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1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Doom 3 GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
9 Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <>.
22 In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
29 #include "../idlib/precompiled.h"
30 #pragma hdrstop
32 #include "tr_local.h"
33 #include "Model_local.h"
35 // decalFade filter 5 0.1
36 // polygonOffset
37 // {
38 // map invertColor( textures/splat )
40 // vertexColor
41 // clamp
42 // }
44 /*
45 ==================
46 idRenderModelDecal::idRenderModelDecal
47 ==================
48 */
50  memset( &tri, 0, sizeof( tri ) );
51  tri.verts = verts;
53  material = NULL;
54  nextDecal = NULL;
55 }
57 /*
58 ==================
59 idRenderModelDecal::~idRenderModelDecal
60 ==================
61 */
63 }
65 /*
66 ==================
67 idRenderModelDecal::idRenderModelDecal
68 ==================
69 */
71  return new idRenderModelDecal;
72 }
74 /*
75 ==================
76 idRenderModelDecal::idRenderModelDecal
77 ==================
78 */
80  delete decal;
81 }
83 /*
84 =================
85 idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo
86 =================
87 */
88 bool idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo( decalProjectionInfo_t &info, const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime ) {
90  if ( winding.GetNumPoints() != NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 2 ) {
91  common->Printf( "idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo: winding must have %d points\n", NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 2 );
92  return false;
93  }
95  assert( material != NULL );
97  info.projectionOrigin = projectionOrigin;
98  info.material = material;
99  info.parallel = parallel;
100  info.fadeDepth = fadeDepth;
101  info.startTime = startTime;
102  info.force = false;
104  // get the winding plane and the depth of the projection volume
105  idPlane windingPlane;
106  winding.GetPlane( windingPlane );
107  float depth = windingPlane.Distance( projectionOrigin );
109  // find the bounds for the projection
110  winding.GetBounds( info.projectionBounds );
111  if ( parallel ) {
112  info.projectionBounds.ExpandSelf( depth );
113  } else {
114  info.projectionBounds.AddPoint( projectionOrigin );
115  }
117  // calculate the world space projection volume bounding planes, positive sides face outside the decal
118  if ( parallel ) {
119  for ( int i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
120  idVec3 edge = winding[(i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints()].ToVec3() - winding[i].ToVec3();
121  info.boundingPlanes[i].Normal().Cross( windingPlane.Normal(), edge );
122  info.boundingPlanes[i].Normalize();
123  info.boundingPlanes[i].FitThroughPoint( winding[i].ToVec3() );
124  }
125  } else {
126  for ( int i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
127  info.boundingPlanes[i].FromPoints( projectionOrigin, winding[i].ToVec3(), winding[(i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints()].ToVec3() );
128  }
129  }
130  info.boundingPlanes[NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 2] = windingPlane;
132  info.boundingPlanes[NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 1] = -windingPlane;
134  // fades will be from these plane
135  info.fadePlanes[0] = windingPlane;
136  info.fadePlanes[0][3] -= fadeDepth;
137  info.fadePlanes[1] = -windingPlane;
138  info.fadePlanes[1][3] += depth - fadeDepth;
140  // calculate the texture vectors for the winding
141  float len, texArea, inva;
142  idVec3 temp;
143  idVec5 d0, d1;
145  const idVec5 &a = winding[0];
146  const idVec5 &b = winding[1];
147  const idVec5 &c = winding[2];
149  d0 = b.ToVec3() - a.ToVec3();
150  d0.s = b.s - a.s;
151  d0.t = b.t - a.t;
152  d1 = c.ToVec3() - a.ToVec3();
