Doom 3 GPL source release
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1 # run doom process on a series of maps
2 # can be used for regression testing, or to fetch media
3 # keeps a log of each run ( see getLogfile )
5 # currently uses a basic stdout activity timeout to decide when to move on
6 # using a periodic check of /proc/<pid>/status SleepAVG
7 # when the sleep average is reaching 0, issue a 'quit' to stdout
9 # keeps serialized run status in runner.pickle
10 # NOTE: can be used to initiate runs on failed maps only for instance etc.
12 # TODO: use the serialized and not the logs to sort the run order
14 # TODO: better logging. Use idLogger?
16 # TODO: configurable event when the process is found interactive
17 # instead of emitting a quit, perform some warning action?
19 import sys, os, commands, string, time, traceback, pickle
21 from twisted.application import internet, service
22 from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, utils, defer
23 from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
25 class doomClientProtocol( protocol.ProcessProtocol ):
27  # ProcessProtocol API
29  def connectionMade( self ):
30  self.logfile.write( 'connectionMade\n' )
32  def outReceived( self, data ):
33  print data
34  self.logfile.write( data )
36  def errReceived( self, data ):
37  print 'stderr: ' + data
38  self.logfile.write( 'stderr: ' + data )
40  def inConnectionLost( self ):
41  self.logfile.write( 'inConnectionLost\n' )
43  def outConnectionLost( self ):
44  self.logfile.write( 'outConnectionLost\n' )
46  def errConnectionLost( self ):
47  self.logfile.write( 'errConnectionLost\n' )
49  def processEnded( self, status_object ):
50  self.logfile.write( 'processEnded %s\n' % repr( status_object ) )
51  self.logfile.write( time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime( time.time() ) ) + '\n' )
52  self.logfile.close()
53  self.deferred.callback( None )
55  # mac management
56  def __init__( self, logfilename, deferred ):
57  self.logfilename = logfilename
58  self.logfile = open( logfilename, 'a' )
59  self.logfile.write( time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime( time.time() ) ) + '\n' )
60  self.deferred = deferred
62 class doomService( service.Service ):
64  # current monitoring state
65  # 0: nothing running
66  # 1: we have a process running, we're monitoring it's CPU usage
67  # 2: we issued a 'quit' to the process's stdin
68  # either going to get a processEnded, or a timeout
69  # 3: we forced a kill because of error, timeout etc.
70  state = 0
72  # load check period
73  check_period = 10
75  # pickled status file
76  pickle_file = 'runner.pickle'
78  # stores status indexed by filename
79  # { 'mapname' : ( state, last_update ), .. }
80  status = {}
82  # start the maps as multiplayer server
83  multiplayer = 0
85  def __init__( self, bin, cmdline, maps, sort = 0, multiplayer = 0, blank_run = 0 ):
86  self.p_transport = None
87  self.multiplayer = multiplayer
88  self.blank_run = blank_run
89  if ( self.multiplayer ):
90  print 'Operate in multiplayer mode'
91  self.bin = os.path.abspath( bin )
92  if ( type( cmdline ) is type( '' ) ):
93  self.cmdline = string.split( cmdline, ' ' )
94  else:
95  self.cmdline = cmdline
96  self.maps = maps
97  if ( os.path.exists( self.pickle_file ) ):
98  print 'Loading pickled status %s' % self.pickle_file
99  handle = open( self.pickle_file, 'r' )
100  self.status = pickle.load( handle )
101  handle.close()
102  if ( sort ):
103  print 'Sorting maps oldest runs first'
104  maps_sorted = [ ]
105  for i in self.maps:
106  i_log = self.getLogfile( i )
