This is the complete list of members for SSDProjectile, including all inherited members.
beginTime | SSDProjectile | private |
currentTime | SSDEntity | |
destroyed | SSDEntity | |
DestroyEntity() | SSDEntity | virtual |
dir | SSDProjectile | private |
Draw(idDeviceContext *dc) | SSDEntity | virtual |
elapsed | SSDEntity | |
endPosition | SSDProjectile | private |
endTime | SSDProjectile | private |
EntityInit() | SSDEntity | |
EntityUpdate() | SSDProjectile | virtual |
foreColor | SSDEntity | |
game | SSDEntity | |
GetNewProjectile(idGameSSDWindow *_game, const idVec3 &_beginPosition, const idVec3 &_endPosition, float _speed, float _size) | SSDProjectile | static |
GetSpecificProjectile(int id) | SSDProjectile | static |
hitRadius | SSDEntity | |
HitTest(const idVec2 &pt) | SSDEntity | |
id | SSDEntity | |
Init(idGameSSDWindow *_game, const idVec3 &_beginPosition, const idVec3 &_endPosition, float _speed, float _size) | SSDProjectile | |
inUse | SSDEntity | |
lastUpdate | SSDEntity | |
matColor | SSDEntity | |
material | SSDEntity | |
materialName | SSDEntity | |
noHit | SSDEntity | |
noPlayerDamage | SSDEntity | |
OnHit(int key) | SSDEntity | inlinevirtual |
OnStrikePlayer() | SSDEntity | inlinevirtual |
position | SSDEntity | |
projectilePool | SSDProjectile | protectedstatic |
radius | SSDEntity | |
ReadFromSaveGame(idFile *savefile, idGameSSDWindow *_game) | SSDProjectile | virtual |
ReadProjectiles(idFile *savefile, idGameSSDWindow *_game) | SSDProjectile | static |
rotation | SSDEntity | |
ScreenToWorld(const idVec3 &screenPos) | SSDEntity | |
SetGame(idGameSSDWindow *_game) | SSDEntity | |
SetMaterial(const char *_name) | SSDEntity | |
SetPosition(const idVec3 &_position) | SSDEntity | |
SetRadius(float _radius, float _hitFactor=1.0f) | SSDEntity | |
SetRotation(float _rotation) | SSDEntity | |
SetSize(const idVec2 &_size) | SSDEntity | |
size | SSDEntity | |
speed | SSDProjectile | private |
SSDEntity() | SSDEntity | |
SSDProjectile() | SSDProjectile | |
text | SSDEntity | |
textScale | SSDEntity | |
type | SSDEntity | |
Update() | SSDEntity | |
WorldToScreen(const idBounds worldBounds) | SSDEntity | |
WorldToScreen(const idVec3 &worldPos) | SSDEntity | |
WriteProjectiles(idFile *savefile) | SSDProjectile | static |
WriteToSaveGame(idFile *savefile) | SSDProjectile | virtual |
~SSDEntity() | SSDEntity | virtual |
~SSDProjectile() | SSDProjectile | |