153  d1.s = c.s - a.s;
154  d1.t = c.t - a.t;
156  texArea = ( d0[3] * d1[4] ) - ( d0[4] * d1[3] );
157  inva = 1.0f / texArea;
159  temp[0] = ( d0[0] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[0] ) * inva;
160  temp[1] = ( d0[1] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[1] ) * inva;
161  temp[2] = ( d0[2] * d1[4] - d0[4] * d1[2] ) * inva;
162  len = temp.Normalize();
163  info.textureAxis[0].Normal() = temp * ( 1.0f / len );
164  info.textureAxis[0][3] = winding[0].s - ( winding[0].ToVec3() * info.textureAxis[0].Normal() );
166  temp[0] = ( d0[3] * d1[0] - d0[0] * d1[3] ) * inva;
167  temp[1] = ( d0[3] * d1[1] - d0[1] * d1[3] ) * inva;
168  temp[2] = ( d0[3] * d1[2] - d0[2] * d1[3] ) * inva;
169  len = temp.Normalize();
170  info.textureAxis[1].Normal() = temp * ( 1.0f / len );
171  info.textureAxis[1][3] = winding[0].t - ( winding[0].ToVec3() * info.textureAxis[1].Normal() );
173  return true;
174 }
176 /*
177 =================
178 idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo
179 =================
180 */
182  float modelMatrix[16];
184  R_AxisToModelMatrix( axis, origin, modelMatrix );
186  for ( int j = 0; j < NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES; j++ ) {
187  R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.boundingPlanes[j], localInfo.boundingPlanes[j] );
188  }
189  R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.fadePlanes[0], localInfo.fadePlanes[0] );
190  R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.fadePlanes[1], localInfo.fadePlanes[1] );
191  R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.textureAxis[0], localInfo.textureAxis[0] );
192  R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( modelMatrix, info.textureAxis[1], localInfo.textureAxis[1] );
193  R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, info.projectionOrigin, localInfo.projectionOrigin );
194  localInfo.projectionBounds = info.projectionBounds;
195  localInfo.projectionBounds.TranslateSelf( -origin );
196  localInfo.projectionBounds.RotateSelf( axis.Transpose() );
197  localInfo.material = info.material;
198  localInfo.parallel = info.parallel;
199  localInfo.fadeDepth = info.fadeDepth;
200  localInfo.startTime = info.startTime;
201  localInfo.force = info.force;
202 }
204 /*
205 =================
206 idRenderModelDecal::AddWinding
207 =================
208 */
209 void idRenderModelDecal::AddWinding( const idWinding &w, const idMaterial *decalMaterial, const idPlane fadePlanes[2], float fadeDepth, int startTime ) {
210  int i;
211  float invFadeDepth, fade;
212  decalInfo_t decalInfo;
214  if ( ( material == NULL || material == decalMaterial ) &&
216  tri.numIndexes + ( w.GetNumPoints() - 2 ) * 3 < MAX_DECAL_INDEXES ) {
218  material = decalMaterial;
220  // add to this decal
221  decalInfo = material->GetDecalInfo();
222  invFadeDepth = -1.0f / fadeDepth;
224  for ( i = 0; i < w.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
225  fade = fadePlanes[0].Distance( w[i].ToVec3() ) * invFadeDepth;
226  if ( fade < 0.0f ) {
227  fade = fadePlanes[1].Distance( w[i].ToVec3() ) * invFadeDepth;
228  }
229  if ( fade < 0.0f ) {
230  fade = 0.0f;
231  } else if ( fade > 0.99f ) {
232  fade = 1.0f;
233  }
234  fade = 1.0f - fade;
235  vertDepthFade[tri.numVerts + i] = fade;
236  tri.verts[tri.numVerts + i].xyz = w[i].ToVec3();
237  tri.verts[tri.numVerts + i].st[0] = w[i].s;
238  tri.verts[tri.numVerts + i].st[1] = w[i].t;
239  for ( int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) {
240  int icolor = idMath::FtoiFast( decalInfo.start[k] * fade * 255.0f );
241  if ( icolor < 0 ) {
242  icolor = 0;
243  } else if ( icolor > 255 ) {
244  icolor = 255;
245  }
246  tri.verts[tri.numVerts + i].color[k] = icolor;
247  }
248  }
249  for ( i = 2; i < w.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
251  tri.indexes[tri.numIndexes + 1] = tri.numVerts + i - 1;
