Bitcoin Core  27.99.0
P2P Digital Currency
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) 2019-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 // file COPYING or
4 //
5 #include <chainparams.h>
6 #include <consensus/validation.h>
9 #include <node/utxo_snapshot.h>
10 #include <random.h>
11 #include <rpc/blockchain.h>
12 #include <sync.h>
13 #include <test/util/chainstate.h>
14 #include <test/util/logging.h>
15 #include <test/util/random.h>
16 #include <test/util/setup_common.h>
17 #include <test/util/validation.h>
18 #include <uint256.h>
19 #include <validation.h>
20 #include <validationinterface.h>
22 #include <tinyformat.h>
24 #include <vector>
26 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
28 using node::BlockManager;
32 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(validation_chainstatemanager_tests, TestingSetup)
38 {
39  ChainstateManager& manager = *m_node.chainman;
40  std::vector<Chainstate*> chainstates;
42  BOOST_CHECK(!manager.SnapshotBlockhash().has_value());
44  // Create a legacy (IBD) chainstate.
45  //
46  Chainstate& c1 = manager.ActiveChainstate();
47  chainstates.push_back(&c1);
49  BOOST_CHECK(!manager.IsSnapshotActive());
50  BOOST_CHECK(WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return !manager.IsSnapshotValidated()));
51  auto all = manager.GetAll();
52  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(all.begin(), all.end(), chainstates.begin(), chainstates.end());
54  auto& active_chain = WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveChain());
55  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(&active_chain, &c1.m_chain);
57  // Get to a valid assumeutxo tip (per chainparams);
58  mineBlocks(10);
59  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveHeight()), 110);
60  auto active_tip = WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveTip());
61  auto exp_tip = c1.m_chain.Tip();
62  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(active_tip, exp_tip);
64  BOOST_CHECK(!manager.SnapshotBlockhash().has_value());
66  // Create a snapshot-based chainstate.
67  //
68  const uint256 snapshot_blockhash = active_tip->GetBlockHash();
69  Chainstate& c2 = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return manager.ActivateExistingSnapshot(snapshot_blockhash));
70  chainstates.push_back(&c2);
71  c2.InitCoinsDB(
72  /*cache_size_bytes=*/1 << 23, /*in_memory=*/true, /*should_wipe=*/false);
73  {
74  LOCK(::cs_main);
75  c2.InitCoinsCache(1 << 23);
76  c2.CoinsTip().SetBestBlock(active_tip->GetBlockHash());
77  c2.setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(manager.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(active_tip->GetBlockHash()));
78  c2.LoadChainTip();
79  }
81  BOOST_CHECK(c2.ActivateBestChain(_, nullptr));
83  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(manager.SnapshotBlockhash().value(), snapshot_blockhash);
84  BOOST_CHECK(manager.IsSnapshotActive());
85  BOOST_CHECK(WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return !manager.IsSnapshotValidated()));
86  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(&c2, &manager.ActiveChainstate());
87  BOOST_CHECK(&c1 != &manager.ActiveChainstate());
88  auto all2 = manager.GetAll();
89  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(all2.begin(), all2.end(), chainstates.begin(), chainstates.end());
91  auto& active_chain2 = WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveChain());
92  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(&active_chain2, &c2.m_chain);
94  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveHeight()), 110);
95  mineBlocks(1);
96  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveHeight()), 111);
97  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return c1.m_chain.Height()), 110);
99  auto active_tip2 = WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveTip());
100  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(active_tip, active_tip2->pprev);
101  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(active_tip, c1.m_chain.Tip());
102  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(active_tip2, c2.m_chain.Tip());
104  // Let scheduler events finish running to avoid accessing memory that is going to be unloaded
105  m_node.validation_signals->SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue();
106 }
109 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_rebalance_caches, TestChain100Setup)
110 {
111  ChainstateManager& manager = *m_node.chainman;
113  size_t max_cache = 10000;
114  manager.m_total_coinsdb_cache = max_cache;
115  manager.m_total_coinstip_cache = max_cache;
117  std::vector<Chainstate*> chainstates;
119  // Create a legacy (IBD) chainstate.
120  //
121  Chainstate& c1 = manager.ActiveChainstate();
122  chainstates.push_back(&c1);
123  {
124  LOCK(::cs_main);
125  c1.InitCoinsCache(1 << 23);
126  manager.MaybeRebalanceCaches();
127  }
132  // Create a snapshot-based chainstate.
