This is the complete list of members for idInventory, including all inherited members.
AddPickupName(const char *name, const char *icon, idPlayer *owner) | idInventory | |
ammo | idInventory | |
AmmoIndexForAmmoClass(const char *ammo_classname) const | idInventory | |
AmmoIndexForWeaponClass(const char *weapon_classname, int *ammoRequired) | idInventory | |
AmmoPickupNameForIndex(ammo_t ammonum) const | idInventory | |
ammoPredictTime | idInventory | |
ammoPulse | idInventory | |
armor | idInventory | |
armorPulse | idInventory | |
Clear(void) | idInventory | |
ClearPowerUps(void) | idInventory | |
clip | idInventory | |
deplete_ammount | idInventory | |
deplete_armor | idInventory | |
deplete_rate | idInventory | |
Drop(const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *weapon_classname, int weapon_index) | idInventory | |
emails | idInventory | |
GetPersistantData(idDict &dict) | idInventory | |
Give(idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *statname, const char *value, int *idealWeapon, bool updateHud) | idInventory | |
GivePowerUp(idPlayer *player, int powerup, int msec) | idInventory | |
HasAmmo(ammo_t type, int amount) | idInventory | |
HasAmmo(const char *weapon_classname, bool includeClip=false, idPlayer *owner=NULL) | idInventory | |
idInventory() | idInventory | inline |
items | idInventory | |
lastGiveTime | idInventory | |
levelTriggers | idInventory | |
MaxAmmoForAmmoClass(idPlayer *owner, const char *ammo_classname) const | idInventory | |
maxarmor | idInventory | |
maxHealth | idInventory | |
nextArmorDepleteTime | idInventory | |
nextItemNum | idInventory | |
nextItemPickup | idInventory | |
objectiveNames | idInventory | |
onePickupTime | idInventory | |
pdaOpened | idInventory | |
pdas | idInventory | |
pdaSecurity | idInventory | |
pdasViewed | idInventory | |
pickupItemNames | idInventory | |
powerupEndTime | idInventory | |
powerups | idInventory | |
Restore(idRestoreGame *savefile) | idInventory | |
RestoreInventory(idPlayer *owner, const idDict &dict) | idInventory | |
Save(idSaveGame *savefile) const | idInventory | |
selAudio | idInventory | |
selEMail | idInventory | |
selPDA | idInventory | |
selVideo | idInventory | |
turkeyScore | idInventory | |
UpdateArmor(void) | idInventory | |
UseAmmo(ammo_t type, int amount) | idInventory | |
videos | idInventory | |
WeaponIndexForAmmoClass(const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *ammo_classname) const | idInventory | |
weaponPulse | idInventory | |
weapons | idInventory | |
~idInventory() | idInventory | inline |