255  indexStartTime[tri.numIndexes + 2] = startTime;
256  tri.numIndexes += 3;
257  }
258  tri.numVerts += w.GetNumPoints();
259  return;
260  }
262  // if we are at the end of the list, create a new decal
263  if ( !nextDecal ) {
265  }
266  // let the next decal on the chain take a look
267  nextDecal->AddWinding( w, decalMaterial, fadePlanes, fadeDepth, startTime );
268 }
270 /*
271 =================
272 idRenderModelDecal::AddDepthFadedWinding
273 =================
274 */
275 void idRenderModelDecal::AddDepthFadedWinding( const idWinding &w, const idMaterial *decalMaterial, const idPlane fadePlanes[2], float fadeDepth, int startTime ) {
276  idFixedWinding front, back;
278  front = w;
279  if ( front.Split( &back, fadePlanes[0], 0.1f ) == SIDE_CROSS ) {
280  AddWinding( back, decalMaterial, fadePlanes, fadeDepth, startTime );
281  }
283  if ( front.Split( &back, fadePlanes[1], 0.1f ) == SIDE_CROSS ) {
284  AddWinding( back, decalMaterial, fadePlanes, fadeDepth, startTime );
285  }
287  AddWinding( front, decalMaterial, fadePlanes, fadeDepth, startTime );
288 }
290 /*
291 =================
292 idRenderModelDecal::CreateDecal
293 =================
294 */
297  // check all model surfaces
298  for ( int surfNum = 0; surfNum < model->NumSurfaces(); surfNum++ ) {
299  const modelSurface_t *surf = model->Surface( surfNum );
301  // if no geometry or no shader
302  if ( !surf->geometry || !surf->shader ) {
303  continue;
304  }
306  // decals and overlays use the same rules
307  if ( !localInfo.force && !surf->shader->AllowOverlays() ) {
308  continue;
309  }
311  srfTriangles_t *stri = surf->geometry;
313  // if the triangle bounds do not overlap with projection bounds
314  if ( !localInfo.projectionBounds.IntersectsBounds( stri->bounds ) ) {
315  continue;
316  }
318  // allocate memory for the cull bits
319  byte *cullBits = (byte *)_alloca16( stri->numVerts * sizeof( cullBits[0] ) );
321  // catagorize all points by the planes
322  SIMDProcessor->DecalPointCull( cullBits, localInfo.boundingPlanes, stri->verts, stri->numVerts );
324  // find triangles inside the projection volume
325  for ( int triNum = 0, index = 0; index < stri->numIndexes; index += 3, triNum++ ) {
326  int v1 = stri->indexes[index+0];
327  int v2 = stri->indexes[index+1];
328  int v3 = stri->indexes[index+2];
330  // skip triangles completely off one side
331  if ( cullBits[v1] & cullBits[v2] & cullBits[v3] ) {
332  continue;
333  }
335  // skip back facing triangles
336  if ( stri->facePlanes && stri->facePlanesCalculated &&
337  stri->facePlanes[triNum].Normal() * localInfo.boundingPlanes[NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 2].Normal() < -0.1f ) {
338  continue;
339  }
341  // create a winding with texture coordinates for the triangle
342  idFixedWinding fw;
343  fw.SetNumPoints( 3 );
344  if ( localInfo.parallel ) {
345  for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
346  fw[j] = stri->verts[stri->indexes[index+j]].xyz;
347  fw[j].s = localInfo.textureAxis[0].Distance( fw[j].ToVec3() );
348  fw[j].t = localInfo.textureAxis[1].Distance( fw[j].ToVec3() );
349  }
350  } else {
351  for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
352  idVec3 dir;
353  float scale;
355  fw[j] = stri->verts[stri->indexes[index+j]].xyz;
356  dir = fw[j].ToVec3() - localInfo.projectionOrigin;
357  localInfo.boundingPlanes[NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES - 1].RayIntersection( fw[j].ToVec3(), dir, scale );
358  dir = fw[j].ToVec3() + scale * dir;
359  fw[j].s = localInfo.textureAxis[0].Distance( dir );
360  fw[j].t = localInfo.textureAxis[1].Distance( dir );
361  }
362  }
364  int orBits = cullBits[v1] | cullBits[v2] | cullBits[v3];
366  // clip the exact surface triangle to the projection volume
367  for ( int j = 0; j < NUM_DECAL_BOUNDING_PLANES; j++ ) {