133  //
134  CBlockIndex* snapshot_base{WITH_LOCK(manager.GetMutex(), return manager.ActiveChain()[manager.ActiveChain().Height() / 2])};
135  Chainstate& c2 = WITH_LOCK(cs_main, return manager.ActivateExistingSnapshot(*snapshot_base->phashBlock));
136  chainstates.push_back(&c2);
137  c2.InitCoinsDB(
138  /*cache_size_bytes=*/1 << 23, /*in_memory=*/true, /*should_wipe=*/false);
140  // Reset IBD state so IsInitialBlockDownload() returns true and causes
141  // MaybeRebalancesCaches() to prioritize the snapshot chainstate, giving it
142  // more cache space than the snapshot chainstate. Calling ResetIbd() is
143  // necessary because m_cached_finished_ibd is already latched to true before
144  // the test starts due to the test setup. After ResetIbd() is called.
145  // IsInitialBlockDownload will return true because at this point the active
146  // chainstate has a null chain tip.
147  static_cast<TestChainstateManager&>(manager).ResetIbd();
149  {
150  LOCK(::cs_main);
151  c2.InitCoinsCache(1 << 23);
152  manager.MaybeRebalanceCaches();
153  }
155  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(c1.m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes, max_cache * 0.05, 1);
156  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(c1.m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes, max_cache * 0.05, 1);
157  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(c2.m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes, max_cache * 0.95, 1);
158  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(c2.m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes, max_cache * 0.95, 1);
159 }
162  // Run with coinsdb on the filesystem to support, e.g., moving invalidated
163  // chainstate dirs to "*_invalid".
164  //
165  // Note that this means the tests run considerably slower than in-memory DB
166  // tests, but we can't otherwise test this functionality since it relies on
167  // destructive filesystem operations.
169  {},
170  {},
171  /*coins_db_in_memory=*/false,
172  /*block_tree_db_in_memory=*/false,
173  }
174  {
175  }
177  std::tuple<Chainstate*, Chainstate*> SetupSnapshot()
178  {
179  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
181  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman.IsSnapshotActive());
183  {
184  LOCK(::cs_main);
185  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman.IsSnapshotValidated());
187  }
189  size_t initial_size;
190  size_t initial_total_coins{100};
192  // Make some initial assertions about the contents of the chainstate.
193  {
194  LOCK(::cs_main);
195  CCoinsViewCache& ibd_coinscache = chainman.ActiveChainstate().CoinsTip();
196  initial_size = ibd_coinscache.GetCacheSize();
197  size_t total_coins{0};
199  for (CTransactionRef& txn : m_coinbase_txns) {
200  COutPoint op{txn->GetHash(), 0};
201  BOOST_CHECK(ibd_coinscache.HaveCoin(op));
202  total_coins++;
203  }
205  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(total_coins, initial_total_coins);
206  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(initial_size, initial_total_coins);
207  }
209  Chainstate& validation_chainstate = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
211  // Snapshot should refuse to load at this height.
212  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(this));
213  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman.ActiveChainstate().m_from_snapshot_blockhash);
214  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman.SnapshotBlockhash());
216  // Mine 10 more blocks, putting at us height 110 where a valid assumeutxo value can
217  // be found.
218  constexpr int snapshot_height = 110;
219  mineBlocks(10);
220  initial_size += 10;
221  initial_total_coins += 10;
223  // Should not load malleated snapshots
224  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(
225  this, [](AutoFile& auto_infile, SnapshotMetadata& metadata) {
226  // A UTXO is missing but count is correct
227  metadata.m_coins_count -= 1;
229  COutPoint outpoint;
230  Coin coin;
232  auto_infile >> outpoint;
233  auto_infile >> coin;
234  }));
238  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(
239  this, [](AutoFile& auto_infile, SnapshotMetadata& metadata) {
240  // Coins count is larger than coins in file
241  metadata.m_coins_count += 1;
242  }));
243  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(
244  this, [](AutoFile& auto_infile, SnapshotMetadata& metadata) {
245  // Coins count is smaller than coins in file
246  metadata.m_coins_count -= 1;
247  }));
248  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(
249  this, [](AutoFile& auto_infile, SnapshotMetadata& metadata) {
250  // Wrong hash
251  metadata.m_base_blockhash = uint256::ZERO;
252  }));
253  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(
254  this, [](AutoFile& auto_infile, SnapshotMetadata& metadata) {
255  // Wrong hash
256  metadata.m_base_blockhash = uint256::ONE;
257  }));
259  BOOST_REQUIRE(CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(this));
262  // Ensure our active chain is the snapshot chainstate.
