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1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Doom 3 GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
9 Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <>.
22 In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
29 #ifndef __MATH_SIMD_GENERIC_H__
30 #define __MATH_SIMD_GENERIC_H__
32 /*
33 ===============================================================================
35  Generic implementation of idSIMDProcessor
37 ===============================================================================
38 */
41 public:
42  virtual const char * VPCALL GetName( void ) const;
44  virtual void VPCALL Add( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
45  virtual void VPCALL Add( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
46  virtual void VPCALL Sub( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
47  virtual void VPCALL Sub( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
48  virtual void VPCALL Mul( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
49  virtual void VPCALL Mul( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
50  virtual void VPCALL Div( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
51  virtual void VPCALL Div( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
52  virtual void VPCALL MulAdd( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
53  virtual void VPCALL MulAdd( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
54  virtual void VPCALL MulSub( float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count );
55  virtual void VPCALL MulSub( float *dst, const float *src0, const float *src1, const int count );
57  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idVec3 *src, const int count );
58  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idPlane *src, const int count );
59  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idDrawVert *src, const int count );
60  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idPlane &constant,const idVec3 *src, const int count );
61  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idPlane &constant,const idPlane *src, const int count );
62  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idPlane &constant,const idDrawVert *src, const int count );
63  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float *dst, const idVec3 *src0, const idVec3 *src1, const int count );
64  virtual void VPCALL Dot( float &dot, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count );
66  virtual void VPCALL CmpGT( byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
67  virtual void VPCALL CmpGT( byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
68  virtual void VPCALL CmpGE( byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
69  virtual void VPCALL CmpGE( byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
70  virtual void VPCALL CmpLT( byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
71  virtual void VPCALL CmpLT( byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
72  virtual void VPCALL CmpLE( byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
73  virtual void VPCALL CmpLE( byte *dst, const byte bitNum, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count );
75  virtual void VPCALL MinMax( float &min, float &max, const float *src, const int count );
76  virtual void VPCALL MinMax( idVec2 &min, idVec2 &max, const idVec2 *src, const int count );
77  virtual void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idVec3 *src, const int count );
78  virtual void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert *src, const int count );
79  virtual void VPCALL MinMax( idVec3 &min, idVec3 &max, const idDrawVert *src, const int *indexes, const int count );
81  virtual void VPCALL Clamp( float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const float max, const int count );
82  virtual void VPCALL ClampMin( float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const int count );
83  virtual void VPCALL ClampMax( float *dst, const float *src, const float max, const int count );
85  virtual void VPCALL Memcpy( void *dst, const void *src, const int count );
86  virtual void VPCALL Memset( void *dst, const int val, const int count );
88  virtual void VPCALL Zero16( float *dst, const int count );
89  virtual void VPCALL Negate16( float *dst, const int count );
90  virtual void VPCALL Copy16( float *dst, const float *src, const int count );
91  virtual void VPCALL Add16( float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count );
92  virtual void VPCALL Sub16( float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count );
93  virtual void VPCALL Mul16( float *dst, const float *src1, const float constant, const int count );
94  virtual void VPCALL AddAssign16( float *dst, const float *src, const int count );
95  virtual void VPCALL SubAssign16( float *dst, const float *src, const int count );
96  virtual void VPCALL MulAssign16( float *dst, const float constant, const int count );
98  virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
99  virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyAddVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
100  virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplySubVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
101  virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
102  virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyAddVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
103  virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplySubVecX( idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec );
104  virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyMatX( idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2 );
105  virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyMatX( idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2 );
106  virtual void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolve( const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n, int skip = 0 );
107  virtual void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose( const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n );
108  virtual bool VPCALL MatX_LDLTFactor( idMatX &mat, idVecX &invDiag, const int n );
110  virtual void VPCALL BlendJoints( idJointQuat *joints, const idJointQuat *blendJoints, const float lerp, const int *index, const int numJoints );
111  virtual void VPCALL ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats( idJointMat *jointMats, const idJointQuat *jointQuats, const int numJoints );
112  virtual void VPCALL ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats( idJointQuat *jointQuats, const idJointMat *jointMats, const int numJoints );
113  virtual void VPCALL TransformJoints( idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint );
114  virtual void VPCALL UntransformJoints( idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint );
115  virtual void VPCALL TransformVerts( idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const idJointMat *joints, const idVec4 *weights, const int *index, const int numWeights );
116  virtual void VPCALL TracePointCull( byte *cullBits, byte &totalOr, const float radius, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
117  virtual void VPCALL DecalPointCull( byte *cullBits, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
118  virtual void VPCALL OverlayPointCull( byte *cullBits, idVec2 *texCoords, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
119  virtual void VPCALL DeriveTriPlanes( idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes );
120  virtual void VPCALL DeriveTangents( idPlane *planes, idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes );
121  virtual void VPCALL DeriveUnsmoothedTangents( idDrawVert *verts, const dominantTri_s *dominantTris, const int numVerts );
122  virtual void VPCALL NormalizeTangents( idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
123  virtual void VPCALL CreateTextureSpaceLightVectors( idVec3 *lightVectors, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes );
124  virtual void VPCALL CreateSpecularTextureCoords( idVec4 *texCoords, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes );
125  virtual int VPCALL CreateShadowCache( idVec4 *vertexCache, int *vertRemap, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
126  virtual int VPCALL CreateVertexProgramShadowCache( idVec4 *vertexCache, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts );
128  virtual void VPCALL UpSamplePCMTo44kHz( float *dest, const short *pcm, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels );
129  virtual void VPCALL UpSampleOGGTo44kHz( float *dest, const float * const *ogg, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels );
130  virtual void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerMono( float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2] );
131  virtual void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerStereo( float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2] );
132  virtual void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerMono( float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6] );
133  virtual void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerStereo( float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6] );
134  virtual void VPCALL MixedSoundToSamples( short *samples, const float *mixBuffer, const int numSamples );
135 };
137 #endif /* !__MATH_SIMD_GENERIC_H__ */
virtual void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolve(const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n, int skip=0)
virtual void VPCALL CreateSpecularTextureCoords(idVec4 *texCoords, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idVec3 &viewOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)
virtual void VPCALL TransformVerts(idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const idJointMat *joints, const idVec4 *weights, const int *index, const int numWeights)
#define min(a, b)
virtual void VPCALL AddAssign16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)
const GLbyte * weights
Definition: glext.h:3273
virtual void VPCALL Dot(float *dst, const idVec3 &constant, const idVec3 *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL BlendJoints(idJointQuat *joints, const idJointQuat *blendJoints, const float lerp, const int *index, const int numJoints)
virtual void VPCALL Memset(void *dst, const int val, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MixedSoundToSamples(short *samples, const float *mixBuffer, const int numSamples)
GLenum GLsizei n
Definition: glext.h:3705
virtual void VPCALL ClampMax(float *dst, const float *src, const float max, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL Memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyAddVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
Definition: Vector.h:316
virtual void VPCALL TracePointCull(byte *cullBits, byte &totalOr, const float radius, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL Add(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL CmpGE(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerStereo(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2])
GLuint src
Definition: glext.h:5390
virtual void VPCALL MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose(const idMatX &L, float *x, const float *b, const int n)
GLenum GLint x
Definition: glext.h:2849
virtual void VPCALL Sub16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL ClampMin(float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL DeriveUnsmoothedTangents(idDrawVert *verts, const dominantTri_s *dominantTris, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
virtual void VPCALL MulAssign16(float *dst, const float constant, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MixSoundTwoSpeakerMono(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[2], const float currentV[2])
GLuint dst
Definition: glext.h:5285
GLuint GLuint GLsizei count
Definition: glext.h:2845
Definition: Vector.h:52
virtual void VPCALL OverlayPointCull(byte *cullBits, idVec2 *texCoords, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL Negate16(float *dst, const int count)
GLuint index
Definition: glext.h:3476
Definition: Vector.h:808
virtual void VPCALL DecalPointCull(byte *cullBits, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL SubAssign16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyAddVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplyMatX(idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2)
virtual void VPCALL CmpLE(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyMatX(idMatX &dst, const idMatX &m1, const idMatX &m2)
virtual void VPCALL Div(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL ConvertJointQuatsToJointMats(idJointMat *jointMats, const idJointQuat *jointQuats, const int numJoints)
Definition: Plane.h:71
Definition: eax4.h:1413
virtual void VPCALL DeriveTriPlanes(idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)
virtual bool VPCALL MatX_LDLTFactor(idMatX &mat, idVecX &invDiag, const int n)
virtual void VPCALL MulSub(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplyVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
virtual void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerStereo(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6])
GLubyte GLubyte b
Definition: glext.h:4662
virtual void VPCALL MixSoundSixSpeakerMono(float *mixBuffer, const float *samples, const int numSamples, const float lastV[6], const float currentV[6])
virtual void VPCALL CreateTextureSpaceLightVectors(idVec3 *lightVectors, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)
virtual void VPCALL UpSamplePCMTo44kHz(float *dest, const short *pcm, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels)
virtual void VPCALL DeriveTangents(idPlane *planes, idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts, const int *indexes, const int numIndexes)
virtual void VPCALL Mul16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float constant, const int count)
unsigned char byte
Definition: Lib.h:75
virtual int VPCALL CreateShadowCache(idVec4 *vertexCache, int *vertRemap, const idVec3 &lightOrigin, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL Zero16(float *dst, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL Mul(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL NormalizeTangents(idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
idVertexCache vertexCache
Definition: VertexCache.cpp:41
virtual void VPCALL Clamp(float *dst, const float *src, const float min, const float max, const int count)
#define VPCALL
Definition: Simd.h:63
virtual void VPCALL UntransformJoints(idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint)
float dot(float a[], float b[])
Definition: Model_lwo.cpp:3883
virtual int VPCALL CreateVertexProgramShadowCache(idVec4 *vertexCache, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)
virtual void VPCALL ConvertJointMatsToJointQuats(idJointQuat *jointQuats, const idJointMat *jointMats, const int numJoints)
virtual void VPCALL MulAdd(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_MultiplySubVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
virtual void VPCALL MatX_TransposeMultiplySubVecX(idVecX &dst, const idMatX &mat, const idVecX &vec)
#define max(x, y)
Definition: os.h:70
virtual void VPCALL MinMax(float &min, float &max, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL Copy16(float *dst, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL Sub(float *dst, const float constant, const float *src, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL TransformJoints(idJointMat *jointMats, const int *parents, const int firstJoint, const int lastJoint)
virtual void VPCALL CmpLT(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL Add16(float *dst, const float *src1, const float *src2, const int count)
virtual void VPCALL UpSampleOGGTo44kHz(float *dest, const float *const *ogg, const int numSamples, const int kHz, const int numChannels)
virtual void VPCALL CmpGT(byte *dst, const float *src0, const float constant, const int count)
virtual const char *VPCALL GetName(void) const