368  if ( orBits & ( 1 << j ) ) {
369  if ( !fw.ClipInPlace( -localInfo.boundingPlanes[j] ) ) {
370  break;
371  }
372  }
373  }
375  if ( fw.GetNumPoints() == 0 ) {
376  continue;
377  }
379  AddDepthFadedWinding( fw, localInfo.material, localInfo.fadePlanes, localInfo.fadeDepth, localInfo.startTime );
380  }
381  }
382 }
384 /*
385 =====================
386 idRenderModelDecal::RemoveFadedDecals
387 =====================
388 */
390  int i, j, minTime, newNumIndexes, newNumVerts;
391  int inUse[MAX_DECAL_VERTS];
392  decalInfo_t decalInfo;
395  if ( decals == NULL ) {
396  return NULL;
397  }
399  // recursively free any next decals
400  decals->nextDecal = RemoveFadedDecals( decals->nextDecal, time );
402  // free the decals if no material set
403  if ( decals->material == NULL ) {
404  nextDecal = decals->nextDecal;
405  Free( decals );
406  return nextDecal;
407  }
409  decalInfo = decals->material->GetDecalInfo();
410  minTime = time - ( decalInfo.stayTime + decalInfo.fadeTime );
412  newNumIndexes = 0;
413  for ( i = 0; i < decals->tri.numIndexes; i += 3 ) {
414  if ( decals->indexStartTime[i] > minTime ) {
415  // keep this triangle
416  if ( newNumIndexes != i ) {
417  for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
418  decals->tri.indexes[newNumIndexes+j] = decals->tri.indexes[i+j];
419  decals->indexStartTime[newNumIndexes+j] = decals->indexStartTime[i+j];
420  }
421  }
422  newNumIndexes += 3;
423  }
424  }
426  // free the decals if all trianges faded away
427  if ( newNumIndexes == 0 ) {
428  nextDecal = decals->nextDecal;
429  Free( decals );
430  return nextDecal;
431  }
433  decals->tri.numIndexes = newNumIndexes;
435  memset( inUse, 0, sizeof( inUse ) );
436  for ( i = 0; i < decals->tri.numIndexes; i++ ) {
437  inUse[decals->tri.indexes[i]] = 1;
438  }
440  newNumVerts = 0;
441  for ( i = 0; i < decals->tri.numVerts; i++ ) {
442  if ( !inUse[i] ) {
443  continue;
444  }
445  decals->tri.verts[newNumVerts] = decals->tri.verts[i];
446  decals->vertDepthFade[newNumVerts] = decals->vertDepthFade[i];
447  inUse[i] = newNumVerts;
448  newNumVerts++;
449  }
450  decals->tri.numVerts = newNumVerts;
452  for ( i = 0; i < decals->tri.numIndexes; i++ ) {
453  decals->tri.indexes[i] = inUse[decals->tri.indexes[i]];
454  }
456  return decals;
457 }
459 /*
460 =====================
461 idRenderModelDecal::AddDecalDrawSurf
462 =====================
463 */
465  int i, j, maxTime;
466  float f;
467  decalInfo_t decalInfo;
469  if ( tri.numIndexes == 0 ) {
470  return;
471  }
473  // fade down all the verts with time
474  decalInfo = material->GetDecalInfo();
475  maxTime = decalInfo.stayTime + decalInfo.fadeTime;
477  // set vertex colors and remove faded triangles
478  for ( i = 0 ; i < tri.numIndexes ; i += 3 ) {
479  int deltaTime = tr.viewDef->renderView.time - indexStartTime[i];
481  if ( deltaTime > maxTime ) {
482  continue;
483  }
485  if ( deltaTime <= decalInfo.stayTime ) {
486  continue;
487  }
489  deltaTime -= decalInfo.stayTime;
490  f = (float)deltaTime / decalInfo.fadeTime;
492  for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
493  int ind = tri.indexes[i+j];
495  for ( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) {
496  float fcolor = decalInfo.start[k] + ( decalInfo.end[k] - decalInfo.start[k] ) * f;
497  int icolor = idMath::FtoiFast( fcolor * vertDepthFade[ind] * 255.0f );
498  if ( icolor < 0 ) {
499  icolor = 0;
500  } else if ( icolor > 255 ) {
501  icolor = 255;
502  }
503  tri.verts[ind].color[k] = icolor;
504  }
505  }
506  }
508  // copy the tri and indexes to temp heap memory,
509  // because if we are running multi-threaded, we wouldn't
510  // be able to reorganize the index list
511  srfTriangles_t *newTri = (srfTriangles_t *)R_FrameAlloc( sizeof( *newTri ) );
512  *newTri = tri;
514  // copy the current vertexes to temp vertex cache