263  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman.ActiveChainstate().m_from_snapshot_blockhash->IsNull());
265  *chainman.ActiveChainstate().m_from_snapshot_blockhash,
266  *chainman.SnapshotBlockhash());
268  Chainstate& snapshot_chainstate = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
270  {
271  LOCK(::cs_main);
275  // Note: WriteSnapshotBaseBlockhash() is implicitly tested above.
278  *chainman.SnapshotBlockhash());
279  }
281  const auto& au_data = ::Params().AssumeutxoForHeight(snapshot_height);
282  const CBlockIndex* tip = WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(), return chainman.ActiveTip());
284  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(tip->nChainTx, au_data->nChainTx);
286  // To be checked against later when we try loading a subsequent snapshot.
287  uint256 loaded_snapshot_blockhash{*chainman.SnapshotBlockhash()};
289  // Make some assertions about the both chainstates. These checks ensure the
290  // legacy chainstate hasn't changed and that the newly created chainstate
291  // reflects the expected content.
292  {
293  LOCK(::cs_main);
294  int chains_tested{0};
296  for (Chainstate* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
297  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Checking coins in " << chainstate->ToString());
298  CCoinsViewCache& coinscache = chainstate->CoinsTip();
300  // Both caches will be empty initially.
301  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((unsigned int)0, coinscache.GetCacheSize());
303  size_t total_coins{0};
305  for (CTransactionRef& txn : m_coinbase_txns) {
306  COutPoint op{txn->GetHash(), 0};
307  BOOST_CHECK(coinscache.HaveCoin(op));
308  total_coins++;
309  }
311  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(initial_size , coinscache.GetCacheSize());
312  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(total_coins, initial_total_coins);
313  chains_tested++;
314  }
316  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chains_tested, 2);
317  }
319  // Mine some new blocks on top of the activated snapshot chainstate.
320  constexpr size_t new_coins{100};
321  mineBlocks(new_coins); // Defined in TestChain100Setup.
323  {
324  LOCK(::cs_main);
325  size_t coins_in_active{0};
326  size_t coins_in_background{0};
327  size_t coins_missing_from_background{0};
329  for (Chainstate* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
330  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Checking coins in " << chainstate->ToString());
331  CCoinsViewCache& coinscache = chainstate->CoinsTip();
332  bool is_background = chainstate != &chainman.ActiveChainstate();
334  for (CTransactionRef& txn : m_coinbase_txns) {
335  COutPoint op{txn->GetHash(), 0};
336  if (coinscache.HaveCoin(op)) {
337  (is_background ? coins_in_background : coins_in_active)++;
338  } else if (is_background) {
339  coins_missing_from_background++;
340  }
341  }
342  }
344  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(coins_in_active, initial_total_coins + new_coins);
345  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(coins_in_background, initial_total_coins);
346  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(coins_missing_from_background, new_coins);
347  }
349  // Snapshot should refuse to load after one has already loaded.
350  BOOST_REQUIRE(!CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(this));
352  // Snapshot blockhash should be unchanged.
354  *chainman.ActiveChainstate().m_from_snapshot_blockhash,
355  loaded_snapshot_blockhash);
356  return std::make_tuple(&validation_chainstate, &snapshot_chainstate);
357  }
359  // Simulate a restart of the node by flushing all state to disk, clearing the
360  // existing ChainstateManager, and unloading the block index.
361  //
362  // @returns a reference to the "restarted" ChainstateManager
364  {
365  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
367  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Simulating node restart");
368  {
369  for (Chainstate* cs : chainman.GetAll()) {
370  LOCK(::cs_main);
371  cs->ForceFlushStateToDisk();
372  }
373  // Process all callbacks referring to the old manager before wiping it.
374  m_node.validation_signals->SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue();
375  LOCK(::cs_main);
376  chainman.ResetChainstates();
377  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman.GetAll().size(), 0);
378  m_node.notifications = std::make_unique<KernelNotifications>(*Assert(m_node.shutdown), m_node.exit_status);
379  const ChainstateManager::Options chainman_opts{
380  .chainparams = ::Params(),
381  .datadir = chainman.m_options.datadir,
382  .notifications = *m_node.notifications,
383  .signals = m_node.validation_signals.get(),
384  };
385  const BlockManager::Options blockman_opts{
386  .chainparams = chainman_opts.chainparams,
387  .blocks_dir = m_args.GetBlocksDirPath(),
388  .notifications = chainman_opts.notifications,
389  };
390  // For robustness, ensure the old manager is destroyed before creating a
391  // new one.
