  int ret = close(m_socket);
410 #endif
411  if (ret) {
412  LogPrintf("Error closing socket %d: %s\n", m_socket, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
413  }
415 }
418 {
419  return m_socket == s;
420 };
422 std::string NetworkErrorString(int err)
423 {
424 #if defined(WIN32)
425  return Win32ErrorString(err);
426 #else
427  // On BSD sockets implementations, NetworkErrorString is the same as SysErrorString.
428  return SysErrorString(err);
429 #endif
430 }
int ret
int flags
Definition: bitcoin-tx.cpp:530
A helper class for interruptible sleeps.
RAII helper class that manages a socket and closes it automatically when it goes out of scope.
Definition: sock.h:27
virtual std::unique_ptr< Sock > Accept(sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len) const
accept(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:70
virtual ssize_t Send(const void *data, size_t len, int flags) const
send(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:45
static constexpr Event SEND
If passed to Wait(), then it will wait for readiness to send to the socket.
Definition: sock.h:148
SOCKET m_socket
Contained socket.
Definition: sock.h:275
virtual int Bind(const sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) const
bind(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:60
virtual void SendComplete(Span< const unsigned char > data, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, CThreadInterrupt &interrupt) const
Send the given data, retrying on transient errors.
Definition: sock.cpp:245
virtual bool Wait(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, Event requested, Event *occurred=nullptr) const
Wait for readiness for input (recv) or output (send).
Definition: sock.cpp:139
virtual ~Sock()
Destructor, close the socket or do nothing if empty.
Definition: sock.cpp:35
uint8_t Event
Definition: sock.h:138
virtual int GetSockName(sockaddr *name, socklen_t *name_len) const
getsockname(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:106
void Close()
Close m_socket if it is not INVALID_SOCKET.
Definition: sock.cpp:401
virtual bool WaitMany(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, EventsPerSock &events_per_sock) const
Same as Wait(), but wait on many sockets within the same timeout.
Definition: sock.cpp:159
static constexpr Event ERR
Ignored if passed to Wait(), but could be set in the occurred events if an exceptional condition has ...
Definition: sock.h:154
virtual bool IsConnected(std::string &errmsg) const
Check if still connected.
Definition: sock.cpp:376
virtual int SetSockOpt(int level, int opt_name, const void *opt_val, socklen_t opt_len) const
setsockopt(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:101
static constexpr Event RECV
If passed to Wait(), then it will wait for readiness to read from the socket.
Definition: sock.h:143
virtual int GetSockOpt(int level, int opt_name, void *opt_val, socklen_t *opt_len) const
getsockopt(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:96
virtual int Connect(const sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addr_len) const
connect(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:55
Sock & operator=(const Sock &)=delete
Copy assignment operator, disabled because closing the same socket twice is undesirable.
virtual ssize_t Recv(void *buf, size_t len, int flags) const
recv(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:50
virtual std::string RecvUntilTerminator(uint8_t terminator, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout, CThreadInterrupt &interrupt, size_t max_data) const
Read from socket until a terminator character is encountered.
Definition: sock.cpp:293
virtual int Listen(int backlog) const
listen(2) wrapper.
Definition: sock.cpp:65
virtual bool SetNonBlocking() const
Set the non-blocking option on the socket.
Definition: sock.cpp:111
std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< const Sock >, Events, HashSharedPtrSock, EqualSharedPtrSock > EventsPerSock
On which socket to wait for what events in WaitMany().
Definition: sock.h:208
virtual bool IsSelectable() const
Check if the underlying socket can be used for select(2) (or the Wait() method).
Definition: sock.cpp:130
bool operator==(SOCKET s) const
Check if the internal socket is equal to s.
Definition: sock.cpp:417
constexpr std::size_t size() const noexcept
Definition: span.h:187
constexpr C * data() const noexcept
Definition: span.h:174
Definition: compat.h:56
Definition: compat.h:50
Definition: compat.h:57
#define WSAGetLastError()
Definition: compat.h:48
Definition: compat.h:107
unsigned int SOCKET
Definition: compat.h:46
Definition: compat.h:54
#define WSAEINTR
Definition: compat.h:53
Definition: compat.h:51
#define LogPrintf(...)
Definition: logging.h:244
RPCHelpMan send()
Definition: spend.cpp:1188
const char * name
Definition: rest.cpp:50
static bool IOErrorIsPermanent(int err)
Definition: sock.cpp:22
std::string NetworkErrorString(int err)
Return readable error string for a network error code.
Definition: sock.cpp:422
static constexpr auto MAX_WAIT_FOR_IO
Maximum time to wait for I/O readiness.
Definition: sock.h:21
constexpr auto MakeUCharSpan(V &&v) -> decltype(UCharSpanCast(Span{std::forward< V >(v)}))
Like the Span constructor, but for (const) unsigned char member types only.
Definition: span.h:304
Auxiliary requested/occurred events to wait for in WaitMany().
Definition: sock.h:173
std::string SysErrorString(int err)
Return system error string from errno value.
Definition: syserror.cpp:21
struct timeval MillisToTimeval(int64_t nTimeout)
Convert milliseconds to a struct timeval for e.g.
Definition: time.cpp:63
constexpr int64_t count_milliseconds(std::chrono::milliseconds t)
Definition: time.h:55
#define strprintf
Format arguments and return the string or write to given std::ostream (see tinyformat::format doc for...
Definition: tinyformat.h:1162