517  // create the drawsurf
518  R_AddDrawSurf( newTri, space, &space->entityDef->parms, material, space->scissorRect );
519 }
521 /*
522 ====================
523 idRenderModelDecal::ReadFromDemoFile
524 ====================
525 */
527  // FIXME: implement
528 }
530 /*
531 ====================
532 idRenderModelDecal::WriteToDemoFile
533 ====================
534 */
536  // FIXME: implement
537 }
void GetBounds(idBounds &bounds) const
Definition: Winding.cpp:700
idBounds & TranslateSelf(const idVec3 &translation)
Definition: Bounds.h:336
float Normalize(void)
Definition: Vector.h:646
float end[4]
Definition: Material.h:67
bool FromPoints(const idVec3 &p1, const idVec3 &p2, const idVec3 &p3, bool fixDegenerate=true)
Definition: Plane.h:279
const idVec3 & Normal(void) const
Definition: Plane.h:239
idBounds projectionBounds
Definition: ModelDecal.h:51
#define SIDE_CROSS
Definition: Plane.h:50
void ReadFromDemoFile(class idDemoFile *f)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:526
int numVerts
Definition: Model.h:98
static bool CreateProjectionInfo(decalProjectionInfo_t &info, const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:88
float t
Definition: Vector.h:1072
void R_AddDrawSurf(const srfTriangles_t *tri, const viewEntity_t *space, const renderEntity_t *renderEntity, const idMaterial *shader, const idScreenRect &scissor)
Definition: tr_light.cpp:1183
idBounds & RotateSelf(const idMat3 &rotation)
Definition: Bounds.h:348
const idVec3 & ToVec3(void) const
Definition: Vector.h:1135
GLenum GLenum GLenum GLenum GLenum scale
Definition: glext.h:4804
idMat3 Transpose(void) const
Definition: Matrix.h:677
float Distance(const idVec3 &v) const
Definition: Plane.h:324
idVec3 xyz
Definition: DrawVert.h:42
int indexStartTime[MAX_DECAL_INDEXES]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:102
const idMaterial * shader
Definition: Model.h:146
decalInfo_t GetDecalInfo(void) const
Definition: Material.h:537
Definition: Vector.h:316
case const float
Definition: Callbacks.cpp:62
bool facePlanesCalculated
Definition: Model.h:93
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
Definition: glext.h:2878
idPlane * facePlanes
Definition: Model.h:115
void AddDepthFadedWinding(const idWinding &w, const idMaterial *decalMaterial, const idPlane fadePlanes[2], float fadeDepth, int startTime)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:275
srfTriangles_t tri
Definition: ModelDecal.h:98
GLenum GLsizei len
Definition: glext.h:3472
idVec3 Cross(const idVec3 &a) const
Definition: Vector.h:619
struct vertCache_s * ambientCache
Definition: Model.h:137
int i
int Split(idFixedWinding *back, const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon=ON_EPSILON)
Definition: Winding.cpp:1484
static const int MAX_DECAL_INDEXES
Definition: ModelDecal.h:95
int fadeTime
Definition: Material.h:65
bool AllowOverlays(void) const
Definition: Material.h:422
bool AddPoint(const idVec3 &v)
Definition: Bounds.h:226
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v2
Definition: glext.h:3608
idVec2 st
Definition: DrawVert.h:43
const idMaterial * material
Definition: ModelDecal.h:97
Definition: ModelDecal.h:47
int stayTime
Definition: Material.h:64
idPlane boundingPlanes[6]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:52
void WriteToDemoFile(class idDemoFile *f) const
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:535
int GetNumPoints(void) const
Definition: Winding.h:238
GLuint index
Definition: glext.h:3476
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:4677
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glext.h:3454
static const int MAX_DECAL_VERTS
Definition: ModelDecal.h:94
static int FtoiFast(float f)
Definition: Math.h:801
const idMaterial * material
Definition: ModelDecal.h:55
idBounds bounds
Definition: Model.h:87
renderView_t renderView
Definition: tr_local.h:370
idCommon * common