392  m_node.chainman.reset();
393  m_node.chainman = std::make_unique<ChainstateManager>(*Assert(m_node.shutdown), chainman_opts, blockman_opts);
394  }
395  return *Assert(m_node.chainman);
396  }
397 };
400 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_activate_snapshot, SnapshotTestSetup)
401 {
402  this->SetupSnapshot();
403 }
415 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_loadblockindex, TestChain100Setup)
416 {
417  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
418  Chainstate& cs1 = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
420  int num_indexes{0};
421  // Blocks in range [assumed_valid_start_idx, last_assumed_valid_idx) will be
422  // marked as assumed-valid and not having data.
423  const int expected_assumed_valid{20};
424  const int last_assumed_valid_idx{111};
425  const int assumed_valid_start_idx = last_assumed_valid_idx - expected_assumed_valid;
427  // Mine to height 120, past the hardcoded regtest assumeutxo snapshot at
428  // height 110
429  mineBlocks(20);
431  CBlockIndex* validated_tip{nullptr};
432  CBlockIndex* assumed_base{nullptr};
433  CBlockIndex* assumed_tip{WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(), return chainman.ActiveChain().Tip())};
434  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(assumed_tip->nHeight, 120);
436  auto reload_all_block_indexes = [&]() {
437  // For completeness, we also reset the block sequence counters to
438  // ensure that no state which affects the ranking of tip-candidates is
439  // retained (even though this isn't strictly necessary).
440  WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman.ResetBlockSequenceCounters());
441  for (Chainstate* cs : chainman.GetAll()) {
442  LOCK(::cs_main);
443  cs->ClearBlockIndexCandidates();
444  BOOST_CHECK(cs->setBlockIndexCandidates.empty());
445  }
447  WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, chainman.LoadBlockIndex());
448  };
450  // Ensure that without any assumed-valid BlockIndex entries, only the current tip is
451  // considered as a candidate.
452  reload_all_block_indexes();
455  // Reset some region of the chain's nStatus, removing the HAVE_DATA flag.
456  for (int i = 0; i <= cs1.m_chain.Height(); ++i) {
457  LOCK(::cs_main);
458  auto index = cs1.m_chain[i];
460  // Blocks with heights in range [91, 110] are marked as missing data.
461  if (i < last_assumed_valid_idx && i >= assumed_valid_start_idx) {
462  index->nStatus = BlockStatus::BLOCK_VALID_TREE;
463  index->nTx = 0;
464  index->nChainTx = 0;
465  }
467  ++num_indexes;
469  // Note the last fully-validated block as the expected validated tip.
470  if (i == (assumed_valid_start_idx - 1)) {
471  validated_tip = index;
472  }
473  // Note the last assumed valid block as the snapshot base
474  if (i == last_assumed_valid_idx - 1) {
475  assumed_base = index;
476  }
477  }
479  // Note: cs2's tip is not set when ActivateExistingSnapshot is called.
480  Chainstate& cs2 = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main,
481  return chainman.ActivateExistingSnapshot(*assumed_base->phashBlock));
483  // Set tip of the fully validated chain to be the validated tip
484  cs1.m_chain.SetTip(*validated_tip);
486  // Set tip of the assume-valid-based chain to the assume-valid block
487  cs2.m_chain.SetTip(*assumed_base);
489  // Sanity check test variables.
490  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(num_indexes, 121); // 121 total blocks, including genesis
491  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(assumed_tip->nHeight, 120); // original chain has height 120
492  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(validated_tip->nHeight, 90); // current cs1 chain has height 90
493  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(assumed_base->nHeight, 110); // current cs2 chain has height 110
495  // Regenerate cs1.setBlockIndexCandidates and cs2.setBlockIndexCandidate and
496  // check contents below.
497  reload_all_block_indexes();
499  // The fully validated chain should only have the current validated tip and
500  // the assumed valid base as candidates, blocks 90 and 110. Specifically:
501  //
502  // - It does not have blocks 0-89 because they contain less work than the
503  // chain tip.
504  //
505  // - It has block 90 because it has data and equal work to the chain tip,
506  // (since it is the chain tip).
507  //
508  // - It does not have blocks 91-109 because they do not contain data.
509  //
510  // - It has block 110 even though it does not have data, because
511  // LoadBlockIndex has a special case to always add the snapshot block as a
512  // candidate. The special case is only actually intended to apply to the
513  // snapshot chainstate cs2, not the background chainstate cs1, but it is
514  // written broadly and applies to both.
