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idSIMD_SSE Member List

This is the complete list of members for idSIMD_SSE, including all inherited members.

Add(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Add(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Add16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
AddAssign16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
BlendJoints(idJointQuat *joints, const idJointQuat *blendJoints, const float lerp, const int *index, const int numJoints)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Clamp(float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const float max, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
ClampMax(float *dst, const float *src, const float max, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
ClampMin(float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpGE(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpGE(byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpGT(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpGT(byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpLE(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpLE(byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpLT(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CmpLT(byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats(idJointQuat *jointQuats, const idJointMat *jointMats, const int numJoints)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats(idJointMat *jointMats, const idJointQuat *jointQuats, const int numJoints)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Copy16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CreateShadowCache(idVec4 *vertexCache, int *vertRemap, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CreateSpecularTextureCoords(idVec4 *texCoords, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CreateTextureSpaceLightVectors(idVec3 *lightVectors, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
CreateVertexProgramShadowCache(idVec4 *vertexCache, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
DecalPointCull(byte *cullBits, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
DeriveTangents(idPlane *planes, idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
DeriveTriPlanes(idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
DeriveUnsmoothedTangents(idDrawVert *verts, const dominantTri_s *dominantTris, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Div(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Div(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idVec3 *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idPlane *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idDrawVert *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idPlane &constant, const idVec3 *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idPlane &constant, const idPlane *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idPlane &constant, const idDrawVert *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float *dst, const idVec3 *src0, const idVec3 *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Dot(float &dot, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
GetName(void) const idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_LDLTFactor(idMatX &mat, idVecX &invDiag, const int n)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_LowerTriangularSolve(const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n, int skip=0)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose(const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_MultiplyAddVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_MultiplyMatX(idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_MultiplySubVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_MultiplyVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_TransposeMultiplyAddVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_TransposeMultiplyMatX(idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_TransposeMultiplySubVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MatX_TransposeMultiplyVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Memset(void *dst, const int val, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MinMax(float &min, float &max, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MinMax(idVec2 &min, idVec2 &max, const idVec2 *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MinMax(idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idVec3 *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MinMax(idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MinMax(idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert *src, const int *indexes, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MixedSoundToSamples(short *samples, const float *mixBuffer, const int numSamples)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MixSoundSixSpeakerMono(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6])idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MixSoundSixSpeakerStereo(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6])idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MixSoundTwoSpeakerMono(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2])idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MixSoundTwoSpeakerStereo(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2])idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Mul(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Mul(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Mul16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MulAdd(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MulAdd(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MulAssign16(float *dst, const float constant, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MulSub(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
MulSub(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Negate16(float *dst, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
NormalizeTangents(idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
OverlayPointCull(byte *cullBits, idVec2 *texCoords, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Sub(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Sub(float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Sub16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
SubAssign16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
TracePointCull(byte *cullBits, byte &totalOr, const float radius, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
TransformJoints(idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
TransformVerts(idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const idJointMat *joints, const idVec4 *weights, const int *index, const int numWeights)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
UntransformJoints(idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
UpSampleOGGTo44kHz(float *dest, const float *const *ogg, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
UpSamplePCMTo44kHz(float *dest, const short *pcm, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels)idSIMD_Genericvirtual
Zero16(float *dst, const int count)idSIMD_Genericvirtual