107  if ( os.path.exists( i_log ) ):
108  maps_sorted.append( ( i, os.path.getmtime( i_log ) ) )
109  else:
110  maps_sorted.append( ( i, 0 ) )
111  maps_sorted.sort( lambda x,y : cmp( x[1], y[1] ) )
112  self.maps = [ ]
113  if ( blank_run ):
114  self.maps.append( 'blankrun' )
115  for i in maps_sorted:
116  self.maps.append( i[ 0 ] )
117  print 'Sorted as: %s\n' % repr( self.maps )
119  def getLogfile( self, name ):
120  return 'logs/' + string.translate( name, string.maketrans( '/', '-' ) ) + '.log'
122  # deferred call when child process dies
123  def processEnded( self, val ):
124  print 'child has died - state %d' % self.state
125  self.status[ self.maps[ self.i_map ] ] = ( self.state, time.time() )
126  self.i_map += 1
127  if ( self.i_map >= len( self.maps ) ):
128  reactor.stop()
129  else:
130  self.nextMap()
132  def processTimeout( self ):
133  self.p_transport.signalProcess( "KILL" )
135  def sleepAVGReply( self, val ):
136  try:
137  s = val[10:][:-2]
138  print 'sleepAVGReply %s%%' % s
139  if ( s == '0' ):
140  # need twice in a row
141  if ( self.state == 2 ):
142  print 'child process is interactive'
143  self.p_transport.write( 'quit\n' )
144  else:
145  self.state = 2
146  else:
147  self.state = 1
148 # else:
149 # reactor.callLater( self.check_period, self.checkCPU )
150  except:
151  print traceback.format_tb( sys.exc_info()[2] )
152  print sys.exc_info()[0]
153  print 'exception raised in sleepAVGReply - killing process'
154  self.state = 3
155  self.p_transport.signalProcess( 'KILL' )
157  def sleepAVGTimeout( self ):
158  print 'sleepAVGTimeout - killing process'
159  self.state = 3
160  self.p_transport.signalProcess( 'KILL' )
162  # called at regular intervals to monitor the sleep average of the child process
163  # when sleep reaches 0, it means the map is loaded and interactive
164  def checkCPU( self ):
165  if ( self.state == 0 or self.p_transport is None or is None ):
166  print 'checkCPU: no child process atm'
167  return
168  defer = utils.getProcessOutput( '/bin/bash', [ '-c', 'cat /proc/%d/status | grep SleepAVG' % ] )
169  defer.addCallback( self.sleepAVGReply )
170  defer.setTimeout( 2, self.sleepAVGTimeout )
172  def nextMap( self ):
173  self.state = 0
174  name = self.maps[ self.i_map ]
175  print 'Starting map: ' + name
176  logfile = self.getLogfile( name )
177  print 'Logging to: ' + logfile
178  if ( self.multiplayer ):
179  cmdline = [ self.bin ] + self.cmdline + [ '+set', 'si_map', name ]
180  if ( name != 'blankrun' ):
181  cmdline.append( '+spawnServer' )
182  else:
183  cmdline = [ self.bin ] + self.cmdline
184  if ( name != 'blankrun' ):
185  cmdline += [ '+devmap', name ]
186  print 'Command line: ' + repr( cmdline )
187  self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
188  self.deferred.addCallback( self.processEnded )
189  self.p_transport = reactor.spawnProcess( doomClientProtocol( logfile, self.deferred ), self.bin, cmdline , path = os.path.dirname( self.bin ), env = os.environ )
190  self.state = 1
191 # # setup the CPU usage loop
192 # reactor.callLater( self.check_period, self.checkCPU )
194  def startService( self ):
195  print 'doomService startService'
196  loop = LoopingCall( self.checkCPU )
197  loop.start( self.check_period )
198  self.i_map = 0
199  self.nextMap()
201  def stopService( self ):
202  print 'doomService stopService'
203  if ( not is None ):
204  self.p_transport.signalProcess( 'KILL' )
205  # serialize
206  print 'saving status to %s' % self.pickle_file
207  handle = open( self.pickle_file, 'w+' )
208  pickle.dump( self.status, handle )
209  handle.close()