515  //
516  // - It does not have any blocks after height 110 because cs1 is a background
517  // chainstate, and only blocks where are ancestors of the snapshot block
518  // are added as candidates for the background chainstate.
520  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs1.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(validated_tip), 1);
521  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs1.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(assumed_base), 1);
523  // The assumed-valid tolerant chain has the assumed valid base as a
524  // candidate, but otherwise has none of the assumed-valid (which do not
525  // HAVE_DATA) blocks as candidates.
526  //
527  // Specifically:
528  // - All blocks below height 110 are not candidates, because cs2 chain tip
529  // has height 110 and they have less work than it does.
530  //
531  // - Block 110 is a candidate even though it does not have data, because it
532  // is the snapshot block, which is assumed valid.
533  //
534  // - Blocks 111-120 are added because they have data.
536  // Check that block 90 is absent
537  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs2.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(validated_tip), 0);
538  // Check that block 109 is absent
539  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs2.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(assumed_base->pprev), 0);
540  // Check that block 110 is present
541  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs2.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(assumed_base), 1);
542  // Check that block 120 is present
543  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs2.setBlockIndexCandidates.count(assumed_tip), 1);
544  // Check that 11 blocks total are present.
545  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs2.setBlockIndexCandidates.size(), num_indexes - last_assumed_valid_idx + 1);
546 }
549 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_snapshot_init, SnapshotTestSetup)
550 {
551  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
552  Chainstate& bg_chainstate = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
554  this->SetupSnapshot();
556  fs::path snapshot_chainstate_dir = *node::FindSnapshotChainstateDir(chainman.m_options.datadir);
557  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
558  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(snapshot_chainstate_dir, gArgs.GetDataDirNet() / "chainstate_snapshot");
560  BOOST_CHECK(chainman.IsSnapshotActive());
561  const uint256 snapshot_tip_hash = WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(),
562  return chainman.ActiveTip()->GetBlockHash());
564  auto all_chainstates = chainman.GetAll();
565  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(all_chainstates.size(), 2);
567  // "Rewind" the background chainstate so that its tip is not at the
568  // base block of the snapshot - this is so after simulating a node restart,
569  // it will initialize instead of attempting to complete validation.
570  //
571  // Note that this is not a realistic use of DisconnectTip().
573  BlockValidationState unused_state;
574  {
575  LOCK2(::cs_main, bg_chainstate.MempoolMutex());
576  BOOST_CHECK(bg_chainstate.DisconnectTip(unused_state, &unused_pool));
577  unused_pool.clear(); // to avoid queuedTx assertion errors on teardown
578  }
579  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bg_chainstate.m_chain.Height(), 109);
581  // Test that simulating a shutdown (resetting ChainstateManager) and then performing
582  // chainstate reinitializing successfully cleans up the background-validation
583  // chainstate data, and we end up with a single chainstate that is at tip.
584  ChainstateManager& chainman_restarted = this->SimulateNodeRestart();
586  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Performing Load/Verify/Activate of chainstate");
588  // This call reinitializes the chainstates.
589  this->LoadVerifyActivateChainstate();
591  {
592  LOCK(chainman_restarted.GetMutex());
593  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.GetAll().size(), 2);
594  BOOST_CHECK(chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotActive());
595  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotValidated());
597  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveTip()->GetBlockHash(), snapshot_tip_hash);
598  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 210);
599  }
602  "Ensure we can mine blocks on top of the initialized snapshot chainstate");
603  mineBlocks(10);
604  {
605  LOCK(chainman_restarted.GetMutex());
606  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 220);
608  // Background chainstate should be unaware of new blocks on the snapshot
609  // chainstate.
610  for (Chainstate* cs : chainman_restarted.GetAll()) {
611  if (cs != &chainman_restarted.ActiveChainstate()) {
612  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(cs->m_chain.Height(), 109);
613  }
614  }
615  }
616 }
618 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_snapshot_completion, SnapshotTestSetup)
619 {
620  this->SetupSnapshot();
622  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
623  Chainstate& active_cs = chainman.ActiveChainstate();
624  auto tip_cache_before_complete = active_cs.m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes;
625  auto db_cache_before_complete = active_cs.m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes;
628  m_node.notifications->m_shutdown_on_fatal_error = false;
630  fs::path snapshot_chainstate_dir = *node::FindSnapshotChainstateDir(chainman.m_options.datadir);
631  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
632  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(snapshot_chainstate_dir, gArgs.GetDataDirNet() / "chainstate_snapshot");
634  BOOST_CHECK(chainman.IsSnapshotActive());
635  const uint256 snapshot_tip_hash = WITH_LOCK(chainman.GetMutex(),
636  return chainman.ActiveTip()->GetBlockHash());
638  res = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman.MaybeCompleteSnapshotValidation());
642  BOOST_CHECK(chainman.IsSnapshotActive());
644  // Cache should have been rebalanced and reallocated to the "only" remaining
645  // chainstate.