Definition: Common.cpp:206
void AddWinding(const idWinding &w, const idMaterial *decalMaterial, const idPlane fadePlanes[2], float fadeDepth, int startTime)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:209
#define NULL
Definition: Lib.h:88
srfTriangles_t * geometry
Definition: Model.h:147
virtual const modelSurface_t * Surface(int surfaceNum) const =0
void GetPlane(idVec3 &normal, float &dist) const
Definition: Winding.cpp:656
Definition: Plane.h:71
idPlane fadePlanes[2]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:53
void AddDecalDrawSurf(struct viewEntity_s *space)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:464
idScreenRect scissorRect
Definition: tr_local.h:355
idRenderEntityLocal * entityDef
Definition: tr_local.h:348
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte a
Definition: glext.h:4662
bool RayIntersection(const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale) const
Definition: Plane.h:359
virtual void Printf(const char *fmt,...) id_attribute((format(printf
float Normalize(bool fixDegenerate=true)
Definition: Plane.h:247
vertCache_t * AllocFrameTemp(void *data, int bytes)
GLfloat GLfloat v1
Definition: glext.h:3607
GLubyte GLubyte b
Definition: glext.h:4662
static idRenderModelDecal * RemoveFadedDecals(idRenderModelDecal *decals, int time)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:389
float start[4]
Definition: Material.h:66
void R_GlobalPointToLocal(const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec3 &in, idVec3 &out)
Definition: tr_main.cpp:522
viewDef_t * viewDef
Definition: tr_local.h:786
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v3
Definition: glext.h:3609
float vertDepthFade[MAX_DECAL_VERTS]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:100
Definition: Matrix.h:333
tuple f
unsigned char byte
Definition: Lib.h:75
bool IntersectsBounds(const idBounds &a) const
Definition: Bounds.h:361
void CreateDecal(const idRenderModel *model, const decalProjectionInfo_t &localInfo)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:295
byte color[4]
Definition: DrawVert.h:46
void * R_FrameAlloc(int bytes)
Definition: tr_main.cpp:365
glIndex_t * indexes
Definition: Model.h:102
idVertexCache vertexCache
Definition: VertexCache.cpp:41
idRenderSystemLocal tr
static idRenderModelDecal * Alloc(void)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:70
static void GlobalProjectionInfoToLocal(decalProjectionInfo_t &localInfo, const decalProjectionInfo_t &info, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:181
idDrawVert verts[MAX_DECAL_VERTS]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:99
GLint j
Definition: qgl.h:264
idBounds & ExpandSelf(const float d)
Definition: Bounds.h:322
int numIndexes
Definition: Model.h:101
glIndex_t indexes[MAX_DECAL_INDEXES]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:101
idRenderModelDecal * nextDecal
Definition: ModelDecal.h:103
renderEntity_t parms
Definition: tr_local.h:251
idPlane textureAxis[2]
Definition: ModelDecal.h:54
void R_AxisToModelMatrix(const idMat3 &axis, const idVec3 &origin, float modelMatrix[16])
Definition: tr_main.cpp:445
bool ClipInPlace(const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon=ON_EPSILON, const bool keepOn=false)
Definition: Winding.cpp:349
float s
Definition: Vector.h:1071
void R_GlobalPlaneToLocal(const float modelMatrix[16], const idPlane &in, idPlane &out)
Definition: tr_main.cpp:547
idDrawVert * verts
Definition: Model.h:99
virtual void VPCALL DecalPointCull(byte *cullBits, const idPlane *planes, const idDrawVert *verts, const int numVerts)=0
static void Free(idRenderModelDecal *decal)
Definition: ModelDecal.cpp:79
void SetNumPoints(int n)
Definition: Winding.h:242
void FitThroughPoint(const idVec3 &p)
Definition: Plane.h:297
idSIMDProcessor * SIMDProcessor
Definition: Simd.cpp:43
virtual int NumSurfaces() const =0