646  BOOST_CHECK(active_cs.m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes > tip_cache_before_complete);
647  BOOST_CHECK(active_cs.m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes > db_cache_before_complete);
649  auto all_chainstates = chainman.GetAll();
650  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(all_chainstates.size(), 1);
651  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(all_chainstates[0], &active_cs);
653  // Trying completion again should return false.
654  res = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman.MaybeCompleteSnapshotValidation());
657  // The invalid snapshot path should not have been used.
658  fs::path snapshot_invalid_dir = gArgs.GetDataDirNet() / "chainstate_snapshot_INVALID";
659  BOOST_CHECK(!fs::exists(snapshot_invalid_dir));
660  // chainstate_snapshot should still exist.
661  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
663  // Test that simulating a shutdown (resetting ChainstateManager) and then performing
664  // chainstate reinitializing successfully cleans up the background-validation
665  // chainstate data, and we end up with a single chainstate that is at tip.
666  ChainstateManager& chainman_restarted = this->SimulateNodeRestart();
668  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Performing Load/Verify/Activate of chainstate");
670  // This call reinitializes the chainstates, and should clean up the now unnecessary
671  // background-validation leveldb contents.
672  this->LoadVerifyActivateChainstate();
674  BOOST_CHECK(!fs::exists(snapshot_invalid_dir));
675  // chainstate_snapshot should now *not* exist.
676  BOOST_CHECK(!fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
678  const Chainstate& active_cs2 = chainman_restarted.ActiveChainstate();
680  {
681  LOCK(chainman_restarted.GetMutex());
682  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.GetAll().size(), 1);
683  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotActive());
684  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotValidated());
685  BOOST_CHECK(active_cs2.m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes > tip_cache_before_complete);
686  BOOST_CHECK(active_cs2.m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes > db_cache_before_complete);
688  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveTip()->GetBlockHash(), snapshot_tip_hash);
689  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 210);
690  }
693  "Ensure we can mine blocks on top of the \"new\" IBD chainstate");
694  mineBlocks(10);
695  {
696  LOCK(chainman_restarted.GetMutex());
697  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 220);
698  }
699 }
701 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager_snapshot_completion_hash_mismatch, SnapshotTestSetup)
702 {
703  auto chainstates = this->SetupSnapshot();
704  Chainstate& validation_chainstate = *std::get<0>(chainstates);
705  ChainstateManager& chainman = *Assert(m_node.chainman);
707  m_node.notifications->m_shutdown_on_fatal_error = false;
709  // Test tampering with the IBD UTXO set with an extra coin to ensure it causes
710  // snapshot completion to fail.
711  CCoinsViewCache& ibd_coins = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main,
712  return validation_chainstate.CoinsTip());
713  Coin badcoin;
714  badcoin.out.nValue = InsecureRand32();
715  badcoin.nHeight = 1;
716  badcoin.out.scriptPubKey.assign(InsecureRandBits(6), 0);
718  ibd_coins.AddCoin(COutPoint(txid, 0), std::move(badcoin), false);
720  fs::path snapshot_chainstate_dir = gArgs.GetDataDirNet() / "chainstate_snapshot";
721  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
723  {
724  ASSERT_DEBUG_LOG("failed to validate the -assumeutxo snapshot state");
725  res = WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman.MaybeCompleteSnapshotValidation());
727  }
729  auto all_chainstates = chainman.GetAll();
730  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(all_chainstates.size(), 1);
731  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(all_chainstates[0], &validation_chainstate);
732  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(&chainman.ActiveChainstate(), &validation_chainstate);
734  fs::path snapshot_invalid_dir = gArgs.GetDataDirNet() / "chainstate_snapshot_INVALID";
735  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_invalid_dir));
737  // Test that simulating a shutdown (resetting ChainstateManager) and then performing
738  // chainstate reinitializing successfully loads only the fully-validated
739  // chainstate data, and we end up with a single chainstate that is at tip.
740  ChainstateManager& chainman_restarted = this->SimulateNodeRestart();
742  BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Performing Load/Verify/Activate of chainstate");
744  // This call reinitializes the chainstates, and should clean up the now unnecessary
745  // background-validation leveldb contents.
746  this->LoadVerifyActivateChainstate();
748  BOOST_CHECK(fs::exists(snapshot_invalid_dir));
749  BOOST_CHECK(!fs::exists(snapshot_chainstate_dir));
751  {
752  LOCK(::cs_main);
753  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.GetAll().size(), 1);
754  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotActive());
755  BOOST_CHECK(!chainman_restarted.IsSnapshotValidated());
756  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 210);
757  }
760  "Ensure we can mine blocks on top of the \"new\" IBD chainstate");
761  mineBlocks(10);
762  {
763  LOCK(::cs_main);
764  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(chainman_restarted.ActiveHeight(), 220);
765  }
766 }
ArgsManager gArgs
Definition: args.cpp:41
node::NodeContext m_node
Definition: bitcoin-gui.cpp:37
All parent headers found, difficulty matches, timestamp >= median previous, checkpoint.
Definition: chain.h:97
const CChainParams & Params()
Return the currently selected parameters.
#define Assert(val)
Identity function.
Definition: check.h:77
fs::path GetDataDirNet() const
Get data directory path with appended network identifier.
Definition: args.h:232
Non-refcounted RAII wrapper for FILE*.
Definition: streams.h:389
The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the genesis block at the root,...
Definition: chain.h:141
uint256 GetBlockHash() const
Definition: chain.h:244
unsigned int nChainTx
(memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block.
Definition: chain.h:177
CBlockIndex * Tip() const
Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or nullptr if none.
Definition: chain.h:434
void SetTip(CBlockIndex &block)
Set/initialize a chain with a given tip.
Definition: chain.cpp:21
int Height() const
Return the maximal height in the chain.
Definition: chain.h:463
std::optional< AssumeutxoData > AssumeutxoForHeight(int height) const
Definition: chainparams.h:122
CCoinsView that adds a memory cache for transactions to another CCoinsView.
Definition: coins.h:229
void AddCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &&coin, bool possible_overwrite)
Add a coin.
Definition: coins.cpp:69
unsigned int GetCacheSize() const
Calculate the size of the cache (in number of transaction outputs)
Definition: coins.cpp:298
void SetBestBlock(const uint256 &hashBlock)
Definition: coins.cpp:177
bool HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const override
Just check whether a given outpoint is unspent.
Definition: coins.cpp:161
An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout.
Definition: transaction.h:29
CScript scriptPubKey
Definition: transaction.h:153
CAmount nValue
Definition: transaction.h:152
Chainstate stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the current best chain.
Definition: validation.h:490
const CBlockIndex *SnapshotBase() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(std::set< CBlockIndex *, node::CBlockIndexWorkComparator > setBlockIndexCandidates
The base of the snapshot this chainstate was created from.
Definition: validation.h:584
CChain m_chain
The current chain of blockheaders we consult and build on.
Definition: validation.h:570
size_t m_coinstip_cache_size_bytes
The cache size of the in-memory coins view.
Definition: validation.h:634
bool LoadChainTip() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Update the chain tip based on database information, i.e.
size_t m_coinsdb_cache_size_bytes
The cache size of the on-disk coins view.
Definition: validation.h:631
bool DisconnectTip(BlockValidationState &state, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main
Disconnect m_chain's tip.
Definition: validation.h:596
Provides an interface for creating and interacting with one or two chainstates: an IBD chainstate gen...
Definition: validation.h:849
CChain & ActiveChain() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
Definition: validation.h:1068
SnapshotCompletionResult MaybeCompleteSnapshotValidation() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(const CBlockIndex *GetSnapshotBaseBlock() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Chainstate ActiveChainstate)() const
Once the background validation chainstate has reached the height which is the base of the UTXO snapsh...
Definition: validation.h:1067
int64_t m_total_coinstip_cache
The total number of bytes available for us to use across all in-memory coins caches.
Definition: validation.h:1023
int64_t m_total_coinsdb_cache
The total number of bytes available for us to use across all leveldb coins databases.
Definition: validation.h:1027
bool IsSnapshotValidated() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
Is there a snapshot in use and has it been fully validated?
Definition: validation.h:1100
RecursiveMutex & GetMutex() const LOCK_RETURNED(
Alias for cs_main.
Definition: validation.h:958
int ActiveHeight() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
Definition: validation.h:1069
CBlockIndex * ActiveTip() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GetMutex())
Definition: validation.h:1070
bool IsSnapshotActive() const
const Options m_options
Definition: validation.h:961
bool LoadBlockIndex() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Load the block tree and coins database from disk, initializing state if we're running with -reindex.
std::optional< uint256 > SnapshotBlockhash() const
Chainstate &InitializeChainstate(CTxMemPool *mempool) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(std::vector< Chainstate * GetAll)()
Instantiate a new chainstate.
Definition: validation.h:1036
void ResetBlockSequenceCounters() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(
Definition: validation.h:989
node::BlockManager m_blockman
A single BlockManager instance is shared across each constructed chainstate to avoid duplicating bloc...
Definition: validation.h:965
A UTXO entry.
Definition: coins.h:32
CTxOut out
unspent transaction output
Definition: coins.h:35
uint32_t nHeight
at which height this containing transaction was included in the active block chain
Definition: coins.h:41
Path class wrapper to block calls to the fs::path(std::string) implicit constructor and the fs::path:...
Definition: fs.h:33
Maintains a tree of blocks (stored in m_block_index) which is consulted to determine where the most-w...
Definition: blockstorage.h:137
CBlockIndex * LookupBlockIndex(const uint256 &hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
Metadata describing a serialized version of a UTXO set from which an assumeutxo Chainstate can be con...
Definition: utxo_snapshot.h:25
uint256 m_base_blockhash
The hash of the block that reflects the tip of the chain for the UTXO set contained in this snapshot.
Definition: utxo_snapshot.h:29
uint64_t m_coins_count
The number of coins in the UTXO set contained in this snapshot.
Definition: utxo_snapshot.h:33
void assign(size_type n, const T &val)
Definition: prevector.h:225
static transaction_identifier FromUint256(const uint256 &id)
256-bit opaque blob.
Definition: uint256.h:106
static const uint256 ONE
Definition: uint256.h:112
static const uint256 ZERO
Definition: uint256.h:111
RecursiveMutex cs_main
Mutex to guard access to validation specific variables, such as reading or changing the chainstate.
Definition: cs_main.cpp:8
static const unsigned int MAX_DISCONNECTED_TX_POOL_BYTES
Maximum bytes for transactions to store for processing during reorg.
static void pool cs
static bool exists(const path &p)
Definition: fs.h:89
std::optional< uint256 > ReadSnapshotBaseBlockhash(fs::path chaindir)
std::optional< fs::path > FindSnapshotChainstateDir(const fs::path &data_dir)
Return a path to the snapshot-based chainstate dir, if one exists.
#define BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(v1, v2)
Definition: object.cpp:18
#define BOOST_CHECK(expr)
Definition: object.cpp:17
std::shared_ptr< const CTransaction > CTransactionRef
Definition: transaction.h:423
std::tuple< Chainstate *, Chainstate * > SetupSnapshot()
Testing fixture that pre-creates a 100-block REGTEST-mode block chain.
Definition: setup_common.h:106
Testing setup that configures a complete environment.
Definition: setup_common.h:85
An options struct for ChainstateManager, more ergonomically referred to as ChainstateManager::Options...
std::unique_ptr< ValidationSignals > validation_signals
Issues calls about blocks and transactions.
Definition: context.h:82
std::unique_ptr< ChainstateManager > chainman
Definition: context.h:67
std::unique_ptr< KernelNotifications > notifications
Issues blocking calls about sync status, errors and warnings.
Definition: context.h:80
std::atomic< int > exit_status
Definition: context.h:83
util::SignalInterrupt * shutdown
Interrupt object used to track whether node shutdown was requested.
Definition: context.h:60
#define LOCK2(cs1, cs2)
Definition: sync.h:258
#define LOCK(cs)
Definition: sync.h:257
#define WITH_LOCK(cs, code)
Run code while locking a mutex.
Definition: sync.h:301
static bool CreateAndActivateUTXOSnapshot(TestingSetup *fixture, F malleation=NoMalleation, bool reset_chainstate=false, bool in_memory_chainstate=false)
Create and activate a UTXO snapshot, optionally providing a function to malleate the snapshot.
Definition: chainstate.h:33
#define ASSERT_DEBUG_LOG(message)
Definition: logging.h:39
static uint256 InsecureRand256()
Definition: random.h:50
static uint64_t InsecureRandBits(int bits)
Definition: random.h:55
static uint32_t InsecureRand32()
Definition: random.h:45
bilingual_str _(const char *psz)
Translation function.
Definition: translation.h:74
Definition: validation.h:800
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(chainstatemanager, TestChain100Setup)
Basic tests for ChainstateManager.